What's the most important timezone, online?

What's the most important timezone, online?
What should it be? Should there be a universal internet time?

Attached: timezone-map5.png (750x500, 383K)



Having two times (Real time and internet time) sounds stupid. Everyone just needs to stick to UTC time to stop any confusion. 13:00 UTC, 13:00 UTC+1 or 13:00 UTC+6 etc should be added to the end of all times so you know which zone it's in. All you need to do is remember which zone you're in. It's easy.
And stick to 24 hour clock for god's sake.

GMT is UTC but with the dumb summer time added. No need to make every one else use that.

>And stick to 24 hour clock for god's sake.
>military time

12 hour clocks are for little children and adds to confusion when people forget to add am/pm.

>What's the most important timezone, online?
The one you're in.
>What should it be?
The one you're in.
>Should there be a universal internet time?

Just get rid of timezones altogether. What difference does it make whether your clock shows 06:00 or 14:00 when you get up at sunrise?

CET is objectively the most important.

I agree with this but most people are too set in their ways to change something as big as that. Honestly after a couple of months you'd get used to it.

unix epoch

Plenty civilized countries use it as default.
Plus it avoids retardation like 11 PM being followed by 12 AM being followed by 1 AM.

There already was a universal Internet time invented, Swatch Internet Beat Time ("beat time"). The designation is BMT.

8:00 AM New York is @583 BMT.

5:00 PM New York is @958 BMT.

And what a dud that was.


>GMT is UTC but with the dumb summer time added
no that's BST

Beat time was also what my father called nights when he was feeling especially down.

This. 12h is shit

I mean, my +4 changes depending on daylight savings. Most people don't even know what their time zone's UTC number is.

What was getting beat? Himself, you, his meat, your meat, beating each other off?

Please, PLEASE, just use UTC. Not EST, MST or whatever whit you fucks come up with. Use fucking UTC

Unix time

+9 and +10 are the most important timezones for various reasons.

when i was playing eve online and managing a corporation we just did everything in GMT, which was eve server time as well. we had no problems organizing americans, australians, serbs, and russians all playing at the same time, just follow GMT

>What's the most important timezone, online?
CEST, of course.

jesus christ i know daylight savings is retarded but its literally one hour and its within the same date range every year and has been for a century

>Swatch Internet Beat Time
>Instead of hours and minutes, the mean solar day is divided into 1000 parts called ".beats". Each .beat is equal to one decimal minute in the French Revolutionary decimal time system

you've got to be shitting me. somehow they didn't consider that a time system the french tried to implement for a decade and then abandoned more than two centuries ago MIGHT have been completely unusable? jesus christ

>Should there be a universal internet time
UTC you fucking autist

UTC should be assumed, but wherever possible, you should specify a times' timezone (+0000)


AM is burger retardation when the rest of the world uses standard 24 hour clock.

I'm glad the EU is planning to abolish summer-winter time.

But you still have to calculate the time diff if you want to communicate in real time with someone if a distant place.


Biel/Bienne mean time