Use visual studio code for a few months

>use visual studio code for a few months
>fuck up my install while drunk yesterday
>hmm, maybe I can configure this shit for the last time if it has something like init.vim
>it doesn't

What the actual fuck. Am I supposed to configure this every time ?

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IDEs and fancy text editors are a crutch

Read a book


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I hate electron editors as much as the next guy, but isn't vscode configured from a JSON file?

Visual studio code keeps its settings in .json files no different from init.vim.

Nogs don't wipe.

Oil drillers get the rope.

vscode puts their shit in ~/.config/Code

Cumskins don't wipe.


They instead use bidets while Amerimutts smear shit everywhere on their gigantic christmas hams that they call buttocks with paper.

>how do I use google holy shit im so retarded
Visual Studio Community may be more your style if you can't handle managing a few json configuration files.

Ok, let me be clear to all you retarded microshill mutts.
A fucking json file is nothing compared to what is available to other editors you dumbfuck cumbrains.
With vimrc/init.vim you can have it so it automatically intalls all the plugins if they're not there at startup.
If you tell me I can do that with the json file I'm killing myself.
And no I'm not backing up the whole config directory Visual Niggers uses.

I actually found this, so I think it will suffice.

>not being able to work with JSON
>only a handful of basic elements types to learn
>allows for infinitely complex models using simple nesting of elements
>makes 10x more sense and is less error prone than flat/whitespace-delimited config cancer like yaml
>can be trivially serialized into and out of concrete types using your desired OO language of choice
I believe YOU might be the retarded one

What the fuck are you talking about ?

Why do people get so frustrated when they can't handle simple computer tasks? I honestly never understand this reaction.

Nice blog post. Just stop using it and go back to Vim if you don't like it. What's your problem?

I bet her braps has a sweet fried chicken aroma to them

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what's the point in baiting when you can't understand what I'm talking about

user, he is asking if plugins in the config.json will automatically reinstall after a reinstalling code.

If this is possible, the edgelord will kill himself. Which is great, so I hope vscode has this feature. If it doesn't, shame.

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