>muh freedom
Muh freedom
5 microsoft credit points have been added tp your accunt.
Oh hey I didn't know intellectual property rights means you get to spy on my private activities and force me to install updates that I don't want and never asked for.
>respect my intellectual rights while I disrespect your privacy and hand over your information to a treasonous government and multinational mammonist corporations which will most likely result one day in the hands of your future employer and if they don't like what they see you won't get a job
>thanks for the fair and honest trade
Blacks your path with a perfect image meme
Then vote with your money, tell the companies who do this to get fucked. If there are no alternatives, that means there is a gap in the market and someone could make a lot of money filling it
We voted with our money and you made this thread
>t. unemployed basement-dwelling detached virgin neckbeard
Boomers should be banned from ever using Windows. They need to pay the premium and get MacOS.
It's absurd how much constant maintenance Windows require. Leave a boomer with it for 3 months, come back and see all the notifications popping up everywhere, adware that came from god knows where, pointless shit running in the background etc.
I was helping my dad with something and he was getting notifications popping up every minute from fucking facebook and random news sites even though chrome was not being used. Like how the fuck does that even happen? I don't understand how they became market leaders, it's such a bad system for casual users. I wonder how much ram you would need to run windows smoothly with all the telemetry, auto updates, background apps and live tiles enabled.
5 googol pts have been added to your android wallet
>dislike product X
>don't buy X
>buy Y instead which you like
>X goes bankrupt
t. Mammonist slave, which you actually are if you support such practices, whereas you can only project and meme like a little consumerist child trying to fit in with the largest Reddit terminology
you said mammonist twice, so let me add "poor" to my previous post.
>implying mammonism isn't directly caused by poverty
the jpeg artifacts say it all
whose going bankrupt again?
retard alert
>Freedom is bad
>communist neckbeard
I wonder who's behind this post
>vote with your money
That's retarded bucko.
The OS is FORCED with the hardware you idiot
>he doesn't buy free (gratis) software
>No alternatives = gap in the market
Yeah lemme just go ahead and build an OS with an international ecosystem of billions of programs and decades of critical legacy software which is also preinstalled on 90% of consumer grade desktop hardware. Invisible hand of the free market shills are so dumb it's baffling.
the failing economical system is not the fault of the ideology of free software
Thank you. You now have 15 credits in the Microsoft store.
Shut up autist