
>Multiple Macs
Explain this Jow Forums.

Attached: high iq.jpg (1920x2144, 712K)

he doesn't have time to find a better system than a mac because he is doing astrophysicistsic stuff

He isn't a computer guy he is a physicist. There no expectation for him to be an expert with any sort of computing platform just that he can make his models and do his calculations with whatever software he has. Mac is the simplest LCD OS and so it's probably easy for him to use and understand. Plus he has the disposable income (grant money) to throw at apple products


Also, Apple is a cherished brand among boomers, most of them have been on the Apple train since the Macintosh.

Mac is the best linux machine

labs have to hire women these days


my physics professor uses mac but he doesn't do anything relevant on his computer.
NASA has used Debian
CERN uses CentOS
You can't make a lab with Macs.
Nor any relevant setup that isn't just a personal computer for facebook and notes

CERN and NASA use Linux on supercomputers and workstations. Watch any NASA or CERN stream and you'll see Macbooks everywhere.

Attached: 33778531212_54d822d5a1_b.jpg (1024x768, 232K)

A lot of professionals use Macs. The creator of Doom who recently released a new episode also used a Mac to make it

NASA uses literally anything to do the job. They use GNU, BSD, DOS, Windows and MacOS.

reliable software. loonix is the worse, and windows is better than loonix but still less reliable than osx.

>It just works
Its been made fun off but its true. Want a UNIX based machine thats simple to use and 80% will work with nicely? Pick mac. Not everyone wants to spend 3 hours on google looking why this one driver dosnt work only to find a stackoverflow page about it from 6 years ago on some distro you've never heard about. Also since everyone else uses it there exist a Mac eco system at the work place.Also people dont wanna spend 4 hours pissing about in a config file. Cost often dosent matter either cuz the company often pays it.

Guess what, physicists are physics nerds, not computer nerds.

Our teacher also gave linux crash courses to physics students, since they needed to know the bare minimum CLI if they wanted to use the supercomputer.

Notice too how the mac has only a gallery application open.
Because the image you are seeing in the screen is not generated on a mac.
Those are a bunch of orbits that need complex computational solutions.
He doesn't write the algorithms used to get to that solution and plot.
He's just reading the captured information from linux on his glorified facebook machine.
Complex mathematical methods are used to generate the plot, something your average physicist cumbrain can't do.

Unironically easier to mantain

>He's just reading the captured information from linux on his glorified facebook machine.
That's LITERALLY what any human working at CERN is doing. Do you think people are manually sorting out the trillions upon trillions of experiments being done? AI sorts out the data. Humans are given an image of the experiment, even if it's not a typical 2D image like you'd see online.

Attached: 1566596311701.png (288x331, 185K)


Actually, most cernfags use Macs as personal computers.

Judging by the old apple keyboard in the background in the first picture, this boomer probably bought a Mac back when they were actually good and just kept using them.

the point being that the computer doesn't matter.
the point being that macs even though inferior can be used by your average physicist cumbrain.
wow, what a nice argument for Mac.
idiot. you just confirmed they are trash that are only used as facebook machines

>Any computer can be used to perform this task
>Therefore Macs are facebook machines


These aren't new machines. You think they can choose what hardware (((state))) buys?