nice job security web devs!
Nice job security web devs!
this kills stuff like Webflow, not actual web devs
I'm implementing a 3D modelling application that lets you create 3D objects by pissing in the snow
this is old, very old. ive used something like that for bootstrap (version 2 i think) and while it worked most of the time it was nothing impressive (more complex stuff either got ignored or malformed). meh, code monkeys (it was coded by one, and wants to replace them) were never that smart to begin with
dont forget the smoke please
This works until you need something that adapts to the screen size.
you think the development is stopping here?
vw & vh
it's a cute project, but ultimately worthless. Actually deciding what you want it to look like, and how that fulfills your mission statement is the hard part in front end. and actually making it do events, connecting to the backend.
creating the boxes is the easiest task.
tick tock webshit
Is that a pajeet?
Jow Forums BTFO
i'm not web, but if you think writing a few is difficult you must be very new.
It's a good idea but for anything more complicated than a basic login form or landing page it's useless.
tick tock
Cool toy! Not useful.
I genuinely feel bad for web devs.
>literally minimum wage jobs
>0 respect from other programmers
>yet also 0 respect from non-programmers because they still consider you a nerd
>higher ups shit all over you because there is such a high supply of web devs (being one of the easiest fields in the industry)
>manchild 99% of the time
>"i'm a code ninja btw"
>mission statement
I can smell the s()y milk, Macbook and receding hairline from here.
>minimum wage jobs
>web devs
Where do you live ? Webdevs where I live have a great wage
Create another drawing for smaller screen size, and it will automatically change to that layout when screen size is smaller. Checkmate atheists
itt seething and desperate webdevs
learn real programming next time, anons
rofl yeah something tells me you are a webdev student.
Take my advice, user, study something else. I'm not saying this to put you down im saying it to warn you.
>rofl yeah something tells me you are a webdev student
Actually I've been a frontend developer for 4 years now and I do pretty well. Maybe you simply don't know what you're talking about.
front end salaries are publicly available info, they make just as much. Jow Forums is butthurt that normies are invading, because being good at coding was the only advantage you had and now normies are taking that too.
im a front end dev and i make more than embedded software guys i know
>Maybe you simply don't know what you're talking about
you are actually delusional if you dont think the webdev market is over-saturated as fuck right now.
Also: webdevs might get "great" wages compared to garbageman or mailman jobs but i'm talking about compared to other jobs in the industry.
I seriously doubt.
But do site your sources, user.
You're right, I give up. Of course I'll wear my arms out re-re-re-re-recreating designs on a board instead of using some of 5000 wordpress templates.
in low level software development your worth usually grows exponentially with your experience. So newly graduates tend to get paid very low wages at first.
Or maybe your friend is just shit.
wow this thread really assblasted some webshits
>padding-right: 376px;
This kills the magic UI builder.
so.. a wysiwyg editor?