Why do GIMP and LibreOffice run like shit on Windows, but very fast on GNU/Linux? Is this intentionally sabotage by the FOSS community to make Windows look bad?
Why do GIMP and LibreOffice run like shit on Windows, but very fast on GNU/Linux...
is Windows the new tranny OS?
Probably because they were never tested on or optimized for Windows because they were made by out-of-touch GNU programmers.
2 reasons
-cause GIMP and libre office devs dont care as much about windows
-linux is generally faster
Things usually run faster on linux
Because windows users are all freeloaders who don't contribute back to open source.
They make the software for posix (linux, *bsd, mac) and then use compatibility layers or write functions for compatibility for windows, thus extra code needs to run on windows. This is the same thing lazy game devs do when they port games and then people complain the game runs like shit on the other platform or say linux is bad because of it
>Jerking the trigger
>Squeezing with thumb
>Second hand supporting weight instead of helping aim
She wouldn't hit shit. But at least she shot with both eyes open, so maybe there is hope.
Can you even get a recent version of GIMP on Windows?
Lazy devs. What they don't realize is millions of people trying out these software on Windows are potential linux users in the future.
That happens with a lot of programs. I recently read about how ghci has problems on windows because literally no one using Haskell uses Windows.
my wife Kayano Ai is so silly
Because "programming is easier on Linux" actually means using shit tons of libraries with little programming done by yourself. Porting GTK or whatever to Windows takes actual skill. You seem to have missed the memo though, Krita has made GIMP obsolete.
GNU actually gimps software for Windows out of sheer spite.
some things that linux devs are accustomed to being fast are just slower on windows. windows devs usually take that into account when developing, ported software doesn't.
essentially gtk is breddy much "native" (for want of a better word) on *nix and well maintained whereas the gtk port for windows isn't as well maintained and is a port.
The ports of libreoffice and gimp would probably run as smoothly on winows as linux if the gtk api & libs were better optimised for windows.
Does OP know how to write C? If so why not help rather than complain?
probably the shitty windows filesystem which is the same reason git runs like shit on windows
Yeaaa, on this machine Gimp took half a minute to start up in Windows, it was just scanning fonts and shit.
Loonux, you can start editing in 1.5 seconds.
>essentially gtk is breddy much "native" (for want of a better word) on *nix and well maintained whereas the gtk port for windows isn't as well maintained and is a port.
Is that Ishikawa?
launch gimp on windows with the -f option or some shit
Startup time being worse on Windows is mostly fs overhead, and partly the shared gtk lib already being loaded. But probably overwhelmingly the former considering I use KDE and even if GIMP is the first Gtk app I use it still launches super fast.
if you launch gimp without loading fonts on windows it goes from taking like 2 minutes to launch to taking like 10 seconds. as far as i am concerned this is a bug
I mean, I feel like that's standard for any software that uses fonts on Windows. VLC. Adobe stuff, etc. There's even a third-party font library tool I used to use that lets you only enable what fonts you want at a time. A shitty hack like that would never be necessary on Linux.
notice the same thing with emacs, none of this software runs well on windows
Emacs just doesn't launch as fast, as is the case with many pieces of software on Windows. Use emacsclient and it's all good.
i heard windows stores its fonts in its kernel
wtf is that shit?
Windows fonts are heavier.
GIMP takes forever to load on Mac, because it has fuckton of fonts
I don't see how GTK would explain why the startup time for Gimp is 10 seconds on Windows and 0.5 seconds in Linux, it's not like there's graphical activity at that time.
>Does OP know how to write C? If so why not help rather than complain?
He has no intention of helping anyone. It's not because he doesn't know how to code, but rather because he wants to post gooks. This is probably his fourth or fifth thread today.
It's you hearing wrong.
It doesn't. FS operations that are very fast on Linux are slow as molasses on windows. A combination of NTFS plus multiple complicated abstract driver layers. My Gimp install folder on Windows has nearly 8000 files at a total of 1.1GB. Obviously not all of these are loaded on startup, but I'm sure the startup time is due to FS overhead.
If you shoved all the necessary files into a sqlite database or something you could probably improve startup time by a lot.
because on *nix all the libs etc. for gtk are there, optimised for the os and often already loaded by other applications.
on windows they literally only being used by the application (gimp, libreoffice etc.) so effectively you're loading a subsystem api before the application even gets to load.
Prior to Windows 10, the font engine was part of the kernel
So, Windows 7, which is still commonly used, has its font engine as part of the kernel, and same for Windows 8 and XP
>because on *nix all the libs etc. for gtk are there, optimised for the os and often already loaded by other applications.
No, that's actually bullshit. The only way libraries are shared is via sharing of cached block pages, which is exactly the same with DLLs on Winblows. The only thing that matters is whether the block cache is warm, not if another process is already using the library or not.
>FS operations that are very fast on Linux are slow as molasses on windows.
They still haven't fixed that? How do developers even use Git on Windows then?
I have come to the conclusion all operating systems are shit, except for Android.
>How do developers even use Git on Windows then?
Slowly, or with vfsforgit.org
Why doesn't a billion dollar company like Microsoft just create it's own versioning system? And some proper image editing software. What the fuck is Microsoft even doing with all that money.
>The only thing that matters is whether the block cache is warm
which it is in linux - libs already loaded
and not in windows - the only apps that use gtk api are ported so they gtk libs aren't likely to be loaded until needed by those specific applications which will in turn affect they load up times...
thanks for reinforcing my point for me.
I mean it's not like Microsoft's VFS for git is exclusively useful because of their shit file system. If you've ever checked out the android code with google's repo tool, you could see the use of such a system for linux as well. But that's the big reason they had to create something totally new and not just a hack like google's repo tool.
>Why doesn't a billion dollar company like Microsoft just create it's own versioning system?
They did. Multiple times. They sucked. Linus got it right the first time.
See >I use KDE and even if GIMP is the first Gtk app I use it still launches super fast.
Loading the shared libs from scratch on Linux is very fast. Maybe loading the shared libs on Windows is a lot slower, but this is because of its arcane linker system and it's slow FS access rather than because Linux already loaded the libs in the first place. I mean you could start an X server from scratch and open GIMP faster than Windows can open gimp, give me a break.
And maybe partially because gtk has lots of circular dependencies which are apparently a bitch on Windows? I wouldn't be shocked if they had a performance detriment on Windows, but I'm no NT expert.
As a performance hack a long time ago MS shoved a lot of graphics stuff (including font parsing) inside the kernel.
They have been paying for this ever since.
As of 2017 this has been changed slightly
Also gimp is also still gtk2. Most software doesn't use gtk2 anymore, GIMP is a holdout because it's so large and complex. So maybe some of the smaller common dependencies are already loaded for someone in a typical gtk3 desktop environment, but the big stuff isn't. Sorry for replying so many times, but your argument just has so many holes in it for so many reasons.
It's not like the DLL is expunged from the block cache just because the last process using it goes away.
which would affect (and decrease) the 2nd or 3rd load time, not the 1st....
You know nothing of how floss software is developed and maintained.
seething white roastie
the gtk3 port feels almost done, check gimp from git master
Libre Office runs fine here on my Windows 10 installation.
Why is GIMP so shit? I can't even snap layers to other layers.
its unloaded and she's trying to be cute more than she's trying to be a marksman, dummy
Ok seriously. Someone telll me the best and simplest ms paint alternative for Linux. If I mostly just want to crop images and shit
Everything runs like shit on windows
I'm confused, that programming socks looks very real
non-masculine vagina
is this you?
does it have Photoshop shortcuts?
Which is exactly the point, because Gimp is just as slow to launch the 2nd, 3rd and 10th times as it was the 1st time.
Because GIMP and LibreOffice is shit in general.
Also don't use pictures of my mom for youe stupid thread.
>Supported platforms included DOS, Windows 3.1, OS/2, Solaris on SPARC. Power Mac beta support was introduced in 1996.
Is everyone here a faggot? LibreOffice has always been Windows software from its early days
GIMP is poorly coded thats for sure