so RMS is a pedo, we're replacing him with pooinloo instead of our lord and saviour Terry A Davis? really shows the state of Jow Forums, pedos and streetshitters
We dur/g/a now?
IMO mods should at least put him as a comment below the sticky
It's a necessary evil because post-2014 Jow Forums is full of too many unironic Christians that don't deserve Terry as the face of Jow Forums.
absolutley disapointed that they removed terry
Whats most hilarious is that during the week, Jow Forums universally defended stallman. it wasn't until today that the shitposters logged on (heck, maybe twitter invaded too) and started saying stallman is actually a pedo, and Jow Forums came too because people went in Jow Forums and linked our threads (you can tell because the number of posts about jews increased sharply)
Mods literally caved to newfag shitposters, twitter, and Jow Forums
Who fucking gives a shit if RMS is a pedo. He's a human just like anybody else. I'm a MAP and we're not monsters like the media portrays us. Our sexuality is like any other and should be accepted like gay and trans people. LGBTQP when?
>Jow Forums universally defended stallman
yeah that's because 90% of Jow Forums is pedophiles
>Whats most hilarious is that during the week, basement NEETs universally defended stallman. it wasn't until today that the people with lives and jobs logged on
Indians are memed more than RMS and Terry, because Jow Forums is naturally inhabited by racists with a hateboner for brown people of all nations and creeds. He was destined to become Jow Forums's mascot.
I have barely seen anyone talk about RMS for years before today's pedo comments. TempleOS/Terry talk gradually phased out as soon as he died. However, as soon as someone mentions they own a smartphone at any point, everybody jumps on the street-shitter shill meme train and barrages them with (You)'s.
Most importantly of all, who cares? It's just a sticky post.
>people stop defending Stallman when the adjusted adults with jobs and social lives have time to post
What a surprise.
*when normie sheep who read the lying news articles and didn't take the five minutes to read Stallman's original email logged on
The news articles all took what he said out of context for clicks and you all fell for it
RMS wasn't there just because he was a meme dumb zoomer. not everything is about shitty memes. Jow Forums interacted with terry and to a lesser extent RMS but RMS is at the helm of what Jow Forums believed in before consumerist newfags and /v/ invaded.
>not everything is about shitty memes. Jow Forums interacted with terry and to a lesser extent RMS but RMS is at the helm of what Jow Forums believed in before consumerist newfags and /v/ invaded.
>he actually believes that
>so RMS is a pedo, we're replacing him with pooinloo instead of our lord and saviour Terry A Davis? really shows the state of Jow Forums, pedos and streetshitters
you post this like there was ever a time where Jow Forums was something else. 4chin is literally fucking normie tier retardation. there is never any legitimate discussion of technology on this site, and anyone pretending there is anything more than a giant circlejerk is completely naive and thats big facts.
>he doesn't
>autistic obession with free, privacy respecting browsers, thinkpads, and hateboner for windows and macos for not respecting privacy are all normies
Poos are fucking subhuman
Damn, even my Uni is removing any note about RMS's visit last year
again, there is very little discussion that occurs regarding any sort of real technology. the closest thing to discussion that ever occurs here is people circle jerking over
>>autistic obession with free, privacy respecting browsers, thinkpads, and hateboner for windows and macos for not respecting privacy are all normies
circlejerking over how much you hate windows for reasons you don't understand, or how good of a deal a shitty second hand thinkpad is, does not qualify as anything other than circlejerking. go ahead and prove to me that this shit hole isnt exactly that, I'll wait.
>I’m a MAP
ahahahaha neck yourself
nah, terry should be the sticky, he's closer to Jow Forums culture than stallman ever was
wtf is a map
Minor-attracted person
Sex with minors is psychologically harmful to them. I say this from firsthand experience and social experience with fellow victims. It's not your fault that you're attracted to minors and you shouldn't be judged for it, but it absolutely shouldn't be accepted. It should be considered as the crippling mental disease it is, and instead of people thinking of you as a disgusting creep, you should be respected for the strength you show in being able to cope with that disease without having sexual relations with any minors. And if you do have such relations, it's a shame you let the disease get to you, and you should go to prison for a long time.
He isn't a pedo retards. Give me ONE source where he said he wanted to fuck a child
he molested a parrot
this is your brain on lolis threads
Most men are aroused by girls as young as 13. Prepubescent girls is where it falls off.
This is how retarded people are, we are just being invaded bro. No worse than the feminist movement. It WILL blow over.
>Most men are aroused by girls as young as 13. Prepubescent girls is where it falls off.
yea but most men are also able to control these urges, and don't feel the need to act on or share or talk about these urges with fellow perverts. if you want to act like an animal, go live in the woods you fucking degent, quit acting like it's society's problem to mold to your mental incapacity
False info
False post.
>most men are aroused by girls as young as 13
no they're not, YOU are. you're the outlier and the problem. rather than try to feel good about your sickness you should eat a fucking bullet
moralfag fuck off
Terry is the only one worthy of a sticky
>hating pedos is bad
kill yourself
moralfag fuck off
pedo fuck off
moralfag fuck off
pedo fuck off
>t. civnat boomer cuck
fuck off to Jow Forums where your moralfaggy goons reside
>hating pedophiles == nazi
nice try pedo scum, more people than just right wing extremists want to see you hang
I piss and shit down your right wing extremists' throats and their 3 year old kids' throats
>larping as a pedo
seek help
Imagine how seething you are gonna be when I tell you I work in a kids workshop weekly kek. Smiling and laughing lolis makes me feel good