Just found out recently i love programming

>Just found out recently i love programming
>Already a 23 yo boomer (24 in january)
Just give it to me straight, Jow Forums, how will I get hit with ageism if I decide to follow this career path?

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*how hard will I get hit

I'm using the term figuratively.

I'm 29 and I'm on the same boat, friend.

I know, worst thing is zoomers already know code from highschool. I just hope I can outskill my age.

Learn to code

happy birthday user

the first programmers were middle aged women
of course as software got more complex they left but still.

Im about to turn 26 and in same boat. If I have a decent IQ and work hard, could my late start not matter in 10 years time?

Same age as you, but I'm actually good. Don't worry, most people our age are garbage at programming, so as long as you like it, you could get decent at it (better than the average) in a few month/a couple years.

Man up and start doing something. You're late, but you can still make it.

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Pretend to be old and experienced mate

>23 y old
>thinks he is a boomer
>thinks he is old

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I'm not using boomer literally. I know I'm not actually "old" just a little too "old" for starting a programming career.

unironically this.
If you don't corps will take advantage of this and give you shit pay

Not only will you not get hit but you will be in a better position than most. Seniority matters alot in this industry. If you are young, managers and hr will assume you are a noob and not hire you. Just learn as much as you can and get a job managing a team of pajeets.

>want a comfy job as a programmer working from home
>115 iq
it's not fucking fair bros

You are the same age as me. You are either a latent boomer, doomer, or proto-zoomer.

If you want to get technical about it, we are both millenials.

Not really tho. Isn't the end of 1995 the cutoff? I don't remember my childhood until 2002 roughly when the Iraq war started on TV.

I'm about to turn into a 23 year old boomer and won't finish my comp sci degree until I'm a 24 year old boomer. I don't think ageism kicks in until you're 30 at least.

ageism is a thing that depends on the median age of the team you want to work with.
if you're a young guy but want to work in an old team ageism will hit. same happens if you're an old guy and want to work in a young team. look for a team that is around your age (+/- 8 years)

my brain instantly goes to - that's what you get for "knight-school" classes

I'm 47 and don't consider myself to be a boomer.

nice larp faggot

you're a fucking baby, just go for it

I got started with an entry level job at 30. By 35 I was making 120k.

The average programmer collecting a paycheck for it is a moron. All you have to do is be better than a moron. Unironically six months of self study before and after your current job should be enough to break into the industry. If you can't after a year or so, maybe reevaluate what your strengths are and consider keeping programming a hobby

115 iq is fine for 99% of programming.

> just a little too "old" for starting a programming career

And this is based off of what exactly?

Anyway, you're still in your early 20's, really not sure why you're thinking about ageism...

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I don't understand what the deal is with age.

I have a few years of experience at 28 and I will be in my 30s when I look for a new job, whatever.

I thought the millennial generation stopped being born after 1996 and zoomers were born from then onwards. I was born in 1996 and only really remember the beginning of the Iraq War but not 9/11 itself. Zoomers don’t even remember that and started remembering shit towards the middle of the Iraq War insurgency in 2005-07

You could get a job as web developer in a few months.
But being a web dev is horrible (still better than my previous job) and for a decent programmer job you don't have the qualifications.

So you work as a webdev for a few years and at the same time you build your portfolio.

The problem isn't you age, but that you're asking this question.