do you agree with the sentiment of this comic Jow Forums?
Do you agree with the sentiment of this comic Jow Forums?
For normies and tech addicts, yes.
haha very true
Powerful. Phoneposters may NOT post in this thread. Your phone says so.
only for retards.
>only charge my phone every two days
>wifi is never on
>disabled email notifications
>always on vibrate
my phone works for me and gets in my way if something goes horribly wrong
the phone isn't my master, slack is. my boss makes me put slack on my phone, and slack has a really annoying notification sound
i'm so glad boomer humor is going away
>Why, back in my day, we actually talked to people when we went outside instead of having our noses buried in our phones all day long!
Yeah, love these cherry-picked pictures.
As recently as 2000, people were chattering on buses and trains - now it's total silence, except for those with their headphones on too loud.
the mouth looks awkward because the line below the eyes looks like a mouth with a stern expression.
>me sitting patiently with my hands clasped in my lap
>install lineage
>top becomes reality
Woah.... deep.
I dont want to have to talk to dumb niggers and women on buses
yes my phone makes me anxious because I don't want to deal with the shit that it throws at me but at the same time it's a requirement for me to have my phone available
>ITT zoomers and don't know how the world existed before smartphones
besides, I don't get the issue here, I want to receive pertinent phone calls, emails and reservation updates (what?)
only boomers running the cheapest oldest iphone they can and without any data would think that a phone can be an inconvenience in any way. The real issues with phones are the ones you don't think about, sleep schedules getting fucked up and people tracking you.
god boomers can get fucked.
a phone is a hassle to people who want to escape whatever is at the other end of that phone
Just turn off the notifications outside of work.
damn, it really do be like that sometimes, thats fucking cray
ah, a fellow socratist I see.
the written word is mankind's downfall.
Why does it have an awkward looking mouth at the bottom? Why not stylize the bezel to look like a mouth?
I literally thought the same, I thought that the mouth looked dumb because I connected the bezel with the eyes and I thought the mouth was difficult to see anyway
I mean I connected the speaker grill
this is my guilty pleasure
>just put phone where I always put it and the magnetic cable snaps on by itself
>wifi is always on anyway
>read when it's convenient
>answering calls lmao
>idk how to even check in
The only people I see enslaved to their phone are the instagram idiots
That's pretty hot.
This is hilarious
why does it have 2 mouths.
No. Smartphones are just a dumb version of desktop computing. No current form of it is ideal.
Yes & no, it depends on the person who uses it but a lot people are glued to their phone and are the slave.