Who else needs to be canceled after rms?

Who else needs to be canceled after rms?

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That manjaw bitch in your picture.

ur mom im guessing

Sorry sweaty, only males could get cancelled

obvious tranny is obvious
feminists hate trannies

>implying she doesn't have a penis

It's called a boy clitoris you fucking moron

It's called mental illness, moron.


It is. Dysphoria has no treatment other than making the patient believe they are a woman or else they off themselves

They off themselves whether they become fake women or not. They should not be encouraged.

The future is female you fucking cis white male

No they don't. Terfs are a tiny minority with almost no voice or visibility at all. Intersectional feminism absolutely "dominates" that field.

why do lefties always confuse the jews in power with whiteys?
the people who own the corporations that supposedly suppress them, are not white (aryan) males.
jews are the "patriarchy".
why don't they understand.
they'll read up reports about how many people in positions of power have white skin and are male, but will bat away any report that shows how many of them are part of the jewish religion.
I'm not a very political person, I just wanted to point out the flaw in these people's reasoning.
two sides fighting and bickering when they share the same enemy.

That's because they're being told daily they're not women or misgendered because they look like arnold in a wig

Show me a blood test or genetic test confirming a diagnosis of "gender dysphoria" and I'll believe you. It doesn't exist. Therefore, saying the only cure for something that isn't scientific is cutting up the genitals and becoming a sad parody of female is fatalistic, misguided, and stupid.

Leftists are against rich people in general regardless of their ethnicity

How do you prove someone has bipolar ocd or schizophrenia you retard? Not through blood tests

It's the only treatment that kind of works. Dysphoria is a rare and horrible illness

Except with bipolar, ocd, and schizophrenia, there are many treatment options, not one. Therefore, dysphoria (omg muh feels) always requiring transition is bullshit.

unironically is an old white man who wears lipstick.

>>It's the only treatment that kind of works
That's bullshit. Also, you probably believe gays can only be gay, and they can't be straight or bi or queer. It's all identity politics, not science.