For me it's burgers, beer, sweat, dried cum and cigarettes.
What does your room smell like, Jow Forums?
not technology. fuck off and kys tranny
>>Jow Forums
Bedding, paper towels, and whatever the last food I ate was.
Maybe a faint hint of cum, but that smells like cake batter or pool chlorine, so it's not bad. Reminds me of summer from my childhood.
thinkpad components and trees
like home
Cum, shit, piss and dust
Like nothing. The acidic smell of solder and cum have destroyed my sense of smell. I cannot tell whether or not I smell like shit anymore, as such I don't go outside.
It has no smell because I replace the air twice a day
kots because my kot made more kots in my room
You were raped as child, user.
>you will never sniff smelly anzu cunny
why even live bros?
That mixed wood and chemical smell of new wall paint and new furniture.
are you by any chance from denmark
Cigarettes poorly masked by a cheap cinnamon candle.
>I cannot tell whether or not I smell like shit anymore
if you;
a. can't smell your deoderant
b. haven't just had a shower
then you can safely assume you smell like shit