How is this news? He said nothing wrong

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Women are still seething about being bad in tech on average so they're attacking men in it.

implying stalman is good in tech

>support pedos
>libs get mad at you
>I-I-I didn’t know diddling children was bad, I swear!
Why is this guy back in the sticky?

>leaked emails
Fake news.


msm will get raped again.

Pedo website

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because Stallman is more retarded than you realise.

>fake news, the post
Nothing he said was untrue.

Bad at reading as well. RMS didn't even say they were entirely willing. People have pointed out many times that he said they most likely acted as willing, the actual forcing could have happened way before. That means the person doing the intercourse could have a totally different mindset than presented in the media and could even be strongly against abuse. RMS often has an exceptionally logical mind. Like a robot, no feelings to distort the route to conclusion.

Stallman did nothing wrong. I love him even more now. Also he wasn't a professor at MIT, he didn't even earn a PhD, so much for the research these fuckers did.

This is propaganda to prevent us from being allowed to be single fathers. They don’t want us males to reproduce

Spotted the very logical town's rapist.

>consensual sex is rape
Spotted the feminazi

Considering that stallman refuses to go to any website that uses javascript, it's entirely possible that he's just only been reading fake news.

This is freetardation at it's finest I'd say.

Every time I see this headline it gets more sensational.

because the only real news sites that focus on the truth are the ones that force you to run spyware in order to access them

Seriously though, every time I've looked into the accounts of Epstein's "sex slaves" they seem to have been perfectly willing prostitutes.
It's a shame he cucked out on the pedophilia thing, though.

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I'm sure somewhere up the ladder there is a news organization which does some basic fact checking, right? R-right?

it's loud screeching so it must be