... once again
So, you shills claimed that AMD fixed its shit with the new agesa update, and that thanks to ABBA Ryzen 2 CPU FINALLY (after more than 3 fucking months !!!) boost to their advertised frequency.
Our boy der8auer once again exposed AMD lying and deceiving tactics
I thank our Lord every single day that I have chosen Intel, not this dogshit chinese poorfag crap that can't even boost beyond 4Ghz under load.
AMD caught cheating
Other urls found in this thread:
Wow, it just keeps getting worse and worse.
Ryzen 2 is a fucking disaster.
Typical AMD basedcuck with the attention span of a 3 yo.
It's like team "red" (btw, "red" stand for communism, e.g. the destruction of individual freedom and murder) is actively looking for ways to make their products less desirable for intelligent people.
Just watched it... Am I correct in assuming, that if the CPU does not boost to max frequency under load it's essentially useless in any real life scenario?
Such a weird problem, desu, my Intel 9900K keeps 5.2 GHz all core boost in the most demanding scenarios without any trouble. Those rumours about defective AMD CPUs must have merit after all.
AMD products are meant for poor people, and poor people in general tend to be less intelligent.
QC is complete garbage at AMD, it's a well-known fact. They just shitout anything on the market.
>2 IPs
embarrassing post
They are unable to make good hardware and their software if a fucking joke.
AMD is very good at inflating useless numbers (cores, threads, and even cache).
It's all fun and games, until you start to benchmark their CPUs under real-life scenarios. Then it all falls apart.
Fucking kek
The more you dig, the worse it gets.
Wtf, how can this shit even be legal? That's like literally taking a huge shit on their customer base.
Jesus, I feel so bad for our AMDbros...
Wow, AMD really is trash for gaming.
Considering this
it's no surprise they are spending so much money and effort to trick their customers into thinking they have a real, high-frequency CPU
with tricks like this
Mary isn't even his gf, dumbfuck. Also his personal life has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
>23 replies
>5 IPs
Based schizoposter.
I honestly can't tell if AMD/Intel threads are ironic shilling or genuine marketing people from these companies anymore.
I know the concept of people having a discussing sounds foreign to you, but people are really getting sick of AMD fucking around.
And Intel keep getting away with their vulnerabilities, it's NOT FAIR
so the performance goes up but not for the reasons that they said?
Not really, people have been sick of intels' garbage for fucking years. Then AMD releases something good enough to be competitive and intel just don't have a product worth buying any more. Even if AMD pulls 'shit like this' (IE overmarketing their clock speeds) they are still competitive with intel.
>Imagine falling for the Poozen meme
I really don't understand these threads, after all this time has no one understood AMD's "boost" frequencies yet? AMD -LITERALLY- never claimed you would get the boost frequencies on an all-core load and that the cooling solution used has a significant impact on all-core boosting in general. Why do you all think a 12c24t processors that normally costs you over $1,000 with intel (which also performs worse) can be obtained for less than half that price?
And yet, with each new update/fix the performance increases.
Meanwhile with Intel, another week, another security debacle.
Still better than intel swiss chesse pozzed dumpster fires. Prove me wrong.
>buy intel
just werks
>buy amd
have to update bios multiple times because product was rushed, risk bricking your pc, no b550 boards
Except I've had my 3600 running at 4.0GHz at 4.25v on the stock cooler for more than a month stable now on my asrock B450 with 0 problems. I mean sure I don't get pci 4.0 but what the fuck do I need that for? On intel I'd get:
1.) Frame stuttering
3.) Constantly worried about when the next wave of security vulnerabilities that have been discovered to exist since 2011 intel processors will show up.
4.) SSD performance degrading with each and every security patch (spectre and meltdown slice SSD performance in half).
Face it, even botched products from AMD as you so consider them and never actually used yourself are 100X better than pozzed trash heaps from intel.
durr8Bower is a paid Intel shill
>can't reach 4.25 GHZ
>reaches 4.25 Volts
Another brilliant victory for Team Red!
>just werks
Not only that, but it works as advertised.
Cope harder.
Except that's on the fucking stock cooler, wraith stealth which is absolute dogshit for overclocking (duh). The fact that I can even use this and keep my Zen 2 CPU with an all-core clock frequency of 4.0GHz is amazing to me. I can obviously get higher clocks if I splurge on an aftermarket cooler but I don't really need the extra 5% extra performance, I'm using a Rx 5700 anyway.
Also remember: Zen 2 clocks +10% = coffeelake clocks. So that means I basically have the performance of an i7-8700K will a locked all-core frequency of 4.4GHz.
He resells his own binned Intel products.
>Zen 2 clocks +10% = coffeelake clocks.
see Also is it really AMD's fault people are too stupid to read the fine print?
t. i7-6700K owner planning to upgrade to zen 2
>Zen 2 clocks +10% = coffeelake clocks
>Am I correct in assuming, that if the CPU does not boost to max frequency under load it's essentially useless in any real life scenario?
Yes. Meanwhile Intel hits advertised clocks and then some, making them superior in real-world tests 95% of the time.
You shouldn't. They made their (inferior) choice and deserve no sympathy.
Yes, most certainly, Intel CPUs are the thinking man's choice.
>upgrade to zen 2
That's a downgrade in 95% of everyday scenarios, especially gaming. You'll be able to unzip files faster than ever before though!
> AMD releasing ground breaking processor that revolutionizes the Computer industry like it didn't happen for years for a really great price.
> People bitching about 25 MHz
You guys are pathetic.
intel shills wouldn't keep making these bait threads if AMD wasn't a legitimate threat to them now.
Zen3 is going to be revolutionary. 19h family, faggots. Whole new architecture family distinct from 17h Zen1 and Zen2. Get fucking ready.
>advertise 4.6GHz boost
>doesn't hit advertised clocks
>still gets BTFO by Intel CPUs in 95% of everyday tasks despite massive cache and magic RAM
It's literally false advertising. Intel is, has always been and will always be the better choice.
>I-it's just 2-25Mhz goys! A s-small lie is a lie no more goys!
>Wait for next gen of poo cpus™
Ryzen 2 is performance wise (I mean real-life performance, not this cinebench crap) somewhere around 4th gen intel CPUs. Pretty pathetic.
If they just advertised 4.5ghz or even 4.4ghz then everyone would be happy. Dumb AMD marketing team leading everyone on and now they have to run at 1.45v to get close to advertised clocks. What a retard.
All I'm seeing is shit that can barely keep up with a 2 year old Intel chip in your cherrypicked benchmarks, which likely include magical $200 RAM to make poozen look better.
I don't use my computer for Gay Men. I use my computer to actually do stuff.
In all benchmarks AMD outperforms Intel by a huge margin on a price/performance level for productive work.
That few fps less in occasional gaming does only matter if you have a super beefy graphics card which most people don't even have.
How much does an i7-8700K + tripple fan AIO cost again?
Even with a maxed out graphics card intel is barely outperforming AMD by 5-10%. Only an absolute moron would pay hundreds more just to get the 5-10% extra FPS instead of getting a better GPU.
So what?
That just means that Intel has OC potential, AMD doesn't. He ain't nobodies shill, boy.
Good thing Intel knows when to hold back and only release quality products unlike AyyMD! Just remember, "Security doesn't matter!™"
>I use my computer to actually do stuff.
Like what, unzipping millions of files? Last time I checked poozen still crashed Premiere and Photoshop still preferred Intel's superior single-thread performance.
Imagine sperging out over processors that are within 10% of each other
C'mon goys, post the far cry new dawn cherry picked benchmark already.
>5 IPs
Here are 4 of them:
Literally all the other posts - every single anti-AMD one - are one person.
Whatever Intcel are paying OP, he should demand more. Poor loser still can't afford a pass, for example.
Imagine defending a scummy company that never delivers on its promises.
5% when you disable SMT on some of the few games that don't seem to support it very well.
>Ryzen 2
Wait... Ryzen 2 CPUs are bad!? Why only now I hear it!? Where were you whole fucking year, user!?
I literally bought ryzen 2700 this summer!
Heh, I'm upgrading from i7-3930k.
Waiting for 3950X.
I don't give a shit what either company promises. I'll research and buy the best part regardless of brand when I need a new part
Like 10nm?
>AMD never claimed you would get boost frequencies on an all-core load
You don't even get the advertised boost frequencies on a single-core load though. Stress more cores and your clocks go down the shitter even further.
At least Intel specifies a single-core Turbo and all-core Turbo, which their CPUs can consistently hit.
>I'd rather have the barely functional 7nm meme
ITT: boost loser desperately trying to hold onto MUH NIGGAHURTZ
The only thing even slightly impressive about him is his totally unashamed samefagging.
Except you do but only on 1 fucking core and you only hit this boost if all the other cores are idling. AMD clearly stated that in the fine print you would NOT get an all-core turbo of what they specified.
The rabid pozzed intel fanboy is legitimately mentally ill, he talks to himself and argues with himself. Legit mental illness.
>imagine deriving this much of your identity from a faggot corporation that doesn't know or care you exist
At no point did he disagree with himself, user.
Read those first 23 posts - apart from the four I pointed out, it was a one-man circlejerking party.
>He thinks clockspeeds matter more than IPC
10% better IPC than last gen means fuck all if your clocks are 25% lower.
What I do:
- Compiling shit
- Using blender
- Backtesting crpyto trading strategies
- Occasionally Playing some Steam Games on a RX580
All of this on Linux... Intel has no chance against AMD currently.
Nobody cares really. But Intel really should lower their prices to stay competitive. Almost 95% of their products are obsolete at this point.
If Intel is so obviously better, why did you spend the first 25 posts (absolutely failing to) pretending you were multiple people?
Truth doesn't need help, user. You've actually completely fucked yourself, and nobody's going to do anything but mock what say for the lifetime of this thread.
then how come performance matches/surpasses in non-gimped software? Shintel really dropped the ball HARD
>Mary isn't even his gf
Explain what's going on
>yfw even a 3900X throttling to 4.2GHz is able to keep up with an i9-9900K at 5.0GHz
Is intel even trying anymore?
>Intel has no chance against AMD currently.
>Almost 95% of their products are obsolete at this point.
>2 year old intel chip
where are new intel chips then ?
Basically he's a cuck, his GF is a literal porn star that takes black cocks on a daily basis. He's somehow okay with that even though in his videos we can clearly see him dying inside.
People are SHOCKED when they find out he's doing everything in his power in an attempt to make intel look good despite 95% of their products being obsolete.
>only ever posts 1080p when intel notoriously shits the bed at 1440p
To be absolutely fair, they're not the complete joke they were when Ryzen appeared in 2017. 100% of their stack was obsolete at that point.
Now, at least they've got some el-cheapo shit at the bottom of the market that's pretty competitive; if you have to build the cheapest possible computer, some of their Celeron derivatives approach the bang-for-buck of the cellar-dwelling Athlons.
Not necessary since the old ones still outperform the "competition".
Comet Lake will wipe the floor with poozen.