Anyone else bored?

Anyone else bored?

Attached: deutschland.jpg (964x1486, 706K)

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maybe. who's askin?
where is that music coming from

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i need several litres of alcohol and psychotropic drugs

alcohol is Satan's replacement for god's love

Attached: (1172).png (228x352, 13K)

god gave fruit the ability to rot and ferment to make alcohol


he also made opium because he hates chinks

god isn't real

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im allergic to opiates


prove it

it being:
- supernatural being created everything
- supernatural being also created you
- supernatural being cares about you

the time cube proves you wrong. there is only one time in the bible but there is actually four consecutive 4 corner 24 hour days in real life . as discovered by gene ray, cubic

Attached: timecubeflierimg[1].gif (528x359, 19K)

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that didn't prove anything. it is a semantic argument for your bearded super being. i'm glad you're refering me to someone more qualified than yourself, but it didn't even mention religious belief or that this hypothetical 'purely actual' thing is a god.

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prove god's christian

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why would god not believe in his own son

actually I am god's son. sorry

not genetically


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