Python 2 dies

In 107 days, Python 2 -- first released in 2000 -- will officially sunset, according to an announcement this week by "volunteers who make and take care of the Python programming language."

But according to TechRepublic, not everybody is ready:

Given Python's popularity and ubiquity, the amount of business logic hinging on Python is quite vast, presenting an issue for organizations still clinging to Python 2.


Athena trading platform is one of those applications -- while access has only been available directly to clients since 2018, the Athena platform is used internally at JPMorgan for pricing, trading, risk management, and analytics, with tools for data science and machine learning.

This extensive feature set utilizes over 150,000 Python modules, over 500 open source packages, and 35 million lines of Python code contributed by over 1,500 developers, according to data presented by Misha Tselman, executive director at J.P. Morgan Chase in a talk at PyData 2017.

Migrating 35 million lines of code from Python 2 to Python 3 is quite the undertaking -- and JPMorgan is going to miss the deadline, according to eFinancialCareers, stating that JPMorgan's roadmap puts "most strategic components" compatible with Python 3 by the end of Q1 2020 -- that is, three months after the end of security patches -- with "all legacy Python 2.7 components" planned for compatibility with Python 3 by Q4 2020.

Modern developer practices are needed to maintain a project of this scale -- fortunately, JPMorgan uses Continuous Delivery, with 10,000 to 15,000 production changes per week, according to Tselman.

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Banking Jews only have themselves to blame. Should've started migrating years ago. It doesn't even take that much effort.
Use this as an opportunity to consult with them converting to py3 for 200$/hour.

Attached: anime0nazi.jpg (900x675, 66K)

Another one is mbed-cli that requires python 2 and doesn't work well with Python 3

It's about time

>"boo hoo we didn't begin transitioning our codebase to py3 even though the plan to discontinue py2 has been announced for over 11 years"

Fuck 'em, they had 11 years. Companies love building internal code stacked on top of shit instead of rebuilding a stable codebase.

Then they should pay to rebuild it themselves their own way. It is disgusting how there is such an extreme aversion to having a internal software development team. Amazon builds almost all software internally.

python3 is shit though
just compare print 'kek' with print('kek') it is pure retardation

what happens if a language dies and you still use code written with it Jow Forums?

what an uneducated post holy shit
like if py3 was just printing

Sounds like a great time to be a contract python software developer

If bank Jews take any hit in profit the Trump admin will probably give them subsidies because falling profit could mean less lending. They'll be fine. Maybe they'll hire a another python slave

I don't get why people are making a massive deal about this when most PHP is still on 4.

>Migrating 35 million lines of code from Python 2 to Python 3 is quite the undertaking
If they'd actually been maintaining their code they would have been fine. Nobody has good, well-looked-after Python2 sitting around that they're not sure how to port to Python3.

I'm surprised no one has hacked together something to scan and convert 2 to 3. Might not be perfect but I would suspect you could hit 80 to 90 percent fairly quickly.

does exist:

I just had to port something backwards from 3 to 2 a few days ago. It turns out the server I'm using at Uni doesn't have Python3 installed. Who knows what the fuck they're thinking.

Interesting. I would have thought that this is a situation where micro-service architecture would actually be a benefit.

Try to minimise any new features touching existing python code and just implement the new feature in a separate python 3 instance.

Actually probably not because if the server doesn't have python 3 installed, they probably wouldn't let you install python 3 or set up any new services anyway.

when is 4 coming out

Ruby is better than Python in every way.
And, yes, I've used both languages for years.

>Ruby is better than Python in every way.

>Ruby == RoR
found the retard

Nothing. Why would anything happen? A language is alive as long as there are still programmers using it.

>JPMorgan's Athena trading platform
That's what you get for choosing a meme language.

left isn't a function

Who cares. It's not like Python is appropriate to implement noteworthy software anyway. Only a total idiot would write big codebases.

who cares what literal useless eaters want? the world would be better off without them.

What's gonna happen to Calibre?

Best case scenario: It dies and gets replaced by better tools.
There is no technical reason it's about the only tool for converting stuff and it makes me cringe thinking about installing all this bloatware.

Says the Senior programmer earning 100k a year.

Kovid said he's fine with forking Python 2 and maintaining for the sake of Calibre. I've seen a few other devs take this stance as well. I guess they really hate Py3. I think Python is trash in general though, so idc.

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Even with a limited level of experience in industry (< 5 years) its clear to me that titles and salaries mean nothing. I have to deal with "senior" and "principal" "engineers" that write absolute garbage code. Your position is a function of how well you play the corporate game and whatever opportunities land in your lap. You can be an incredibly good software developer but forced to work with garbage and never go anywhere career-wise.