Confess your tech sins, son

Confess your tech sins, son.

>I prefer to listen to music on YouTube.

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I only use open source because its free and I never contribute.

I got an x210 motherboard but never installed it into my thinkpad

>I dont have autism and regularly use windows 10 to play videogames with friends and coworkers

people are expected to contribute? i pretty much only use open source on linux because its a hobby to build from source and use these programs. i didnt think there was an expectation to contribute anything

I love Silicon Valley and Technology but I hate all politics about and around it.

Anti-virus is the root cause of system vulnerabilities


i'm studying Computer Engineering and i hate programming

why :(

idk i just dont like it, i can make some things but i dont feel like a like it. :(

i am so smart that i am the man who can do the impossible, CIA Based u.u i could shutdown the entire internet u.u NSA based u.u

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I installed Gentoo and I went out of my way to use Systemd instead of OpenRC because I've used it on my other systems long enough that I actively prefer it. Also I don't install sudo on any of my machines, I just su to root and leave the root terminal open for whenever I need to do something with superuser privileges.

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i use opera browser and wps office

Opera works well for me, why must have to be a sin?

I really like my hp omen

Studying computer engineering. Love to program but I absolutely hate learning advanced math

Tbh I ended up the opposite. Math is great if you get the principles. Takes a while, but once you get them it's really easy.

Meanwhile every wanker makes their software much more complex than it needs to be. I still enjoy programming and learning new stuff but 99% of code (and by extension, software) is absolute crap. And I mean stuff that's used, not some last updated in 2004 port from 2001.

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I use Chrome OS

graduated at the top of all the programming&engineering classes but I hate programming and wish I would have studied business instead.

I like systemd

I use windows 7 on an 8 year old dell laptop.

I don't give a fuck about net neutrality.

compressed and shit

When I'm tired I just hold the power button instead of fucking around with my mouse

I'm learning coding but I only know how to follow directions. I can't imagine what I would actually code on my own.

I haven't cleaned my keyboard since I got my laptop

I install non free software on my linux pcs

this is what actually learning is. You follow at first, then act on your own. Give it time user.

I prefer to use hackintosh even when I have two macbooks.

I don't have any. If you're insecure about your choices then you need to deal with that.

Sold a RX 580 to get 1660ti

>I never properly eject portable media before pulling it out
>I have forgotten to turn off the PSU before swapping out parts on a PC once
>I nearly set a PC on fire when testing very ghetto second hand parts
>I have a transparent side panel and my parts have RGB lighting that I set to a new uniform color every once in a while
>I have a thinkpad that runs windows, I prefer using the trackpad over the trackpoint

>dont have autism
>play videogames
Choose one (1).

there's no god btw

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I installed Arch just because people on here kept jacking it off. My workflow is no different from when I had Ubuntu. I guess having up to date packages is nice but I've never really cared about cutting edge.

This is the true redpill, user.

I actually don't mind windows 10, it's not as bad as people make it seem

there isn't

I cheated my way through my entire cs degree and I graduate in the spring. I had Indians on chegg do all my hard programming assignments through the paid tutor service to ensure there was no palgarism. Almost got fucked in calc 2 since you can't cheat your way through that. Don't regret a thing, found out most of my class mates cheat with assignments given to them by upperclassmen anyways.

I tend to disconnect from torrents the instant they're finished downloading.

Same here, except mine is an Asus.

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>I got an x210 motherboard but never installed it into my thinkpad
why why do you do that? I have an x200 I always wanted to trannyboot, but would that work for an x210 also?

I bought an x200 and an x60.
I never used them.

I bought a 15" macbook pro 2018.
I study computer science.

>I use Reddit.

We all do, we all do.

I rice my set up regularly but can't manage a static IP for my home server


nope, quit it after they quarantined t_d dont miss it. desu Jow Forums is basically the new t_d

you should all go back there

No. Go back.

I studied Computer Engineering and learned a lot of things but I forgot almost everything. I couldn't make a LED blink in Arduino without Googling

I've never used wireless head/earphones

Remember, you don't have to actually make anything unique or particularly useful to begin with. Start off with stuff like a terminal calendar app, or a program/script that will send an email at a particular time. Won't actually be useful, but it'll get you to think about how the program will work and you'll have to learn new stuff in the process.


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You're also a tourist who doesn't know how to memetext.

>installed linux on my laptop
>spend days getting wifi to work (it's a slim as fuck yoga, so no ethernet)
>spend more time getting touchpad, touchscreen, multi finger gestures etcetc to work
>don't know what to do next, so shut it off and go back to playing vidya on my w10 desktop
What the fuck was i supposed to do? Write a blogpost about it? Make a github with a bundle of spoonfeeding scripts so other retards like me can do it on cruise control?

How much did you get it for?

I regret buying my Thinkpad T430s. It's sturdy enough, but the display and touchpad are just terrible.

I use Google Chrome as a secondary browser on top of my main browser which is Firefox ESR because Firefox itself doesn't support the Casting button for YouTube, Twitch, Plex and others.
I also own a Chromecast

I signed up to take the comptia a+ exam next week

And I'm 28 years old

>I prefer to listen to music on YouTube.
this always to bites me
>tfw old playlist are mostly deleted

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>making playlists
>on youtube
no user, download things if you want to keep them

I used to back in 2010, because I didn't have fiber yet

it's not an issue of speed

if it wasn't for ricing vim and terminals and writing scripts to tweek those useless things, I wouldn't actively have actively been learning programming. also most of the projects I have created myself are just shitty scripts for cool terminal screenshots and ricing.

I hate java but I advocate it because there is an unsaid rule here "anyone who isn't familiar with java is just a hipster who doesn't really have good programming experience" I am not indian

>guilty of cat abuse
I try to stop I swear but it just so fun to type!

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you're expected to atleast contribute with bug reports when you can

mkfifo cat; echo cat > cat & cat cat | cat; rm cat

>having to install sudo
minimal distros were a mistake

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t. reddit
>thinks thats the point of these threads
t.underage newfag

you have the freedom not to contribute

I once killed a piece of electronics by fully submerging it in water.

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Y tho
What does hackintosh provide that macos would not

i once revived a piece of electronics by fully submerging it in water

I think people who cares about OS and privacy and botnet are dumb. There are better things to care about like family, marriage, work and retirement.

I don't think highly of people who treat their tools as toys, that they play with all day long instead of making things with their tools.

I wish Stallman isn't pinned on Jow Forums.

I used the knowledge that I acquired from this sacred place and used it in nefarious ways.

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Better hardware

I wish people like you wouldnt shit up hobbyist boards with boomer rhetoric.

Let me guess, you're the dude going by that image alone

>never install sudo
>just leave a root terminal open
haha.. crazy.. who would do that...

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I don't think that happened, you're lying!

>music I didn't listen to in my recently played on Spotify
>huh maybe I left it running somewhere and it played automatically
>at work and get a steam login notification
changed my Spotify, steam, and email password and currently running Malwarebytes. I knew I shouldn't have downloaded so many albums from rutracker

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Nope, but I can tell he's a man with fine tastes.

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I'm qualified enough to start a lucrative career in a STEM field but I prefer being NEET so I self-sabotage all my job interviews so I can stay on unemployment benefits and shitpost on Jow Forumsee instead.

>this post

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I don't seed as much as I should.

on public wifi, I look at packets.
Some of the packets are porn text and people don't encrypt website.

fuck off sila

Youtube ain't that bad, just lossy. The audio you get is either AAC or opus. Listening from official sources guarantees best quality since you're sure that it isn't some lossy-to-lossy conversion with a windws movie maker generated lyric video on it.

Gosh those things look saw nice. Big and sweet and juicy and tempting. Donuts look pretty good too.

I didn't know about copy+paste until I was 15 years old.

I told my boss the other day about ctrl+f. She daily looks through bank statemensts and invoices for our company to see who she paid and how much. She would just read a couple hundred lines of payments each day, multiple times a day. Now she has gone from an hour's work to 10 seconds. She nearly cried when I showed her.

Its opera

I always write down notes on paper with a pencil because I don't want to bloat my system with unnecessary files

reminds me of my epic experience with psychedelics
>on mushrooms
>haven't played any video games for years so there's none installed on my machine
>~2 hours in to the trip
>shit's cash
>decide to smoke some weed to boost the experience
>due to this I get the idea that I should PLAY SOME VIDYA!
>torrent some random FPS game, think it was CoD or something
>crack gets flagged as a virus as they often do
>think I've downloaded and just attempted to execute a virus
>grab the first boot disk I have lying around
>nuke all my hard drives and reinstall a new OS
>it's 32 bit Lubuntu(all I had handy since I'd just installed that on a laptop)
>my machine has a 64 bit CPU
>OS runs like shit compared to 64 bit Win7
>hate using it
>just lost all my files too
>the crack probably wasn't even malicious in the first place, just a false positive
>thanks, drug induced paranoia
and that's how my life entered the era of desktop Linux and how I grew out of playing video games

>2 weeks of cc loonix class
>sudo sudo sudo

Good thing you can replace them all. Get the B140RTN02.1 panel and just peel off the garbage textured touchpad. Also, I highly recommend using the trackpoint.

i just bought a gaymer laptop for 1,5k cuz im too bored to put the parts together on a tower and/or trust the wagies to do it for me + another 500 on useless gaymin peripherals

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le leddit amirite guise?