come home white man
Come home white man
wow Jow Forums has excellent taste these days
>Jow Forums
you dont need to go on Jow Forums to be proud of being white, faggot
been home for a while user!
RedHat is Jow Forums approved?
How can that be when they are owned by IBM?
Anyway, I don't mind because I use Fedora and CentOS.
>using NSA/Linux from IBM
no thanks, Jow Forums is an OpenBSD board now.
does anyone remember how fedora used to be the freetard distro
What would I miss out on if I went with CentOS instead of Fedora?
yea I did, wasn't the most fun of times too but I'm not complaining. The NoVideo people get drivers easily now and the entire flow is just more setup for convenience over philosophy, so take it as you may.
the name makes me not want to use it. my Xubuntu is fine for now.
The biggest issue is with things that come installed as part of the Operating System if you want to use newer versions of said software for development.
If you want modern Python and modern SQLite libraries in that modern Python you have to do a fair bit of hacking.
You also have to install more repos and certain packages.
Some parts of the modern Qt don't work without a huge amount of hassle on CentOS. You have to ignore errors during the install and I still haven't gotten around to figuring out of the WebAssembly features work or not.
Last time I told you to upgrade (after you were asking for it) you shat yourself
I'm sticking with Debian and Ubuntu Server
>African folk name is GREAT
>Fedora is CRINGE
Imagine being a retard who doesn't know how cringe the whole idea of naming the distro Ubuntu was to begin with.
hate the cracker
it's normal
we had a president called ubuntu and everything
>Ubuntu server
This is wrong on so many levels.
Ubuntu Server actually works and doesn't shit itself
I'd rather be a fedora than a nigger.
sometimes I just check Jow Forums to see if there is a best distro thread.
/ __)\
| / \ \ OS: Fedora release 30 (Thirty)
___| |__/ / KERNEL: Linux 5.2.11-200.fc30.x86_64
/ (_ _)_/ UPTIME: 5 days, 14 hours, 41 minutes
/ / | | PACKAGES: 2253
\ \__/ | SHELL: bash
\(_____/ DE: GNOME
Newer packages and a larger repo, really. If you don't mind compiling some shit from source, then using CentOS is a solid minimal distro.
No, that was always Debian.
sweet home fedoralabama
no u
The ultimate getting shit done distro.
>being proud of something that is not a consequence of your actions and have no control over
Of course you don't, but statistically you will.
why are you so racist against black people?
Read that again user, carefully.
>calls out being proud of your race
You don't need to be proud to be appreciative of what your ancestors have done and a responsibility to carry on that legacy