So what's the situation with 'true wireless' earbuds these days?

So what's the situation with 'true wireless' earbuds these days?
I'm extremely fond of the idea but I've often heard people say it's just overpriced garbage and that sound quality is superior on most half decent wired earbuds.
But how is the quality of higher end ones in their own right? I know that an audiophile can always come up with a better option but surely at this point there are at least some which are pretty good, even if they're very expensive.
I started wondering about this because my cheap-but-decent wired headphones will eventually break down and the bluetooth headphones I use for my computer are already starting to fall apart (fuck house of marley, their cheap earbuds are fantastic for the price but their bluetooth headphones are too tight and sound mediocre at best), so I figured fuck it, why not get one for both? I'm sick of headphones anyway.

Anyone with some experience using 'true wireless' anythings? how are they compared to decent-ish wired options? how comfortable are they for long term if I use them for, say, a laptop or a PC?
Any model specifically I should look into? Or am I retard for even considering it?

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1) do you have disposable income?
- 1a) YES: buy airpods. end flow.
- 1b) NO: don't buy airpods, and go join that circlejerk in the corner over there where you masturbate about how the man is keeping you down and luxury goods are a waste of the nation's capital anyways and if you don't use FOSS and regularly donate to the FSF you're not a true patriot.

Even normies admit that airpods don't have amazing audio quality. What's your excuse?

the airpods are considered to be one of the poorer ones tho.

Sound quality varies just like any other earbuds. Such a generalization makes no sense. That being said besides Airpods they're all kind of large and less portable than you'd expect. I want something that 1) don't look like airpods but 2) have a really portable case and form factor like airpods. So far the market hasn't come out with much but you can certainly get better sounding buds full of features if you ignore portability.

It's just like with cameras, the best camera is the one you have with you to make a picture. AirPods aren't going to blow you away but they sound functional enough, add the comfy form factor that isn't deep in your ear, comfy size compared to over ears and the glory of wireless, and they are still a great product.

The only real downside is that the shitty battery life will get even worse over time. Hence chink clones are the better alternative by far if you even slightly care about budget.

The only wireless earbuds I have experience with are the Samsung Galaxy Buds, and as someone who is picky about audio, I've been really happy with them. I was surprised how good they sound, along with how comfy they are.

Only writing this because while plenty of the over 100 "wireless buds" products out there probably get close to the higher end buds when it comes to convenience/usability features, I suspect that most of the buds have awful audio quality, and the Galaxy Buds certainly seem like a big exception.

That being said, if you are looking to have only one set of headphones, Iwould go for a full BT headset like the Sony WH-1000XM3 because that has superior sound quality and battery life. I use my Galaxy Buds a good deal every day, and they've been fine battery-wise, but for consistent use for long stretches, you might have some issues at times. They hold a decent charge and recharge quick, but Idon't think they're designed for consistent all-day use if that's what you would use them for.

Very bad quality in the mainstream ones, especially for instrumental music. Maybe better for hip hop and such, dunno. Much worse than regular bluetooth earbuds and of course regular earbuds.

I bought Creative Outlier Air about a month ago and I'm happy with them. I work 12 hour shifts in a factory and it usually lasts me throughout the day, occasionally putting it in the case to recharge a bit while talking with coworkers. They've only died almost completely once, when work was slow and I didn't have to stop to talk to people.
They sound alright.
I'm interested to see how quickly the battery life is going to degrade in the right ear over the left, since I can only have one in at a time while working.
I accepted that they were disposable before I bought them.

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Can anyone recommend me a pair that has a flat/not bulky charging case with decent earbud battery life (5h+)?

Did these come out recently? I wish I knew about these before I bought some anker wireless ones a few months ago.

interesting, I got of thought they'd be on par with the fruit earphones but from a different company.
What are some wired/"traditional" wireless earbuds you can compare them to?
What would you call "mainstream"? those that are at a medium price range? those that are really popular like the airpods or galaxy buds?
What about the ones that don't fit the description?

Any good wireless earbuds that are hearing aid style (like old sport earbuds) and go around your ear?

Just buy a cheap pair of iws knockoffs off of aliexpress, they're basically the same as airpods except for $20 since the chinks are just carbon copying the airpod designs

Waiting for the ones in OP's pic to ship. Bought them mostly for convenience and to see the active noise cancellation capability. Not expecting them to compare to a decent pair of IEMs although sound quality should be better than most "true wireless".

Sony's a fucking joke in terms of product delivery. They came out early August and they barely have any in stock in online retailers. No wonder they're becoming irrelevant in electronics.

Different user here, I'd like some "Airpod-style" wireless buds, and I have the disposable income, but Airpods don't fit my ears. In-ears like the Galaxy or Sony ones are fine though, is there a current leader for that style?

forgot to mention, hoping the mics are decent quality
also, sucks that 230USD doesn't buy you at least ip68

I bought a pair of QC TS2s for 28 AUD off ebay. They pair instantly, have high isolation and sound fine to my ears. Bought them for lifting because cables were giving me the shits. Pleased to find they stay in your ears pretty well.
This has to be the final redpill on these types of earbuds, cunts paying 300 dollars for a pair are out of their mind. The tiny li-on batteries will die sooner rather than later regardless of how much you pay so dropping 28 bucks seems like the only reasonable choice.

aint their fault its selling out so fast when every fucking youtuber is shilling them to no end
literally the first legit competitor to airpods and also destroys them in every category

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>Anyone with some experience using 'true wireless' anythings?
Galaxy buds werks for me.

I assumed Sony just can't into properly releasing a product and massively underestimated demand. They barely have any presence in online retail and the delay has been across the board for close to two months now. Major suppliers are barely catching up now with ship dates in late September.
I don't understand why it's hard for a major corp to get their shit together

I own the following:
iPhone XS Max 512gb.
Wireless charging pad.
Airpods with wireless case.
Beats studio 3 with the Apple chip. Only thing that still needs a physical charge cable. The 4s will come with a charging stand.
Anker bt speaker, great bass.
Apple home pod.

Sony wired studio headphones with a wire. 3 inch drivers, triple wound copper. Neodymium magnets. Super high end.

Everything works flawlessly. The w1 chip allows lossless audio. There's a noticable difference between the Sony and the rest but they cost significantly more money. Like I believe I paid $350 USD or right around there. Everything else that's wired that I own, I can't tell the difference.

You bought them using eBay, off a seller. Learn English bottom feeder.

At least the case on this one doubles as a battery bank.

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this stuff is the most depressing thing about the modern world. there was nothing wrong with regular headphones. they were not annoying or inconvenient. and you can't lose half of them.

You're just complaining to be a contrarian, like every other doomer/yoomer/zoomer/coomer/peepeepoomer on here nowadays.

the wireless shit became popular when the large phone trend started
it's annoying to carry a large brick

It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows.

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Can you even see through that deep of a rose tint?

Pay better attention. This seems like a you problem.

Just got these today. $35 from Amazon. So far, love them. ~4 hrs play time and up to 30 hours in the case. BT 5.0

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People lost their headphones all the time.

that's not bad for a throwaway pair
guessing no mic though

I have the Galaxy buds and they're quite good tbqhwyfam. Comfortable, sound is pretty good (not better than wired obviously) and the tap gestures are pretty useful.

>fucking hate in-ear earbuds
>all wireless ones are in-ear

Airpods my dude.
>inb4 just by chinkshit clones
I’ve owned a few of the knockoffs and they’re all awful. After a week the battery lasts like an hour and the sound quality is deplorable. The sound quality of airpods is completely unimpressive, but at least it isn’t god awful.

Yeah sure buddy, should I pick up a pair of Beats while I'm at it?

If I'm paying $150 for a pair of earbuds I'd rather they sound better than the ones Apple used to throw away for free.

Has potential. Still not good. Sound quality can't match wired.

I want to buy these Sony ones but I already have AirPods and can't justify spending $400 AUD on them, why do they cost so damned much? I could do $250-$300 but $400? You can literally buy a phone with that.

Tangled headphones have taken at least a year from my life due to the how annoying it is to untangle them, not to mention the wires constantly breaking due to the tangling. Then you're doing laundry and they get fucking caught on something, doing the dishes and they get caught on some shit and pulled out, Jesus fuck wired headphones.
Anyone who says wires aren't an issue has to be some dude who literally never does anything but sit at a computer all day, because they are beyond infuriating.

I want the sony ones too. Maybe they'll go on sale for the holidays.

>My use-case is the only one!
A lot of people DO only use them when doing a simple monotonous thing like walking, sitting on a train, sitting at a desk or whatever. If I've got some other physical task to do, that can usually hold my attention just fine. Not to mention I'm not clumsy enough to snag shit on the wire nor too stupid to just put the wire behind me.

this guy fucks

bwain cancer

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>If I've got some other physical task to do, that can usually hold my attention just fine.
Let's ignore the fact that your (or whoever I replied to) argument literally ignores EVERY use case in which wires get in the way.
Glad to know that washing the dishes, doing your laundry, running, or going to the gym are all 100% engaging tasks for you despite their repetitive nature.

shure se215s with that aliexpress adapter looks like a good choice imo

How much dishes and laundry do you have mate? Shit doesn't take that long. Even if it does, the usecase of getting wires and shit tangled on them is more niche. The point isn't that wireless is bad beyond their cost, every phone has bluetooth regardless. The problem is removing the capability to use the thing which is better for more people
>going to the gym
Nigger the fuck stupid crossfit bullshit are you doing? The gym's ultimately simple repetitive motions, how the fuck do you get a wire tangled?

>How much dishes and laundry do you have mate
I do the dishes every night and my laundry every 3 days, but I live with 2 pigs and my girlfriend and am on dish duty so I have a lot of dishes.
At the gym they constantly got tangled in my bag, alongside pulling on my phone while lifting, not to mention flopping around when running. The drawbacks of bluetooth are audio quality but most >$100 BT earphones sound more than fine and it's a non-issue, I have decent headphones for when I want to listen to music at my PC at a high quality.