How far away is Joi level of AI?
How far away is Joi level of AI?
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Not in our lifetimes. 100+ years.
~10 years
If we'll ever have an AI able and programmed to genuinely fall in love with their autist owner, they'll shut it down for muh wymyn rights.
Still, it's at least 100 down the line, assuming current growth rate is kept constant
~1+ year
Pay an ethot and you get the same experience
This question keeps getting asked. To answer this question you have to ask what human intelligence is. There are different kinds of intelligence. For example there are people who are 'book smart', in that they know a lot of facts, but that does not make them intelligent in practical terms. People who ask this question are idiots.
Hopefully never. I never want to see a 3DPD emulation. I want a pure waifu in anime form. Not ugly 3DPD form. YUCK. Who the fuck wants ugly shit?
AI is coming along but if you mean "indistinguishable from a flesh and blood human person" then its not likely to happen for quite a long time if ever.
I mean, check out . Its the alternative to Siri, Alexa, OK Google etc... that is open source, respects your privacy, and can even have your own servers. They're developing it and it works just about as well as the big names these days. An upcoming feature will be an "easy voicepack" setup where anyone can basically train it and then it will speak with their voice if desired. This has huge potential (ie from the famous to family members ) but its all only as good as the system underneath.
You probably know about that Japan only holographic waifu in a box thing (that costs a lot of money) and simulates various interactions. Mycroft and other tech can be used to build upon things like that to create a more comprehensive AI - lets say one that can detect the changes in your voice when you're sad, horny, happy, etc.... and reply accordingly. But its still only a larger and larger decision tree. Ultimately though I think there will be a time when it is "good enough" where many won't believe them on the level as humans, but "close enough" for their needs.
On the physical side, it will take quite some time and money to develop bodies and make them affordable, ambulatory etc... but getting the mind sufficient is its own challenge and making a near-sentient level true AI is a LONG way away.
one thousand years unironically, anyone thinking AI is even close to real is mentally retarded
well statistically speaking the world will be very brown by 100 years, the IQ will be too low to develop such an AI.
no doubt the elite living in the sky will have access to high end tech ,so find a khazar milker to marry to ensure your offspring have the best chance to access this juden tech
I always get completely different predictions. I honestly think no one fucking knows for sure.
>I honestly think no one fucking knows for sure
Wow, its hard to predict how a complex technology might develop into the future....who would have thought.....
This. It's coming sooner than people think.
what about a 3d waifu?
>D-do I fit yet???
The answer is always 30 years. Even if you asked people 30 years ago.
> "Anything you want to hear"
Such an AI could easily be developed with today's technology, you could probably employ a stripped-down WATSON analogue and just give it a grace period of a week to analyze your behavior and the things you say. The hardest part of making JOI would unironically be the hologram projectors.
Okay even if your Jow Forums nonsense is one hundred percent real you're clearly too retarded to understand how averages work, look up the mathematician Ramujan and look at India's space program you fucking idiot. All brown people, same race as the street shitters you love to go on about, just the other end of the bell curve.
> hurr but their moon probe crashed
Yeah and the Americans literally needed the fucking Germans to hold their hand and build all their rockets for them.
The new Realdoll this year is an incredible leap forward
thighs are atrocious though
holy shit
thought that was a dude
creepy af
Do you mean wise?
Holy shit, source?
I wish >she were a trap.
probably a bit optimistic, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was in our lifetime. just look how quickly shit has been changing lately. you have consecutive generations that basically grew up nothing like the one before them thanks to the fast advancement of technology
>some slut showing her ass to the whole world for internet attention
pretty sure that's exactly what user was talking about
cool it pajeet
won't come because technology will be set back because of climate change
>climate change
That tech is pretty far away, I mean, AI is still working on detecting crosswalks.
My guess is 10-20 years. Social AI research is steadily progressing, it shows no signs of slowing down. Just earlier this year another milestone was reached with the GPT-2 language model.
but 'decision tree' is a general enough model that a large enough one should be able to encompass 'true intelligence' or in other words be a program that can pass a turing test. The only question is if humans can produce it.
>10-20 years.
Nope. AI experts predict we will achieve AGI by the end of the century..
>Nope. AI experts predict we will achieve AGI by the end of the century..
Which AI experts, exactly? Experts have a wide range of predictions because it's a really hard thing to predict, but many of them certainly agree with the range I posted.
"Joi-level" isn't necessarily super intelligent AGI, either. In the movie we don't see her solve any particularly hard tasks, she just communicates coherently. She could be way worse than an average human at general problem solving but still pass for a human in most social situations if that what she has been designed for.
This. Crises from climate change, the lowering of global IQ and domination by mega-corporations will completely stunt scientific advancement by the end of the century. Instead of all the cool sci-fi shit we imagined in the late 20th century, we will just get more smartphone gimmicks and super advanced ad botnet until the world collapses back to the middle ages.
Most women couldn't pass the Turing test.
So, for AI to be able to simulate a woman is not too far off
However, for AI to simulate a man is millennia away, if ever.
"Everything you want to see, everything you want to hear." That's the commercial slogan of Joi.
So basically, she's just a bit more complex than your YouTube suggestions algorithm. Just add in the modern "conversational" voice assistant and the hardest things left are the holographic projector and rendering that is not uncanny valley tier.
10 years to get it on a top 10 super-computer, 50 years into a skull sized box
>Crises from climate change, the lowering of global IQ and domination by mega-corporations will completely stunt scientific advancement by the end of the century.
That's literally what happens in Blade Runner though.
hello incel
Never. Hoverboards. Feet soaking stoves. All that bullshit we get promised is just that.
Demolition Man is closer to the future. Self-driving cars and automated ticket citations for assuming someone's gender or saying racial slurs is more likely.
Itt: anons cry that world isn't a high tech, low life dystopia.
>muh flying cars
>muh holographic advertisements
Fucking white knights
Does all that pussy begging get you laid?
meant to reply to
This depends entirely on if human brains actually work like modern AI in programming. We might be in the wrong ballpark again and that will delay human-like AI by quite some time.
If our brains actually work like that, yes 10 years is reasonable.
I just mean that the projections of the future have always missed the mark. Because they're selling ideas that aren't feasible, which gets them financial backers. A very large chunk of articles on futurology are advertisements targeting investors.
I actually don't want the high tech stuff in my life. There's no way jn fucking hell I would own a hover board. Holodeck is different, wake me when science builds a Holodeck, everything else is pointless.
>when science builds a Holodeck, everything else is pointless.
you know already that that is not true
my civilization had holodecks and they were used for training. real life outclassed them in subtle ways
subtle but fundamental ways. outside of theoretical mental sickness, no one would spend inordinate amounts of recreational time in complete virtual reality
If I want to help speed this process and work in this field what do I need to learn?
I got a CS Bachelors. Should I get AI Masters?
Just a heads-up: AI cannot be fully conscious by itself.
thats not what im after
just some good doll sex
In that case the last thing you need is intelligence.
>Do you mean wise?
wisdom is just problem solving with emphasis on future outcomes
people dont even bother to make lists of the different kinds of problem solving skills and match them to humans and computers. humans are by and large bad at problem solving which is why computers were invented as far back as the 1800s with the Babbage engine
Stop it. Color isn't the problem, it's culture and religion. All religion incl Christianity.