When was the last time Jow Forums saw a black programmer?
When was the last time Jow Forums saw a black programmer?
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Non-mutt here, I've only seen black people ib movies.
At work
a what?
Must be nice. Fuck I wish I wasnt born here.
fucking rakim...
That's not how computers work.
Rakim's been inside for a while. Please understand.
I'm black, programming isn't even hard.
At school when I was getting my degree yet. Think he was Somali.
At work friday
I'm not sure I've ever seen a black "programmer" per se, but there are a decent number of black undergrad students in my schools electrical and computer engineering programs and those both require quite a lot of programing
I have a Dominican co-worker. He's not that dark but he's also not very good.
post bash nigger
Did you know that computers were invented by a black woman?
only on the internet
you have big dick?
Got a black programmer on my team. He's good. Indians/Whites are usually the least competent, since they think they can do it due to cultural reasons. The women and black people that get into programming have already jumped a ton of cultural fences to get to where they are.
Yeah, that's what a RACIST would say. Unless your computer is counting with your fingers, u raycis.
When was the last time you saw a white mandingo?
Based Brian Fox
I actually laughed out loud at your post. I'm sure there are black/women programmers that are competent, but my decade in the industry has only shown them to be diversity hires. If they don't want the industry to be racist/sexist, don't hire only idiots of a certain race/sex. Hire competent people, then prove the racists and sexists wrong.
"Hi, welcome to the team, Jen. What sort of projects and languages have you worked with in the past?"
"Well I've played around in Photoshop a lot and I took a class on HTML my freshman year of college."
Every. Time.
Most programmers are black that's why computers suck now
Pretty much every community college is giving away some programming course at basically free prices(govt. guarantees loans for minorities) and their passing students who don’t do well in the hopes of getting more idiots to enroll to cash more govt (taxpayer) checks. It’s sad but at the end of the day whatareyagonnado.
Funny thing is programming isn’t even hard. If you know how to google, copy and paste, and create formulas you can teach yourself programming within a short amount of time(2-4 months at 4hrs per day).
Last night. He was fucking your mom, while we took turns running a train on her cunt.
I'm half black, so I see half of one every day.
I saw a ton of them near Google's headquarters!
cd ..
cd ..
cd code
cd ..
>black programmer
you mean a nigrammer?
do you ever get tired of making this post over and over again? if you spent as much time learning to code as you do evangelizing Jow Forums here, you'd be making at least 250k now user
TC: 310k
Lol team lead making 225k b4 stock options and bonuses
t. Nigger
My university course is literally full of Africans and Asians. There's basically no white people and I'm in a country that is a heavy white majority.
Not for long
my roommate is.
>only wHiTo*ds can progra
>getting rekt by pajeets
>Furiously types at random on keyboard
>"We in"
on a twitch stream, saw a black programmer living in Japan commentating tekken 7. odd combination
Few weeks ago but dude is old school programmers from the days of Sun. Made it big programming and just coasting to retirement. Haven't seen young black coders though.
In my experience a lot of black people [and I know a lot] aren't very good with computers and they blame whites for making them hard. His attitude is not limited to him only. In a way it is to do with race since statistically the most intelligent ethnicities are East Asians and Jews.
t. pole
I have never seen a black person outside of the internet.
I've seen like 5 niggers in my whole life, my dude. Eastern Europe rocks.
Based Fraiser.
Like year ago, his name was Andrzej (polish name). Very strange
Does arab count?
his father is white though.
That still makes him 'black', remember the one drop rule.
If we talking actual genetics Mulattos are more white than black. Incogniggas.