Installing Arch, boys.
i3 or KDE, and why?
Installing Arch, boys.
i3 or KDE, and why?
fuck off nigger
i3-gaps or bspwm
kde is bloated garbage
i3-gaps leaves me at 100mb idle, max
also configs>shitty gui settings
and tiling>floating
use compton if you want transparency.
i3 (actually bspwm or frankenwm or spectrwm) if you want to spend a little more time set up-ing shit like wifi and audio (should take long if you are new, shouldn't take much if you are't new).
KDE if you don't care too much, you will get a full working desktop in like 10 minute post-install if you went with this route.
Use i3 with KDE
KDE is a full featured desktop environment.
i3wm is a child's toy.
i3 with LARBS. Functional, simple, and extremely documented.
You also need Compton if you want to avoid tearing, or another compositor.
i3 with KDE apps like dolphin for file management. bspwm has less quirks than i3 but is also harder for a beginner to configure. Don't listen to the retards talking about bloatware, most of Arch's packages have every single build option enabled by default, its "bloat" to begin with. If you want to fall for the no bloat meme you should install Gentoo instead.
Might as well also install GNOME if you're already trying to build the worst linux desktop.
why tf would you want to install arch. CentOS or manjaro is better.
fuck I hate minimal autists so much. honestly just neck yourself unless you're in uganda posting from a 20 year old rusted pc
Manjaro is a pile of shit. It had promise but is now a complete disaster piece because it's maintainers are idiots.
Never any details. Never any personal expereinces. Just blanket meme cricisms of Manjaro.
t. Uses Manjaro. Never has a problem.
Redditor wm
Buggy bloated mess
cwm is the only window manager you should install.
Why Arch is impossible with Lenovo?
it's not just pain autism, there are modern ides that take up more than 1gb of ram just to run.
or if you're running code that works with long lists and it stops because it runs out of memory . . .
go through stuff like that and it starts to grind your gears if your OS requires more than 500MB just to run
Arch is not minimalist, brainlet like you, who have no idea what they are talking about, but try to act like they do, are the real cancer. Drink some bleach and then jump off a bridge.
Used it, architect installer failed to find core packages from any mirror. i3 version installed fine, but wouldn't boot after a kernel update, fallback wasn't generated properly either so I couldn't even boot it afterwards, his happened to me three times before I decided to uninstall.
Tried it again as few months later, architect installer worked, but wouldn't boot (black screen and then an immediate reset).
You're probably just a retard
KDE if you're pragmatic and prefer saving time and being effective.
KDE if you work for a living, i3 if you are a neet with too much free time.
Icewm, Xfce, LXDE or MATE
i3 if you are autistic, kde if you are a normal human
big DEs get big updates and usually shit breaks so stick with smaller ones and when you get tired of the functionality of X you install Y.
the tearing is caused by X and can be configured so you don't need a compositor.
i3-gaps my nigga
why not both
KDE is a DE, i3 is a WM
KDE if you want everything to work out the box and you do actual work
i3 if you don't work and want to setup for 2 months
Unironically Gnome.
Just use XFCE motherfucker