Redpill me on why I should go Linux.
I do a ton of Gaming and Programming, and like a lot of control and freedom. Especially in the Aesthetics, and auto functions.
Which Distro\Version\Packages?
Dual Boot to Windows for gaming? Which one?
Redpill me on why I should go Linux
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if you do a ton of gaming, dont use linux. i mean yeah people probably have these really fancy solutions to game on linux. but pretty much any fucking game is meant to be played on windows
go to linux if you enjoy playing on mostly game engine recreations or emulators
You shouldnt, most distros are specialized and specific to a subject, and gaming isnt one of those, if you want linix to program theres vms and wsl and cygemu and mingw
Stop buying Microsoft software. Use Fedora and Lutrex.
Microsoft paid hardware manufacturers to make it nearly impossible for you to boot or install Linux on a system that already has a Microsoft EFI.
keep windows 7 on a separate drive and then choose a linux distro for everything that isn't gaming
dual boot is a good idea
just stay with Windows for your games and Windows exclusive software
as for the distro you should use, stick to Ubuntu or one of its derivatives. Pick the desktop you like:
stock Ubuntu - Gnome desktop
Kubuntu - KDE desktop
Xubuntu - Xfce desktop
Ubuntu Mate - Mate desktop
Linux Mint is officially another distribution but it's basically just Ubuntu with the Cinnamon desktop, so that's worth a look too
you can try them all as a live image from a usb drive so you don't have to install them all to test them
I would recommend reducing the amount of gaming you do, especially in mainstream games that are often locked to the windows platform and are nearly always closed-source. I gave up playing closed-source games a long time ago because I've seen way too many games harmed by terrible DRM, loot boxes, forced updates and server shutdowns that totally ruin the experience. FOSS programs typically have none of these issues and that includes games that are FOSS. Yes, the production quality likely will not be up to the same as multi-million dollar AAA games. But that production quality comes at a cost that I wasn't willing to pay anymore.
Gaming is getting alot better on linux due to valves proton making steam compadibillity as high as 90% with almost equal (and sometimes better) preformance (though i use AMD,it may be different with nvidia)
And for outside of steam,lutris works pretty well (but not nearly as good as proton)
Though id say dualboot for now cause it still isnt as good as windows for gaming overall,but linux gaming is worth a shot.
And for distro,id need to know what you want.
You shouldn't.
Wayland isn't ready for widespread adoption, KDE is a buggy mess and Windows's font rendering is leaps and bounds ahead.
Gayming is for kid, if you want to game get a gaming console.
Debian is superior.
No, contrarianism is beta.
Lutris makes gaming in Linux easy.
There's also steam and plenty of games made specificly for Linux.
Consoles suck tho (in comparison),and making him pay more is stupid even if consoles wherent crap.
OP isn't talking about widespread adoption, he's talking about his personal use.
I disagree that the font rendering in Windows is better. But I understand that this can be up to personal taste. If you want your font rendering on a free open source operating system to match what windows does, it is technically possible, and people want to do it, but distros are prevented from shipping the exact algorithm due to microsoft patents. See here for more info:
This is a perfect case of a feature being worse in other operating systems directly because of the hostile actions of microsoft. Blame them.
>Wayland isn't ready for widespread adoption
true, stick to X11 like everyone else
>KDE is a buggy mess
It only happens on Nvidiot hardware because the drivers are complete crap
> Windows's font rendering is leaps and bounds ahead.
this meme again? Winows font rendering is god awful and Cleartype is a mess, the only reason this meme exists is because long dead patents that prevented most Linux distros to have nice font rendering
that's not how secure boot works or else it's news to me
There are still some active patents related to ClearType. They will expire at the end of this year.
games kind of suck anyway, people aren't really getting immersed in single player games anymore and are just playing the same pvp games over and over again despite being garbage at it, or some shitfest meme like wow classic.
Lutris is cool for gaming but ultimately windows is going to have every game that you'd want. Dual boot to get started though, just make sure you back up your shit before you install anything. Ubuntu is popular for a reason, it's a good beginner point. If you don't like it, look up how to install kde plasma in it instead of gnome. You get a lot more fine grained control over your system but if you don't give a shit just use windows.
>muh font rendering
why do people enjoy smoothing so much
i'd rather just have it draw the exact shape of the font even if it looks 'bad'
you people are basically drooling over anti aliasing as if this is 2005 gay men
I will not help you make choices.
You should learn to do that shit yourself.
Don't dual boot because you'll find that you keep using Windows.
Distro: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS because of the community (newfags dealing with the same problems).
Gaming: Look into 'Wine', and 'Proton' (Valve's fork of Wine).
Wait, I forgot: 18.04 probably has an ancient version of Wine. Go with the latest Ubuntu desktop version instead. Or Linux Mint, which is aimed at people who don't know how to install a different desktop environment.
Steam exists fuckboi.
There's not really a why so much if you don't already know.
It's free that means you get all the bullshit that comes with free shit. Bugs hassles and stupid people and their Lord and savior Stallman is a pedophile. Do you want people to think you hope with such mindsets? "Gibme free" mentality in business doesn't bode well.
There's a reason nobody uses the apps either, they're all second best. See libreoffice, Gimp and the like, actually run better on Windows. But if you're on Windows just use Photoshop and Ms office.
Linux is good if you just need to install an os on like an older piece of hardware you want to sell quickly.
Fuck Linux. It's all garbage quality bullshit full of infighting and everyone reinventing the wheel without focusing on making applications people actually need.
Dual boot and keep windows for gaming.
As far as Linux, if you want the illusion of stability that comes crashing down once a year, go with a debian distro, but know they're intended for servers.
As far as anyone saying a rolling release is unstable, ask to hear about their personal experience, because most people actually using rolling release report that they don't have any problems.
I'm still waiting to hear how someone managed to fuck up Manjaro.
So much this.... And more
Want to install something? Pick a package manager, why have 1 when you can have 20 package managers? 18 different desktops, none of which are any good.
It's all just 1 big circle jerk of incompetent morons too stupid to capitalize on their skillset reinventing the same wheel over and over making tiny insignificant tweaks wasting time instead of making true competitors to applications the workforce demands.
If you really demanded it or needed it you would be willing to pay for it.
can linux run Diablo 2 tho?
Manjaro is great. I like it. I think people just want to sound smarter than they actually are.
Why not CentOS? Scientists use it.
I already did on Windows lol... This is the argument these retards make. No need to make good applications when you ignore the demands, people who make them just give up and move on. Then they can go back to feeling self righteous. Linux users are a daft bunch. Hypocrites at the best, autistic at the worst. It's a horrible experience.
Wine runs it well.
I'm not going to pay you in hopes you implement needed features. I'll pay you for the application that has them already. Moron.
I'm not ignoring demands you just already spent your money and made up your mind what you want to use. You paid for an application that the developers refuse to port, that's your fault. The application is probably closed source too, so even if I wanted to port it for you, they wouldn't allow me to do it. Ask them for a refund and be willing to drop some cash on a replacement and then you can talk about demand.
That statement doesn't make sense and ignores how most software is actually made. Someone has to pay for the features to be implemented.
Wine works pretty well on Debian but I wouldn't recommend anything else because this is the first time I've had stuff just work, but I also had a couple of errors with apt that would have been hard to solve when I first started learning linux, which I mainly learned while using Arch where you have to do a lot of shit manually so I don't know.
Still recommend debian.
just install mint
Naw I just stick to Windows. Until y'all can figure this out or die trying the world will continue to ignore you. Rightfully so.
Cope with what? Windows has everything I need. There's no coping.
Woohoo an os that stays stable for 2 weeks then shits the bed!
We don't care that some brainlet like yourself ignores everything else to play minecraft 16 hours a day.
Isn't Minecraft the first and only real game to ever get a true Linux port?
I had to install windows for sims 2 but I got a bunch of other shit working including underrail and sims 4 on linux with good performance. Usually if it doesn't run through that the program will be one I can run in the vm.
Windows is fucking terrible so good job. Everyone uses either mac or linux if they are remotely technical.
What are you talking about?
>Gayming is for kid
>He says while browsing an anime based forum that jerks off over which operating system is better
Someones insecure.
That's the problem you don't care. You sit and make autistic false claims. You believe the bullshit you spew which is worse yet.
>Your problem is that you don't care about me!
No, that is YOUR problem.
Chek'd nice quads
Isn't Minecraft the first commercial game to be released on Linux?
PROTON for Linux, it's still in it's infancy but things will guarantee that in 10 yrs from now Linux will be able to run literally every single game that runs on Windows.
Not me personally. The needs of many is something you should but don't care about. But as soon as something challenges your world view you bitch and complain as if I should care what you think. I hope PCs get as locked down to Windows as iPhones. No choice. So sick of your rhetoric.
Yes 10 year old games woohoo!
That's all of Linux. Just now adding features we had in Windows a decade ago.
Microsoft has a linux subsystem in their latest nsaware. What does that tell you?
Powershell has commands like 'ls' in it from unix because everybody wants these utilities in the OS but they only started doing it. So many tools missing too. It is not a workspace for any programmer or developer. They have vscode available for linux even because they realize nobody wants to use that shit on windows.
Maybe it's extend, embrace, extinguish. Good luck in the coming years. Remember you let them in.
>I hope PCs get as locked down to Windows as iPhones.
I know you're trying to troll me but you're missing the point. Doing that would have no effect on me and would make your computing experience worse. I care about the needs of the many more than you know friend, but that does not mean I have to care about your whining in this thread. Your needs are yours alone, not the needs of the many.
mathematician here.
I run centos in the labs and fedora on my laptop, but I always have a Red Hat partition partition just in case.
Debian is also good but I never depend too much on the package manager for anything than updating, it has a lot of orphaned packages.
This board is full of neets using variations of a mother distro like Debian because they don't know how to build a system from a core like CentOS.
Pretty similar to linux from scratch or the old Slackware since the package manager basically has nothing but dead stable core packages on which you can build the software.
I mean is not like Windows has a central repository for software, you get it from the software web site.
Itt: people spewing facts and autists defending it poorly.
Then stop reinventing the wheel for a few
I don't do that, Microsoft does.
Then stop reinventing the wheel for a few years and focus on bringing your applications up to par with the rest of the world please.
Windows store bitch. Cope.
That shit has been dead for years. Besides it's the opposite, they are becoming more linux like instead of trying to change linux itself. Why? Because your phone, your car, your amazon spybot, etc. all run linux or a unix derivative. Nobody wants to deal with the windows garbage way of doing things which isn't compatible with other systems.
I don't know what you're talking about, I don't have any "applications". If there is some program that you want to improve, then pay for it.
>mathematician here.
t. undergrad
There's 1 distribution of windows, 2 if you count the cutdown version that's home.
How many distributions of Linux are there? 2, 3 thousand?
I'm not going to pay you in hopes you'll fix your broken shit. I'll pay the person, in my case Adobe, who makes better shit than you. Cope.
That's irrelevant because that 1 distribution of windows is bloated to fuck with tons of garbage because there are 1000s of people with different goals all working on it within microsoft all trying to stuff their shit together into the same OS and failing miserably.
I never said pay me. I told you I don't have any applications. You should pay the developer of whatever applications you're thinking of. I would suggest not paying adobe anymore though, because they are an abusive company. There is no cope because you're the one who suffers from being in an abusive relationship, not me.
How is that picture related to my post? I don't use windows.
i play a bunch native repository games (red eclipse and xonotic are good af), steam games, emulator games, and torrent-shared GOG (or DRM-liberated) content.
Mostly just use lutris to set and organize everything up.
I use Gallium nine for dx9, and dxvk for everything else. Right now, i'm playing GOG's Dragon Age Origins with lutris, and i was playing some assassin's creed II earlier.
You have more distributions then applications. The ones you do have suck monkey nuts. Take Gimp (fitting name) feels like having my hands chopped off and crayons shoved in the bloody stumps leaving me gimpy. It barely works with Wacom tablets and the input lag is unbearable.
I'll take my bloated useful applications, with the time I saved I'll buy more ram.
>You have more distributions then applications.
No, I have one distribution on my computer. Are you sure you don't have me confused with someone else?
I don't particularly care what your problem is with that program or any program. Pay the developers if you want them to do something for you.
No I'll pay for them when they catch up maybe. By then I'll either be dead or using better anyway.
You don't get it, they won't catch up without funding increases.
The names in Linux are such cringe
Mate (pronounced mattay literally translates death)
Hannah Montana
There's more but none come to mind but you get the point. Fix your naming scheme.
Then they should have thought about that before giving it away for free. I mean how stupid can you get?
It's like an autistic metal grunge band
"System of downs"
They did think about that and don't care. You're the one who seems to be invested in them catching up.
Using Linux feels about that way. Like trying to do physics or rocket science with an IQ of 47.
Have fun coping at less than 2% marketshare.
If you're trying to troll me, it's not effective. I have nothing to cope about and I don't care about marketshare.
Any tech company existing since 1991 with less than 2% marketshare would be dead by now. I bet you're glad it's free since that's all you can afford.
What's it like being so poor you can't afford $19 for a Windows license?
Why would I pay for that? The amount of money you would have to pay ME to use windows is quite large.
Shit windows 10 pro is 6.99 USD on eBay. How poor do you have to be that $7 is too expensive? At that point maybe you should sell that PC to buy some ramen noodles.
Oh you use it all the time stop lying.
Nope. I tried it on a friend's computer maybe 6 months ago, it was awful.
Time to roll up the pant cuffs shits getting deep. You don't have any irl friends.
Please don't waste your breath with these pointless personal attacks.
not him but can you actually not believe someone hasn't used windows in ages? last time I used it was in 2012
it's kinda sad it's ingrained so deep into your brain that you can't fathom someone living without it
With the right hardware you can run Windows in a VM using GPU passthrough so you can play games that are borked in wine while still using Linux, and also not having to reboot your pc to switch between gaymen and everything else. The best of both worlds.
>I do a ton of Gaming
Global rule 2.