This new build is taking up all my time. Why is my VGA light on? How come it won’t make a display?
Please help me Jow Forums
why is it always amd fags with horribly disgusting builds? for fuck sakes, take the time to clean up your cable management at least. i get it, amd is for poor people who disguise it as "value for performance" but that doesn't excuse taking the time to clean shit up and make it look like semi-presentable. you can make a pile of shit computer look semi-decent. doesn't matter how fucking poor you are, you can afford the $3 for a pack of fucking zip ties if you can build a piece of shit amd computer.
stop being a retard and make sure the monitor is actually plugged in and on. if its is, move on to the next big brain IQ requiring and try another graphics card. if you don't have another spare laying around because you are too poor to own a secondary card for $30, then run to best buy and buy the cheapest garbage card you can to test with and return it.
Try different graphics slot and different PCI power cables.
Dial 8
nb4 cable management fags
U fucked something up
>EVGA 500W
What the fuck did we tell you about cheaping out in the PSU OP?
Reseat power cables, RAM, and GPU (unplug and plug them in again).
It's actually rare for the PSU to come DOA, even for chink ones. I've had a $20 400W who? chink PSU power a gt 1030 and 2200G for over a year now.
Not because it might arrive DOA, but because it will cause problems in the long run.
For a reason cheap PSUs have 2-3 years warranty while the decent ones have 9-13 years.
True though the load placed on mine isn't even 100W so it'll probably last me a couple of years at least.
I WISH I had a 2200G desu
Jow Forums is not your fucking tech support. Read the sticky you brainlet.
put it in the microwave, but ONLY for 20 seconds. any more and you'll brick it
Not sure what you're on about. I have AMD stuff and my case is nice and clean. I also do a nice job with other systems for other people. Maybe you should stop pulling info from fairy land.
My brother is saying I might have fried something? Reee!
what the fuck is a vga light?
virgin gaming accessory
vector groin array
It's not cause they're an AMD user, it's that they've never built a PC before, which is obvious by looking at the picture. Power led not plugged in, single channel memory, has a DVD drive, only having an HDD instead of an HDD+SSD, cheap PSU, oh and going to Jow Forums for tech support.
(Also OP why the fuck is there a bunch of dust in the case if it's a new build?)