Sound card halp

I just bought the Sound Blaster Z sound card, that comes with the microphone and a set of Creative 5.1 speakers.

$119, free shipping. Pretty good deal. The card alone usually goes for $100+ and the speakers around $75. Not bad for a 7 year old card that's still superior.

Anyway, my inquiry....

I'd like to use the front audio panel jacks for my headphones. Do I unplug the AAFP cable from the mother board and plug it into the back of the Sound Blaster Z card, thus giving me superior sound through my front panel audio jacks? I don't want to reach behind my PC to unplug my headphones when I want sound to come from the speaker, and vice versa. I also don't want HD sound coming from the speakers and on board sound coming from the headphones, and have to switch between the 2 through windows audio.

Attached: SBZ.jpg (466x466, 20K)

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i sold one on ebay awhile back for $30. you can still find them for that price. you got ripped off.

>I'd like to use the front audio panel jacks for my headphones
not happening with that sound card user

I couldn't find any for that cheap. Plus mine is new, with a microphone and 5.1 speakers. Cool story anyway.

its a shit card for a shitty user, enjoy


Plan B is to use my old speakers (with a headphone jack built in) and sell the 5.1 set for ~$70.

Never ever use the front jacks with a PC sound card. That card isn’t half bad and does the job well, but you shouldn’t have paid more than 80 for it.

If you are having wire logistics issues, you would be better served getting a cheap desktop amp.

gl with that

Also: the sound blaster software allows you to switch from headphones to speakers in the GUI. There is no need to change out shit unless you are switching headphones or speakers. You plug both in, you stupid ape.

i've sold shittier speakers for more on ebay.

not to anyone with a half decent understanding of how ebay buyer protection works you haven't. you'd be my bitch and you'd pay return shipping

Yes, there is a front panel audio connector for the front panel connector on it. I don't know why
is claiming otherwise.

Why not? Makes no difference to the sound.

My headphones would have to be plugged into the back on the computer, which is on the floor. I want to use the front panel jacks since the headphone cables will reach there. But I don't want to use onboard sound (which is what the front panel audio ports are linked to) with my sound blaster z.

>hurr gonna sell the shit creative tossed in the box to entice retards to buy the internal DAC for as much as the DAC is worth on its own
I applaud you, eBay scammer.

>speakers work
>no warranty
>no returns

no problems.

That card has a link to the front jacks, you just unhook the front jacks from the mobo and plug into the card’s connection. You’re still a stupid nigger for using it, though.

I’ve had that card, it does make a pretty hefty difference. I’ve tested it, but it might be due to shitty Corsair shit front shit.

>claim speakers don't work
>ebay steps in, provides label to ship it back with tracking
>you get box with rocks back
>ebay forces you to pay to ship the rocks

haha God you are such a faggot

How's that scamming? If anybody is scamming, it's Creative.

There's 3 of them already. Creative sells them from their site for $69.99

one auction is going to end in 12hr it will go for a little over $30, the fucking card is overpriced garbage.


Probably a problem with your front panel audio connector then, they should be equal provided there is no problem with the cable shielding/ground.

same price as a used audigy2 haha

Sounblaster Z control panel is buggy as shit, everytime I startup Windows I must readjust my speakers values
Where can I find a better alternative?

30 bucks is just fine for a PC sound card in current year. Everything is overpriced at retail price, everything. I got a 1070 for 150 bucks from a looter during a hurricane, you just gotta put forth the effort to find a deal.

There's nothing wrong with my sound. I just want to be able to have the sound blaster card work through the front panel jacks. But poor niggers are so worried about what I paid and another nigger who thinks he's a master ebay scammer. I just asked a simple question.

applying a profile is not the same as saving a default profile

I mean I was answering that guy who claimed the front panel audio is worse than the back, which is false. I already answered you here about your question though:
You'll be fine.

>thinks he's a master ebay scammer
my my what a sweet little innocent child

I've sold shit on ebay for over a decade with "No refunds, no returns, no warranty, product sold as is" and have had 0 problems. I also have never sold broken shit as working shit like a fucking nigger either.
I did have one guy message me back about 1 of 4 fuel injectors that supposedly didn't work. I told him read the listing..... "NO WARRANTY, NO RETURNS". Didn't hear from him or ebay. He was full of shit anyway because I pulled them off my working vehicle.


Why not a DAC?

You utte moron you should have got a decent amplifier headphones and used speakers
>gaming sound card In 2020
Also lmao those rebranded speakers I was using those 20 years ago when they where camebridges but the sub was bigger and better
WOW u got fucked

> buying sound cards in 2019

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i love you no returns sellers ive had to deal with quite a few of you fools. you squirm in the beginning but soon ebay bends you over and fronts me a return label. they do this all the while your paypal account has the money associated with the purchase frozen in it. (most everyone uses paypal so dont give me the i only use credit option, besides paypal processes all ebay orders done with credit cards) when its all said and done they pay the return shipping, lose the original shipping cost and the money goes back to the buyer. so you can take your "NO WARRANTY, NO RETURNS" and shove it way up your ass because it doesn't mean jack shit on ebay.

What happens when I bump into faggots like you is ignore you completely and just let paypal handle it. I send one email and if I don't get my money back within 24 hours, I file a complaint with paypal.

Pic related is a dude who spewed that same shit. "NO REFUNDS NO WARRANTY". Fat lot of good that did him.

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nice is that any better than using ebay's return process? i have had good success with ebay's return system in the past its just that it takes a long time, this seems quicker.

Took four days from initial dispute.

not bad, ill keep that in mind. however im gonna just stick with the ebay return method, no reason to change up something that works for me.

>Pretty good deal

Attached: [FEFsubs] Okaa-san Online - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.52_[2019.09.16_02.55.30].png (1366x768, 1.92M)

This is the thing I hated about having an SB card. That whole GUI caused all kinds of issues, switching between speakers and headphones would cause videos to freeze, games to stop making sound entirely, etc. I have the SB K3+ audio interface now and it's a much nicer solution, sound is pretty much identical to the Z and it has multiple ins and outs that I can switch between simply by turning one knob up and the other down, plus it's obviously a full-on interface with XLRs and phantom power and RCA outs for speakers and all of that.

Profile doesn't change these values

Attached: Capture.jpg (1068x670, 69K)

Get an audigy 2 zs you fucking pedophile

holy fuck from what year is this

Looks like XP
Or just use onboard, which actually works without issues and is the same quality wise

And I'm using Win10, Creative software is cancer

Are sound cards a meme given that most mobos have decent audio?

Fucking based - so did paypal charge the guy back the amount you paid him?

>decent audio
You just answered it yourself

yes, OP got memed

not that guy, but i would assume so, sometimes they even bill them a few extra cents for the hassle of the whole thing.

Just checked with speakers nib eBay, $44.95 you overpaid.

That's not what it looks like in win10.

Attached: Untitled.png (1040x662, 398K)

Ikr what fucking moron pays money for a sound card when my GTX 2080 ti has it built in?

30 bucks will provide a lot of extremely noticeable improvement. Even the OP card will make your audio sound a lot better, but there's no reason to spend much on it.

>a lot of extremely noticeable improvement
heres your (You)
also creative has deposited $0.02 into your future purchase account with them

Attached: bait_not.jpg (625x626, 54K)

Hey op, what's it like being autistic? Because only a fucking retard would pay $119 for a $40 card.

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Then get an external DAC that /hpg/ is currently meme-ing for around the same price. The point remains, around 30 bucks will give a lot of obscenely noticeable improvement in audio quality.

not even a $40 card, but yes your point still stands

whats the thing on the wire

NSA listening device

I was grading the bell curve.

>Boasting about paying full price for a shit tier 2017 card
Kek oh thank you op I needed a laugh.

those other suckers are paying around an extra ~$28 for the fucking box and possibly a shit mic; its like when you see all those mobo boxes and other electronic boxes people list on ebay for big bucks. they must get buyers or else they wouldn't keep listing them.

Audigy 2 Zs - Godly card. Everything since then has been a mod of it. Accept no shat subs either, most of what you see at places like walmart are the cut down versions which lack hardware guts to do the processing (its all software based).

The only brand that comes close to the Audigy is the Xonar DGX

Hardware cards are still useful. Sometimes onboard cards introduce humming or distortions in audio when playing older games.

Actually there are two control panels each one is a different executable
If you click this button you can open the one I'm talking about

Attached: capture.jpg (1507x1085, 674K)



Attached: 1558307636486.gif (350x197, 1.9M)

Found your problem.

Attached: Sieppaa.png (581x394, 16K)

These days the only reason to buy a soundcard is if you want a better latency than the built in one.
But the few who care about that probably won't want an internal one, or a creative.

Just get a DAC/amp. Hell you can get a decent Creative DAC for $20. Worried about quality? Spend $60-$100 on some fiio bullshit.

>linux has sound
you learn new stuff here every day

A PCI soundcard has an DAC and an amplifier.

>Buying a sound card in 1999+20

People still buy internal sound cards?


I have the SB Z and I pretty much like it. I use it with a DT 880 and an external desktop AMP and it sounds much better than the onboard realtek, especially with the adjustable bass. I didn't regret buying it, but you won't notice difference if you use some cheap ass headphones or speakers.