/pcbg/ - PC Building General

AMD has recently been found to be lying about fixing their CPU boosting problems for the ryzen 3000 series. In the USA, due to price cuts, intel provides better value at the sub $200 market and $300+ market.
>Assemble a part list
>How to assemble a PC

Want help?
>State budget & CURRENCY
>Post at least some attempt at a parts list
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

>Athlon 200GE - HTPC, web browsing, bare minimum gaming
>R3 3300G - Minimum 30-60fps gaming.
>i5 9400g - 60fps+ gaming CPU
>i7 9700k - Perfect gaming CPU for ultra settings 1080p and higher resolutions
>R7 1700 - Budget production
>i9 9900kf - Multithreaded version of the 9700k, perfect for gaming/streaming/productivity

>Do NOT use a single DIMM. 2 sticks for a typical dual channel CPU
>>Since zen2 does not benefit much from faster ram, 3000 CL15 is fine for both intel/amd builds.

>RX 570/580 8GB - Can be found on sale/used for cheap. Look for 570s which are >1240MHz boost
>GTX 1660/TI / Vega56 - higher fps / more demanding games; only worth it on sale as normal cost is overpriced
>RX 5700 - higher FPS
>RX 5700 - standard, 70-100FPS+ gaming
>RX 5700XT - higher FPS
2160p (4K)
>RX 5700XT/2070S - budget option. Upscale with RIS/CAS
>2080Ti - best for 4K, but poor value

>RX 570/580 stock is becoming limited as RX 5600 launch approaches

>Yes, adaptive sync (g/free-sync) is important for gaming
>HDD are defunct except for servers, NAS, and sub-$400 builds; SSDs are cheap now
>Beware sites which rank CPUs by arbitrary, obfuscated scores (eg userbenchmark, passmark, cpuboss), and comparisons which only use averages and not 1% minimums nor framegraphs
>AM4 VRMs, Monitors & Storage/SSD guidelines under "more"

more rentry.co/pcbg-more

Attached: Honeyview_filthykikes.jpg (1920x736, 312K)

Other urls found in this thread:


So if my options are the 2 fan Powercolor AXRX 5700 XT for $410 or the 3 fan PowerColor Red Devil for $450, is that extra fan worth the $40? Logic says no but then I don't know how much difference that 3rd fan makes.

Attached: 1428015355482.png (800x600, 14K)

>no look at the heatsink
>the heat pipes
>the fin stack
>the pcb
>the VRM
yeah, lets look only at fans


You are implying a level of technical competence and knowledge that if I possessed would mean I wouldn't be here.


>zen2 does not benefit much from faster ram
Infinity fabric and memory controller can usually be overclocked to 1700-1800Mhz.

2 fan & good heatsink = quiet operation & no throttling
Eg: youtube.com/watch?v=FQJCm7bnOfU

Go look up if there are reviews out for 2 card you picked out.

Attached: relative-performance-games-1920-1080.png (500x370, 28K)

You are implying I want you to stay retarded forever.
I'l help you, but much like your cunt father, I will teach you to fish, rather than stick a fish down your throat.

How about you look up reviews of the two cards you are considering, and take a screenshot of the things listed.

>change the frequency to a higher value
>drop timings to shit to compensate
If you keep the true latency low, there is no fucking point in changing one or the other value.
IT's the combination of both frequency AND timings that gives you true latency value and games scale on that.

show your own benchmarks then

>literal intel shill thread

Attached: 9843899.jpg (2336x3504, 2.42M)

Please don't recommend the 5700XT for 1440p, it's a housefire piece of scat
the 2070S is better and isn't more expensive, hell, the 2080 if you can get it is the best. 2080 for 1440p, 2080Ti for 4K.

You clearly don't understand how Ryzen works. REGARDLESS of timings, the Infinity Fabric clock needs to be 1:1 with memory FREQUENCY for the lowest memory latency. You get FPS gains from a faster IF clock, and to get that you need a higher memory frequency.

Shit OP, abandon thread!

>Please don't recommend the 5700XT for 1440p, it's a housefire piece of scat
That's false though. It's hardly a housefire if you buy the custom models and avoid the blower.
>the 2070S is better and isn't more expensive,
DEPENDS on region.

>hell, the 2080 if you can get it is the best. 2080 for 1440p, 2080Ti for 4K.
More like 2080ti for 1440p 144hz and adjust everything else accordingly below that.

Imagine buying anything but the Ryzen 3600
it's the best chip AMD has ever made, a $200 powerhouse of a chip.

Oh vey

But anons have posted the Pulse models and they have shit temps and the Red Devil model is practically unavailable and costs a lot more than the Pulse and at that point you might as well get the 2070S
for some reason the Strix RTX cards are sold for as much as the budget Zotac ones here, it's amazing lol

I just want to play fighting games someone help the retard out

>But anons have posted the Pulse models and they have shit temps
Comparing to what though?
AMD reference, nvidia?


Lads I am currently pondering wether to pull the trigger on my first build but I'm not sure if I should wait till black friday. Should I?

Here's the current iteration of my build pcpartpicker.com/list/gvXmfH suggestions welcome.

Don't forget dual bios

>AMD has recently been found to be lying about fixing their CPU boosting problems for the ryzen 3000 series.
huh? i don't have an amd cpu but want to know what this is about,

t. OP

Every one of these threads has been an AMD circle jerk for the past few months.

Termaltake is shit

Got an i7-8700k by circumstance for not too much effort, what are some recommended motherboards to go with it that won't cripple my wallet, was thinking ASSRock Z370 as it seems to be the most affordable option but is there anything Jow Forums would recommend instead?

They hit 90+ degrees which sucks, anything above 75c is enough to make my computer table toasty, despite all the fans and good airflow in my case.

Don't get the H510i unless you want the CUE shit and the RGB shit
the H710 is the better case with better airflow and aesthetics, check that out.

Conclusion: match uclock and fclock to avoid a latency penalty, fclock 1900, ddr 3800 if manually tuning. ddr 3600 if not manually tuning.

Conclusion: some gains from manual tuning

>They hit 90+ degrees which sucks,
which ones.
>anything above 75c is enough to make my computer table toasty, despite all the fans and good airflow in my case.
I am afraid that's not how it works.
You have to realize that the temperature you see on your GPU does not represent how much heat it's generating.
Only how well your cooling system is dissipating the amount of heat it does generate.
You are far better off looking at how much Wattage the GPU is using, to figure out how much heat it's generating.

Asrock is the go-to brand for budgetfags, can't go wrong with it
if you're gonna OC it get something more solid.

>recommending Vega when Radeon just ditched it

So AMD is CPU king and GPU (budget) king? Why would anybody buy intel or nvidia

The Pulse, of course. I'm sure the Red Devil has better temps but it costs as much as a 2070S strix here

where i got from, they also match the IF to the memory speed in all their tests

Well I am kinda going for some RGB stuff but the 750 is way over what I would currently pay for a case.

literally just buy whatever is cheaper close to you or whatever you can get the best deal on for performance, at this point they're neck and neck so it literally doesn't matter and sometimes you can get really good deals from individuals for one or the other
fanboying for any is gay
Could I not OC with ASSRock? I'm getting a corsair H100i which I found for cheap recently, also I assume any Z370 or Z390 would do right

Nvidia is GPU budget king, the 1660ti can be had for $300 and for around $200 the 1660 destroys the 580/590 whatever shit just lol at saving a literal few dollars and getting the worse GPU fuck
AMD Radeon has LOST

5700 mate...

nooo if you're OCing you need the top shelf boards for stability

stop posting this retarded intel shill

don't buy Radeon cards, get a used 1080 it'll shit on the 5700

>The Pulse, of course.
>They hit 90+ degrees which sucks

Attached: 5700xt pulse.jpg (1443x817, 175K)

Best CPU cooler under $50?

Did anyone get delivery dates for their amazon Red Devil Pre orders last month?


Would an MSI Tomahawk Z370 be any better or is it still too shit?

Hyper 212

Cooler Master Hyper 212 Black.

the reference model yes, the pulse one is fine

they sell the 5700XT Pulse for more than the 2070 Strix here, might as well get that it's a better card.

Amd fangirls in a nutshell

Why aren't these kawaii cards available easily? I don't want to buy one off aliexpress

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Like this user said , their CAM software sucks, you're better off adding RGB through the mobo. Adding onto that, the mobo you listed doesn't have bios flashback so you'd need another chip to update the motherboard for 3000 series ryzen. Also changed the ram since you can OC it and its cheaper and personally I'd spend the extra cash for a better PSU since those tend to last longest from build to build.

>they sell the 5700XT Pulse for more than the 2070 Strix here, might as well get that it's a better card.
The argument was about the cooling capability of Saphire pulse 5700xt.
You were proven wrong.

If you want to tell me that based on price/availability the 2070s is better for you, then I won't stop you. As everybody should look at the price in their region, rather than some faggot across the worlds price.

AMD have always been the good guys

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oops forgot to change the PSU

you forgot to add the jew from AMD side just out of shot to the right.

I have a pair of WH-1000XM3s. What bluetooth adapter should I use for them?

I already got some cheap one, but the software is shit and buggy as hell. Get audio delay that doesn't correct itself, and a few other annoying issues that make it not worth it.

>inb4 just use a cable.
It would be nice to also be able to get up without having to take off the headphones/disconnect them.

Attached: feel1.png (511x428, 252K)


why did anons post 90+ temps on the pulse 5700xt

spend the extra $50 on the better mobo chipset.

>It would be nice to also be able to get up without having to take off the headphones/disconnect them.
lol at zoomeras and their phobia of cables

>why did anons post 90+ temps on the pulse 5700xt

I like to get up and work out every 30 or so minutes to keep the blood flowing.

FX chips were indeed 8 cores, just barely so. Jewish judge that doesn't know what a computer is just listened to "experts" and made a ruling.

The only difference between B450 and X470 is B450 doesn't support SLI, that's it.

>r*ddit defends bulldozer again

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Shit OP
Even at it's base ryzen has performed better and competed with more expensive chips.

Probably because Intel is legit getting destroyed in everything that isn't /v/, and even then the difference is negligible with setups people are actually using, rather than intentionally wasting a 2080ti at 1080p on poorly-threaded vidya to push an edge case. The AMD OP actually makes sense, at least for now. Although I'd still put the 9900K as the top end consumer gaming CPU if you care about literally nothing else.
This OP is pure shill, or more likely they're just shitter shattered. The saddest part is that the OP even acknowledges that Intel's MSRPs have been annihilated but can't piece together that these price cuts would never have happened if AMD weren't such a threat to Intel's product stack.
t. Former 2500K owner

X570 is the latest chipset, and it's much more than just supporting Crossfire, the boards have better heatsinks on components that matter and support faster RAM speeds

>Roman "Der8auer" "Please buy my silicon littery 9900KYS knockoffs on Caseking" Hartung
>No 3700/3600 tests
>No benchmark tests
Long hair Steve did it properly:

Saged and hidden


well we were talking about x470 vs b450 since that's what the original user posted in his list. nothing is stopping him from getting a x570 if he wants, but if he's trying to save cash b450 is totally fine for 3000 series

>Shit timings
>No IF tweaks
The krauts did this properly:

First time build, made for emulation and shit like that. Gonna start building tomorrow and i'm waiting for a flash drive to come tomorrow to get windows on this bitch. Grade me. pcpartpicker.com/list/xNXKJ8

Not sure about the case, it matters the least to me, not really sure about Motherboard either, I just already have the CPU and GPU, also were I to sell such a build what do you goyim think would be a fair price

objectively 10/10, subjectively 9/10 since I don't like the case

Hi guys, I'm new to PC gaming so I hope you could help me with a question I had, though it's probably pretty stupid.

For GPUs, I understand that theres two competitors (Nvidia and AMD), but I get very confused when it comes to different versions of specific cards. For instance, MSI or FTW versions of certain Nvidia cards all seem to look different and differ in price, sometimes hundreds of dollars more. But the type of card is still the same? What's the big difference between these, and how do I know of which one to buy?

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10/10!?!? you're too kind, user

I just buy the cheapest ones

Should have went Ryzen

Are 8bit+FRC monitors able to display 10 bit content?

I got that i7 for next to nothing man, I was obliged to build something with it, I'm actually planing on making everything as nice as I can and selling it for a profit so I can make a ryzen 7 build for much less since I'm not much of a gaymer

Difference between the brands of cards is the cooling solutions. Basically someone like MSI will take Nvidia's reference design and try their best to redesign the heatsink and fans and sometimes slap a watercooler on the card to make the chip perform at higher clock speeds. When comparing these cards look at the boost frequency and if possible temperature graphs.

Just sell the chip then?

well I was being nice since you've done your homework reading these threads. I mean you could save $6 and get a set of crucial ballistix 3200 that overclocks super easy and I'm sure other user's will dock a point for not buying a sabrent rocket, but they're all solid components.
youtu.be/fl_bUBldX4Q?t=181 for the ram btw

>useless post. Back it up with something, and opinion, some proof, some sources, not memes and buzzwords.

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Other than having better temps, will any of these cards differ in performance?
Getting to the point, I'm saving up to buy a 2080ti but I'm not sure which one to purchase. Dont want to make a wrong move on such a big investment.

Thank you for filling me in.

Yes, but it will not be true 10-bit, more of an approximation done with calculations. Good 8bit+FRC can look very nice, just depends on the panel.

I think you should just wait for prices to fall first

Boomers buy whole builds for a premium and I wanna capitalize on that, if I find a bunch of good parts for less than average second hand price I can make a decent profit of this, it's just a hustle

if you're looking to sell, I added some RGB to fool the non gamers into thinking it's a great system.
Since you had the CPU and GPU already, I'd say start at 1700, don't let it go below 1500

2080ti is already overkill, and I get where you're coming from because I've been there too. Yes there are performance differences between the cards. You have two choices really, air cooled or watercooled. If you REALLY want to squeeze out the extra 4-8% performance gains then buy a card with a watercooler attached to it. Because you're already spending $1k+ so what's another $200? All of the aircooled models are basically the same and you're picking whichever one you think looks the coolest lol.

we already have another PCBG thread
delete this shit you butthurt shill

Attached: das_it_mane.png (847x735, 518K)

all of them will autoboost decently, the ones that are watercooled or have huge heatsinks just have the potential to get that extra 4-8% like said. Get the cheapest one if you want to game with it, get the most expensive one if you want to play around with it and do OC and benchmarks

I think I'm getting it now, thank you user. So when a card is advertised as "overclocked", it just means it's clock speed has been modified. And to prevent it from overheating, it's modified with fans or watercooling depending on the clock speed? I'm gonna follow this anons advice for now and buy the GPU last, hopefully the prices will drop soon. I've mostly just been following pcpartpicket setups for a general idea of what to buy, so I'm sure a lot of it is overkill. I do want to try out high res monitors and vr though.

Really tired of these Intel Nvidia fanboys

Good idea, be on the lookout every day for used 2080ti's on whatever websites your country has. Also pray for price drops.