Loli edition shotas are shit
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Loli edition shotas are shit
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Finally, some good taste
It has served me well but these days I like the ZMF Verite more.
Idol trash here. What's your setup like, user?
What's your favourite among the three?
Which dac/amp?
Unironically the 58X, I drive them with the Xduoo TA-10
Interesting choice.
Can you describe what you particularly enjoy about 58x?
Is the X2 still worth a buy? Or should I wait for the X3?
nice job you fucked up the subject field
The X2 is 150 right now, the X3 are gonna be $350 in several month apparently so yeah.
The reason I prefer them is that I can use them anywhere as they are much easier to drive. The 600&650 are basically bound to the Xduoo and they sound much better than the 58X on it, as they scale like a motherfucker. The 58X I can use anywhere be it in the living room or lazing around on my bed, my smartphone can drive it no problems and it sounds amazing. That thing doesn't really improve much with a dac/amp, so yeah their ease of use makes them my no.1 choice.
My nodded 650 is even better
I doubt that because I've modded mine to be better than anyone elses
dude my alters to another dimension
I'm looking for a sound card for use with headphones that'd let me easily and quickly adjust sound volume.
So far I saw A4 Tech G480 and HyperX Amp USB.
Not sure if those are decent, neither is my first brand of choice regarding anything.
I dislike the trend of artists putting their digital art on a card stock background. Feels pretty disingenuous
Fixed Thread:
Are dt770 and upgrade over my custom one pro?
>Loli edition shotas are shit
op is not a fag what is this wizardry
No thanks I'll stay with the cunny gang
>thread splitting
Fuck off retard
How about no, this thread came first and it has a proper OP pic this time
This thread doesn't even have a subject you utter morons.
So, between 600 and 650?
Why these are shit?
Depends on my mood sometimes I feel like listening to the 600 and other times the 650 they are both amazing.
My modded 650 sound so good when I listen to hentai with them it's as if I'm the one moaning
Next time bro. as long as you aren't a shota faggot it's fine
No, the other thread will be the main thread whether you like it or not. Everyone who wakes up will look for /hpg/ will see the correct one:
Cope harder you moron.
What is the AS109 of headphones?
Sorry, what general is this?
About cute lolis and their modded 650
i do not know anything about headphones and i rarely say this word but... op is kind of Cringe
What is like death?
How do I hide your general? First time I want to hide these retarded consumer threads.
>tfw bought x2's 2 months ago
only paid £130 for them but still.
How did Horse Poop General go from ass-long OP with pics of headphones and tons of links to guides to shitpost-length OP with no headphone in the pic?
>How do I hide your general?
By not being a newfag
I don't browse headphone general ever but I had to click because of the based OP pic and just wanted to let you know that its based kthxbye