Which distro stopped you from distrohopping and why? For me its Fedora and because it just fucking works. I used Ubuntu, Debian, Void, Manjaro and Mint all with various DE's and once I got tierd of "muh pesonalized os" meme I installed Fedora and it was an almost flawless experience.
Full disk encrypted installation was a breeze and no-brainer, it was working from first launch. Sure, I had to delete some GNOME crap but that wasn't a hassle.
Been using it for half a year and did not lookg back since.
Which distro stopped you from distrohopping and why? For me its Fedora and because it just fucking works. I used Ubuntu...
Other urls found in this thread:
Windows 10
It just works
Mint Cinnamon. Came back to it and realized it’s what I liked using the most
For me it was Gentoo, I used, Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, Slackware, OpenSUSE and more, but I landed on Gentoo and haven't looked back. It's great for my server and my desktop and really nice on my laptop too, USE flags are a Godsend and it just werks. Plus I never feel I have to reinstall the whole OS, I can just keep using the same one as long as I'd like. It's great for programming dumb shit with obscure languages and doing opengl projects in C, watching TV shows via mpv, muh /vr/ gaming, making music, drawing and surfing the internet too! It's really comfy, I love this Distro.
I have Gentoo installed on a secondary laptop because I use my main one for university. Its definitely an amazing distro but I still haven't the time to actually fully configure it to my needs.
get flaggie
get gentoolkit
and ask on irc whenever you're stuck, people are really helpful there.
BtwOS A.K.A Arch.
Switched to it in 2012 and never quitted it.
Fedora but dnf is slow as fuck and optimus is bitch to install.
for me its fedora too. after i tried ubuntu, arch, void, debian, I tried fedora and it just works. i have it running with xfce and its light and usable. love it
hope you like being spied on
Your government already knows everything about you and your internet presence is easily trackable.
>my government "knows everything about me" (protip: they don't know shit)
>so i'll just give all my personal info to a megacorporation that sells it for their own profit
how fucking dumb are you, exactly?
>dnf is slow as fuck
>optimus is bitch to install
dnf feels slow because it updates its repository cache automatically when it gets too old, unlike apt or pacman where you have to do it explicitly. You can increase the parallel downloads count in dnf.conf to speed it up.
>You can increase the parallel downloads count in dnf.conf to speed it up.
I'll try this when i get home. If it works, youre a god.
Need I remind you that TOR is infested by the FBI and that soon enough there will be cameras with facial recognition everywhere? That your phone knows your exact location at all times? I'm not giving Microsoft much information that can't already be extrapolated from other sources.
For me it was Debian. My work requires the most uptime possible with as little maintenance as possible and I don't need bleeding edge software. It suits me perfectly.
>X person knows my location
>Y person knows my location
>Thus, I'll let Z person know my location
Your logic doesn't flow
Same bruh. Fedora XFCE is top comfy+working. Customisable and also gets out of the way.
>Fedora XFCE
They let you use Fedora XFCE in the IDF? Also, what unit are you in?
Manjaro kde
This and also you can use `dnf -C` to skip cache updates. It's still kind of slow compared to zoomer PMs, but less fucked than apt.
Gentoo. Because it worked fine for 15+ years.
I have two questions regarding Fedora:
- During a release, can updates break the system like Arch?
- When you're upgrading to a new point release, is it reliable?
That's pretty much it.
this yellow fever again
>Windows 10
>It just works
It really doesn't. Worst UX you can find.
Fedora. It literally just works. Although I do want to put Gentoo onto a laptop.
yesss, as I am the new CEO of IDF I made it mandatory to use fedora on our computers because of security, stability, and not getting spied on, so we can do the opposite of the ones mentioned above for people that use anything but Fedora or Gentoo or NixOS
It hasnt broken once, even if I abuse overlays.
The reason Fedora works is because it has the backing of Red Hat. So there are professional software engineers whose job it is to work on it.
Don't get me wrong, I love open source software, but that's what is required for it to be successful: people dedicating the time to make it work.
We see it time and time again. OSS that is backed, or gets backing, from a large software company will remain successful.
ubunt, just works
Everyone says this but Ubuntu always seems to give me problems. Regular Ubuntu with gnome is very slow and resource intensive. The lighter variants like Xubuntu and Lubuntu produced awful screen tearing for me that requires a lot of messing around to fix. So Ubuntu doesn’t “just work”
last time i tried fedora it was like v28 and it was one big fuck around. has it improved?
>- During a release, can updates break the system like Arch?
They could, but like on most distros, it doesn't usually happen.
> - When you're upgrading to a new point release, is it reliable?
Why wouldn't it be? Again, most distros don't have this problem. Some even just roll along without any point release testing.
apparently not.
>By default, the DNF included with Fedora 30 does some very verbose logging. Especially the file /var/log/dnf.librepo.log contains very detailed logging of mirror selection and file download operations. Some operations, such as a system upgrade or reposync, can potentially cause multiple gigabytes of messages to be written to this log file. The DNF log files are configured for rotation, so they will be compressed and expired weekly so long as Package-x-generic-16.pnglogrotate is installed, but this can be insufficient when a single operation can cause the files to grow very large.
>If the DNF log files are filling up your disk and you need a solution urgently, it is safe to simply remove the log files (after copying them elsewhere if you need them for reference), this will not break anything. A future libdnf update is planned to reduce the dnf.librepo.log verbosity. Until then, if this is an ongoing problem for you, you can work around it by redirecting the log output to /dev/null - see this bug comment for one way to do that.
I just asked because I've heard lots of people saying they need to fresh install every 6 months which honestly sounds like a pain in the ass. If the upgrade process works then they were doing something wrong, I guess.
>/vr/ gaming
what does using gentoo do to benefit retro gaymin ?
After years of fucking with Debian's ancient software I migrated to Ubuntu, which was somewhat better, but won't fix screen tearing on my Intel graphics and lot of obscure software from official repo was buggy and outdated. So I tried Fedora Xfce. Currents software versions on update, xfce4.14 no tearing. But I miss apt, apt was good, dnf is pain from previous century. Oh, and still did not figured how to install mpv. Otherwise it's pretty good distro I would recommend to a friend.
How does it do with secondary drives?
I mainly had this problem with Ubuntu's maintainers breaking fucking everything. Maybe they stopped doing that, but it was bad for 2-3 years.
Nobody else did that, not even the smaller hobby projects like Sabayon or such.
Literally ubuntu, mostly because of the consistent and predictable upgrade process, coupled with great repos and forums.
Go scan an old lady you pajeet fuck
> But I miss apt, apt was good, dnf is pain from previous century
Wat? Dnf is far better and more modern than apt.
Apt has a comedically bad mess between dpkg, apt-get, apt, and the tools to build software. Dnf is more clever AND smoother to use. No need to go and find out what dpkg can do or apt-get can do and which of them affected some setting that apt uses anyhow.
Maybe that's just me but apt search returned nice formatted results, dnf seems to be mess to me. Anyway it is ok, I will get used to it since I'm on Fedora for 2 months only
>Oh, and still did not figured how to install mpv.
BTW this is in RPM Fusion Free x86_64.
dnf search just returns packagename : description, one line each. Do you need more than that for package search results?
"fedora" and "just works" may not belong in one sentence but it is one of the few distros that are both cutting edge and just works. Others just have outdated packages
Based. Thanks my fren!!
Yeah, Fedora.
For one it is stable and is up to date.
Two, it has way better design than Debian.
Seriously that crap is heavily customized, enables services at installation and nothing is where it should be.
With Arch, Fedora, Gentoo, Red Hat, etc, you can follow the upstream documentation no problem or build from source without having many surprises with where should stuff be.
Only Debian and derivatives are this garbage.
Also, unlike the other non debian options it already has SELinux and the installer loads modules for encrypted partitions and lvm. I already know how to do it in non debian machines easily, but debian of course finds its own retarded way to do things.
Find me another installer that does this in the GUI, you can't.
Another thing that goes into design is how they include firmware for hardware by default. The philosophy is only to include free software, but since firmware doesn't run in the Linux context, it is not software nor it can be harmful. It may as well be thought as part of the hardware.
The bios is not open source, and the hardware has embedded firmware that is also not open source. But is part of the hardware. Discussion about this is pure freetardism or schizophrenia, as again I say, it doesn't run in the OS.
Overall, Fedora is just pure Linux with new technologies and only FLOSS software.
But that's true gnome-software and PackageKit is garbage, second thing I do after setting the lcdfilter and rgb AA for fonts, is deleting those.
Even though it's good for newbies, it's way too slow to present as it is now.
I'm just too used to Debian to switch. It just works and I don't get bad surprises after random nights.
Sorry dude but Anaconda is fucking trash. Doesn't even give you a clear option to install the bootloader on a different drive than the OS.
>clear option
you mean that you are fucking retarded?
you can choose any partition you want
of it doesn't let you then you have to make a workaround, just like with debian which doesn't let you install in an encrypted drive.
That's schizo tier setup though, why the fuck you don't want to be able to boot with your harddrive?
Because every other installer, including Void's, gives me the option to install grub on the drive I always install it, on the very first, which has another OS and not my main daily drive. If I choose, let's say, partitions on /dev/sdy to install my /boot, swap, / and /home, it doesn't show me or allow me to separately install grub on another drive. Unless I completely missed it.
came here to post this
I really like GNU plus Linux but when you have a job it's just a hassle you don't have time for
Same user
>If you are installing Fedora system with more than one disk, you may want to manually specify where the bootloader should be installed. Click the Full disk summary and bootloader link at the bottom of the Installation Destination screen. The Selected Disks dialog will appear. The bootloader will be installed on the device of your choice, or on a UEFI system, the EFI system partition will be created on that device during guided partitioning.
>Click the Full disk summary and bootloader link at the bottom of the Installation Destination screen. The Selected Disks dialog will appear.
Yeah I missed it, well, fuck me then.
In all times I used Lubuntu on some decade + old laptops screen tearing was a relatively painless box to tick/untick in the compositor
Qubes, people only talk about it from a security perspective, but the workflow is great. Version updates for qubes are a pain the dick though.
i may slap the manager is he keep talking too much shit, you mean ?
Just a box? I’ve read that people has to edit all kinds of shit with Compton to make the tearing go away
Arch here but if I would switch it would be Mint
For me its Clear Linux
for me you're a based white man and you have my respect.
>Pic unrelated
First Arch won me over, then it broke one too many times (persistent bootup LVM bug for months, was acknowledged and ignored on their bug tracker), moved to Debian after that.
My distro hopping days are over thanks to openSUSE Tumbleweed. It Just Werks™, it's up to date but tested, even a number of KDE devs use it. Truly a based distribution.
Of course, I may find some minor issue and revert to my old retarded distrohopping ways, but I'm thinking that is unlikely for the time being.
Perhaps it was just the hardware I had. They were old laptops, perhaps they had the time to sort it out properly
My thoughts exactly.
thanks dude
I absolutely hate to agree with this because Windows is definitely a piece of shit but it's true
>Windows 10
>it fucking works and isn't a pile of poo
>use putty to connect to a debian linux machine, hey this is basically linux without the clusterfuck autism that is linux desktop environment
just use windows ten
No bull, I went back to windows 10 after a two month linux only (manjaro, mint)
Nothing worked,
The screen brightness would break after sleeping/waking up. Nvidia optimus is a fucking nightmare, Bumblee worked but I had to manually turn on/off the GPU every single time.
>And I mean going into /sys/bus/pci/.../ and manually writing to some files there to reset the pci or wake the device up
Mouse wheel scrolling was also breaking after suspend/wakeup and I also had to manually call a script that would turn off/on the usb hub.
Sometimes the laptop (T530) would refuse to shutdown., it would hang (this on manjaro)
I mean it was a nightmare, why couldn't these things fucking work already by default?
I didn't mind the 50% game compatibility or that bumblebee was not as fast as windows.
and the worst thing of them all.
.. Mouse acceleration. There are no options to customize the acceleration curve of the mouse
->Very Slow on slow movements
->Quick on quick movements
Like enabling the windows "Improve Precision"
both evdev and libinput fail to implelent something like it. And I do lots of graphics with blender so I fucking need a mouse speed that is comfortable for me.
Perhaps I'll revisit it when a decent solution for mouse acceleration shows up. I don't want to edit and compile libinput by myself, I can't spend 100 hours figuring shit out from the moment windows 10 does it already
Windows 10 just werks itself abruptly and without any noticeable pattern into changing my mouse-wheel-lines-scroll from 3 to 10, 11, 16 completely on random. It also locks my Fn keys and doesn't let me unlock them. You know, the type of performance issues Windows shills claim Linux throws at them, yet I have never experienced that kind of shit in any Linux distribution I came across
In windows there is an option to set the wheel scroll amount.
In linux you have to tinker with xinput/xset to change the libinput parameter, and only if your device supports it
I know because I wanted to change this and ended up changing it only in firefox, because firefox has an option in about:config. Firefox was ok, but everywhere else, like sublime text, it was scrolling ONE FUCKING LINE PER WHEEL CLICK. I searched for days but nothing. No libinput parameter for my mouse ( microsoft wireless mouse).
The FN keys should not ever lock, they are hardware controlled, check your bios/uefi.
Interesting point about the option to set the wheel scroll amount, but I worry it has insufficient relevance to my issue. Care to offer some idea why Windows chooses to change it at random, mid use?
OpenSuse. My first Linux was SuSE (the head of IT let me have an old DVD of the server OS to play with on an old computer) and it's always what I come back to. I got Tumbleweed on my current laptop and it fits everything perfect out of the box. I should mention that I've used Debian and Sparky (basically Debian with LXQT preinstalled) for years at a time and they work pretty well, but there was always some reason to come back to OpenSuse.
no idea..it's gotta be some dumb driver resetting itself? or the settings in the registry are being reset for some reason?
try uninstalling the driver, (press delete on system devices, yes to uninstall driver)
windows is technically malware, because when you have it installed and working as intended you lose so much control over your computer.
I agree,
That's why I installed LTSC and took the time to disable whatever I can. services, group policy, registry, edit hosts file using a list to block everything telemetry and updates, and run a firewall (simplewall runs fine)
It's not ideal, and I know that I can't rely on windows forever, but the truth is , this shit just works.
I'll revisit linux in 5-6 months and I'll check again.
Very thankful sir.