Why is a pedophile still the official board mascot?

Why is a pedophile still the official board mascot?
I'd rather have Terry "if i see a glower i run him over" G.

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Based if true.

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Stay in Jow Forums, cancer.

terry g? im not familiar

>he doesn't know
Have you been living under a rock?

>le Jow Forums boogeymens waaah
Have sex

Stay in resetera, cancer.

>satania is a Jow Forums approved mascot

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How can you not know the baddest gangster you have ever lived?

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Including a racist schizo in the sticky with a champion of freedom isn't belittling enough?
You need to libel the man, as well?
Eat shit and die.

>you have
Who has*

iToddlers will never recover

This is a pedophile friendly board. Please leave if you can't respect that.

He said Epstein's victims were "willing", but he's said he has changed his mind

>he admits it himself that he is a pedo and sees nothing wrong with it "as long as no one is harmed"
I don't think you understand what libel means.


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What a wonderful and accurate take

He said they werent raped since theyre prostitutes

pedo website

>but he's said he has changed his mind
Oh thank god he changed his mind after 20 years of being pro-pedophilia.
Im glad he "changed his mind" just in time for the public outrage.
>unironically thinking that pedophilia is funny

Ohh, so touchy. Jow Forumsniggers are nothing but a bunch of oversensitive pussies.

They're still goddamn children you absolute retards

Memes aside, Stallman belongs more than Satania or Terry ever will.

You know nothing about pussies, tranny

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Thanks for proving my point, serf.

>posts in a thread he claims to not care about
>gets butthurt because he didn't dilate today
>calls others pussies
Go back to your resetera hugbox.

Not the point fagggot. Stallman argued against the word choice, not the act.

>Stallman argued against the word choice, not the act.
Thats a lie.

Moralfags go home

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>They're still goddamn children

In this specific incident its true. In the past hes said kids could consent.

Stallman said that Minsky likely had sex with a 17 year old prostitute while being unaware that she was coerced into the act by Epstien, her pimp. He said that to accuse Minsky of sexual assault is blowing his PERSONAL crimes up in order to demonize him.

Thanks for agreeing that you are a liar and that Stallman is a pedophile.

Stallman didnt like the word assault because the kids (16-17) were prostitutes. So thats perfectly true.

>Stallman is a pedophile
Nothing wrong with that. To say otherwise would be a form of bigotry. You are not a bigot, are you?

Thanks for agreeing that youre a retard and ignore facts for knee jerk social justice reactionary bullshit.

He said it wasn't assault because the victims were willing. He has already previously referred to the same guy as as a serial rapist.
He has previously stated "children are too easily coerced to give consent", which would suggest he supports the concepts of age of consent and statutory rape. The only thing he is guilty of is being a stickler for semantics.

hopefully that shit just make controversy, hopefully.

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>Anonymous defends pedophilia

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a sizable portion of the population actually thinks like this

Is Jow Forums the official cunny board then?

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Jow Forums used to be guro the official board for vivisected cunny

I do, but this is not the case here

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Imagine being illiterate.

Here are the emails if you want to read

His opinion on the Epstein trail:
>25 April 2019 (Plea deal for Epstein)
(Now) Labor Secretary Acosta's plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein was not only extremely lenient, it was so lenient thatit was illegal.
I wonder whether this makes it possible to resentence him to a longer prison term.
I disagree with some of what the article says about Epstein. Epstein is not, apparently, a pedophile, since the people he raped seem to have all been postpuberal.
>By contrast, calling him a "sex offender" tends to minimize his crimes, since it groups him with people who committed a spectrum of acts of varying levels of gravity. Some of them were not crimes. Some of these peopledidn't actually do anythingto anyone. I think the right term for a person such as Epstein is "serial rapist".

>site that's been known for over a decade to spam actual CP
>surprised that they defends pedophilia
Really makes you think, huh?

>Jow Forums is a single person
You are retarded.
>only posting the part you want others to see


Always has been, this is techloli/g/y after all.

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Ah, I see, I see.

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Hello gentlemen

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because all he is guilty of is being extremely autistic, nothing else.

top kek

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>17 years old

Not in my state!

>using the autistic card on a pedophile

I love the double discourse some of these retards use

>Stallman is an innocent child, he didn't do nufifn
>oh those girls totally knew what they were doing, I don't care they were human traffic victims. They are all whores!

1.Stallman is an adult autist
2.He changed his mind

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I'm thinking he's based

>spends 20 years saying that pedophilia is OK as long as "no one is harmed"
>"changes his mind" when the public finds out

Maybe he never really talked about it with someone.
>finds out
It was always there on his website, he wasn't hiding anything

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>you need to "talk to someone" to understand that is morally wrong to have sex with minors even if they "consent"
Can you use any more mental gymnastics to defend him?

Yeah you do, an autist has a hard time understanding emotions. Talk to them and they will learn.
You can consent to things you don't fully understand.

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They were goim shiksas. G_d's Choosen may do with them as they please.

>a 60 year old isn't responsible for his actions because "he's an autist"

so are we. we're just trapped in adult bodies. adulthood is just a social construct.

What actions should he be held responsible for? toughtcrime? And mental illness is a valid defence in civilized societies no matter how old.

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Hey 8ch tard, that doesn't mean stallman is a pedo. He is just autistic about freedom. If you support homosexuals does that mean you are a homosexual? Also your idol Terry David IS a pedo. Terry said in a post that the CIA put a sexy child beside him to try and bait him and that he wanted to blow their head out

GNU is cancelled.

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>yfw the child consents

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That reading comprehension must come from the best of burger education at least.

>2d pedos defending 3d pedos
Neo-Jow Forums is disgusting.

I support making Terry top of the sticky.

Then you're are a faggot for listening to SJWs

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Terry is a pedo

terry should have replaced rms instead of being added at the bottom from the beginning, nothing to do with his redpilled opinions

Terry is a god

>lolicons are pedos

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>people who get sexual pleasure from looking at images depicting children are pedos
yes. yes they are

going by that logic people who play violent vidya want to do violent crimes.

What's your point?

>people who play video games where you kill people want to kill people
>people who play video games where you cunny want to cunny

go back

Oh goodness, you're retarded. This isn't the place for you, neopets is the other way kid

Stallman should be replaced by that sign. Perfect for Jow Forums.


>Understand it is morally wrong
Plenty of other societies have practiced pederasty or married young children to adults for practical reasons. It's a modern development that we believe it is not okay for children to engage in sexual activity. Were these societies inherently wrong in doing this? Sexuality was viewed very differently here so the emotional baggage we associate with sex now may not have been present then.
Therefore, is it really so absurd to believe that hebephilia isn't necessarily morally wrong, but rather morally gray, and the emotional repercussions of engaging in such acts change with the times?
Either way, if Richard Stallman's logic was the same as what I just posed, he maybe saw some flaw in his reasoning and changed his mind. Why cry about it?
>inb4 more pearl clutching

>using mental gymnastics to justify child abuse
I sincerely hope you are never allowed to reproduce.

this, the fact that they put him below when he died was cringe inducing

>clutching intensifies
Why are you so scared to actually engage with the idea? Stallman had his mind changed from a conversation, you could change any of the lolicons minds here too if you didn't just make arguments from disgust. How can you hate or prosecute pedophiles if you can't actually put into words why their worldview is inherently harmful?

and thus Jow Forums loses the last bit of hope
goodbye forever

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> be feminist cancer / itoddler
> can't cope with saint satania being stickied
best thing for the board is if you put a loaded shotgun in your mouth and pulled the trigger. make sure to livestream it, faggot.

As much as I hate that autistic toe fungus muncher that's not what he said at all.


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Mods are pretty based to keep him stickied. It seems not everyone lost his brain and did some fact checking.