Old thread: Lisp is the most powerful programming language.
I don't care about what you're working on.
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
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SEPPLES is a giant hunk of shit that tries to be everything but fails at being good at anything.
What knowledge do I need to understand SICP without tearing my hair out?
Do I need to go back to kindergarten math books or something?
Plz halp
>want a job?
>want a language hard enough to keep the normies out?
>Want a commonly used, powerful, flexible language?
seriously why does any other language even exist
>I don't care about what you're working on.
Then I don't care about your thread.
Stop posting your garbage fucking lisp threads
If you could only work with three (3) languages for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
Remember you might need to work at different levels of abstraction, so choose a good variety.
cared enough to reply
I fixed an issue in the JavaScript project of Anone! I hope he won't mind, hehe~
Sometimes you need small binaries, sometimes you need fast compile times, sometimes you need to work interactively with an interpreter.
c++, lisp, python
You narcissistic faggot
I bet you'll fucking screech when someone makes a non lisp thread at 309
Fuck (((lisp)))
Which language has the cutest syntax?
You need to be able to do high school maths.
You don't need to know it, you just need to be capable enough to do it.
like you screeching now?
any love livers here
how do they outsource sepples to third-world countries
Based. I personally prefer ruby to python but python's ecosystem is too large to ignore.
flatting a list in JS
const flatList = arr => arr.flat(Infinity)
Ada, Common Lisp, and C.
does shell count?
how far do all the different lisps count?
despite that, I'd probably go with:
fast, low level, used everywhere, not going away soon
most powerful programming language, emacs
shell, fairly important
if shell doesn't count, then probably some memelang, or something more suited for higher level larger programs, all that memory safety jazz, so I suppose:
but I don't really have experience using these, so I can't narrow it down
this is righteous anger you braindead retard, not to be confused with tarded sperging
it's all the same to me
learn Lisp
have sex
sometimes i wonder if glow in the dark niggers ever post on this site
flat() by default only visits arrays one level deep, providing Infinity will make sure the resulting array is only 1 level deep
*cries in high school dropout*
think positive
this is the typical Jow Forums "programmer"
probably doesnt actually program anything and just compiles other peoples programs on linux
that's right boy. You can use Infinity if you want to flatten an array of arbitrary depth:
> [[1,2],[[[[3]]]]].flat()
[ 1, 2, [ [ [Array] ] ] ]
> [[1,2],[[[[3]]]]].flat(Infinity)
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
Java, C, Python are the 3 most popular programming languages in the world, so that's a safe choice. Also C is low level, Java is medium level, Python is high level, so that covers everything.
Common Lisp is the best Lisp.
oy vey
You got me.
Maybe one day I'll actually be good at life and I can stop LARPing in every thread.
Unironically this.
you should be using SBCL, chosen one!
I wish SBCL got a tree shaker. My only real complaint about CL in general with the free compilers.
suppose I have a piece of html going like
well nested into other divs
using beautifulsoup I can filter the html page to this section with findAll('a', class_="something"), but how do I get the values of the following variables name and color?
i love wasting my weekends on useless shit that will never amount to anything
that would be a decent language if it didn't have brackets all over the place
Yeah. The only tree shaker I know of is LispWorks'.
that's how you're supposed to feel about most weekends, user. Playing ecchi games, watching anime, reading isekai. At best this stuff fills your entropy pool for dreams. If you're hacking through weekends, you are at least sharpening the axe.
>Playing ecchi games, watching anime, reading isekai
I thought programmers were supposed to have high IQs
Coomers don't dream
Based and redpilled.
Not him but thanks a lot for mentioning isekai, I didn't have a clue that this kind of thing had its own name.
Can't help but love displaced/summoned stories like Eiyuu Senki.
But what if I feel that way for my whole life?
(define snake
(list (floor/ (lines) 2)
(floor/ (cols) 2)))
Isekai is when a guy gets hit by a truck and reencarnates in an MMORPG
Post that one language you want to use but can't ever find a good project for or reason to use the language over your existing ones.
Should I learn Clojure? Or just go learn JS/Typescript... I just want to actually get shit done and maybe even get a job, but I can't help but be interested only in obscure boomer-hipster languages like Common Lisp.
I want to learn how to stop caring and just slap shit together like JS+WebGL+whateverothercrap to make actual software or products that are neat but I hate webshit.
For webshit I just use JS to avoid the bullshit that webdevs have made their ecosystem into.
>hit by a truck
this is very popular.
not necessarily. Lots of fantasy isekai, and lots of litrpg that involve MMORPGs but are non-fantasy non-reincarnation. A good example of one is novelupdates.com
nobody cares you lisptard, stop posting
>>hit by a truck
>this is very popular.
I wanna be hit by a truck too
cared enough to reply
do a mixture of the language(s) you're interested in (backend maybe) with a job language for the frontend
I don't have this problem, but a problem I do have is "making the source available to my coworkers without rewriting it in a language they might actually know".
My coworkers want C, Perl. Maybe Go.
I want Mercury, ATS. Maybe Rust.
It fits in the... genre? but it's not exclusively that.
"Isekai" refers to a current trend of incredibly bad anime and they're nearly all about MMORPG worlds
>Mercury shill is a Rustfag
I care about you shitting up the thread, I don't care about what you have to say (because it's always the same and I can identify you even through the veil of anonymity)
rent free
Lisp is really beautiful.
Same, but only if I die instantly on the spot. If I run the risk of becoming a vegetable then better go for something better like suspended hanging or salt.
No, so far I've only written one real Rust program, and it's still about a dozen lines, to compare it / C++ / Mercury for filesystem scanning.
I'd rather write Rust than Go, though.
Fucking Go doesn't even have generics, you know?
you're caring too much
You want shit, you're shit and you should be fired and killed. How your coworkers managed to not hire a hitman for so long baffles me.
you're already a vegetable
If I could make you pay rent to post here I would
hello. does anyone have a good resource for learning assembly language, for x86 processors?
C, Scheme, and my personal flavor of assembly. The question is somewhat redundant though, since you can implement another language in terms of the first language.
everything can be implemented as a Lisp DSL
can visual programming be implemented as a lisp dsl?
>AST the language
Yeah thats gonna be a yikes from me senpai
There are literally dozens of us. Now the Ada fellows, that's a rare group, though there are still at least 3-5. Also some odd overlap between the Lisp and Ada lads considering how orthogonal the two languages are.
I just wish we hadn't been cursed with the garbage that is JS and the whole shitpile of the web. Literally recreating what we already have but shittier in a pointless meta level.
I even saw someone created a webapp window manager to manage your single window webapps in multiple windows inside a single window of a browser inside of windowing system or desktop on top of a multi user OS. How can they not see the idiotic irony of that?
I'm trying to make an application that uses p2p network structure. My peers send info about each other to each other every 5 seconds. I use asynchronous connection that times out if peer doesn't respond and moves on.
I'm doing this in a local network. What timeout time would you recommend? After how long do you know for sure that peer is not online anymore?
Currently I have it at 1 second but it's way too long right?
Ada is the white man's programming language
>white man's language
>language named by first "programmer"
Calling Lovelace first programmer is kind of retarded when Babbage designed the machine.
Ada was the original programming trap
If programs were as easy to browse to and use instantly as a webapp is we wouldn't have this problem.
Sorry rustfag, but Ada was a REAL female unlike you'll ever be.
Why do people presume that pumping out trash rapidly on a strict schedule is better than doing The Right Thing? How is Worse is Better anything but open sophistry?
As some boomers like to say: "Without chaos we'd have no jobs"
Traps aren't tranny related
all of women in programming history is greatly exaggerated. A woman is credited with making the first compiler and it was actually a linker and she wasn't even close to the first person to make one. If you look at history white men are the only people who really matter.
How would capitalists make money if you didn't produce something every 2 weeks?
A modern Ada Lovelace would be Ada Lovethighhighsocks
>doing The Right Thing
cringe and bluepilled
>than doing The Right Thing?
the shitters couldn't make any better software no matter how much time you give them so might as well keep them in hurry.
Ada Hatesmen