>your desktop environment
>why you like it the most and use it over others
Your desktop environment
Don’t use one.
>simple, basic, but sleek looking and the squarish icons are sexy
Simple, lightweight, good customization options.
Not named after foodstuffs like Cinammon or Mate.
>windows 10
It just works
>..b-but windows ruins your pc with shitty updates!
net stop wuauserv
I use XFCE because it's reasonably light and not too involved
how do you open the internet without one?
enjoy your proprietary malware
Gnome cancer is the only option presented to most enterprise users. It's pretty sad when Canonical's hideous spin of your de is better than the original by a country mile.
>your desktop environment
DWM. Full DE is bloat (for my useage anyway)
>why you like it the most and use it over others
I like the layouts functionality. i3 etc are nice, but DWM is easier to modify and patch by hand as well, no need to read thousands of lines of code to start understanding it.
Cinnamon. I don’t know if there’s any one reason, it just seems to be the smoothest and most appealing looking, laid out rather traditionally but with a kind of modern feel too. Everything is just laid out beautifully and I think it’s the environment that just does the most things right out of all of them.
just werks
>he doesn't knows about links
Gnome. I hate it.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as the internet, is in fact, the web, or as I've recently taken to calling it, the internet-connected web. The web is not a networking system unto itself, but rather another of many implemented software solutions made possible by the global interconnected network of computers originated by DARPA known as the internet.
>just werks
gnome is probably the least functional out of all of them...
What do you mean open the internet? Type exec firefox?
Know about what?
I got tired of ricing shit out on Gentoo, now I use Fedora with Gnome. I don't understand why people hate this shit so much, it's pretty great and can be just about as keyboard-driven and efficient as any tiling window manager. Stop paying so much attention to what's going on under the hood. Ignorance is bliss.
>GNOME 3.34
>COMFY and just werks OOTB