Welcome to beginner's guide to scripting!

>Welcome to beginner's guide to scripting!
>No programming experience? No problem!
>basic print string example
>Ok, now let's trigger that string when you enter an input...
>Starts defining and referencing globals then calls all sorts of language vars you CANNOT know without knowing the libraries/languages

Why are scripting tutorial makers so autistic? Do they not understand what a "beginner" is?

Attached: 1289786438231.jpg (650x450, 37K)

Yeah how the fuck can they expect you to know basics. All tutorials should first explain the universe and physics and gradually work up to modern electrical engineering, then and only then does the intro to computing preface begin

>he thinks he'll understand everything immediately
Calm down dude, give it time.

>necroing a shitty thread


imma necro your mom if you know what i mean

bump for you


How else are you expecting to learn those things?
Be real, you're not going to read the dry API docs.

When do you think AI will be making all documentation?

I hope soon. I hate documenting my code.

Maybe then it'll be actually good, instead of some self-righteous neckbeard fluffing his own micronuts by making a tutorial where step 1 is: rtfm ; ^)

Might as well since the documentation "experts" expect you to know everything in them anyways.

Udemy is having a sale, what courses should I buy as someone with no programing experience?

Udemy always has sales
Pirate the courses you want to watch, it's more cost effective

Okay, any recommendations? I'm a Physics major if that matters so I'm thinking one phyton class at the minimum.

>1st year
>Do calc and basic physics
>2nd year
>Basic bitch econ, agile, more basic math and circuitry.
>3rd year courses on ML
>this is really powerful [SVM still being used]
>apply it some some CIFAR
I cant get hired by this basic bitch shit. A monkey can do this

Attached: Brighterreki.png (2560x1440, 1.44M)

20 GOTO 10

What are you interested in? What are you trying to achieve?

all tutorials are autistic learn to read fucking documentation and manuals

Learn useful skills, ugh but I do want to go into research and get a PhD in physics. If that doesn't pan out I would like skills that'll make me seem like a decent applicant for a job.

Learn spreadsheet software(excel). Python and/or R for anything more complicated.


I know it's snubbed by real programmers, but I always advise people to learn Excel. I've seen regular office workers earn promotions, raises, and accolades simply by watch Excel tutorial s on YouTube

Where do people usually pirate video courses ?