>new captcha
>solves 7 different captchas in a row
>make it fails so you can solve some more
Why admins still use this toxic shit?
Fuck recaptcha
Other urls found in this thread:
To annoy you or to extract data from you. There is no way that a human, except a pure evil, mischievous or greedy one, would create something like the current captcha system and think "yes, this is aceptable for users". Particularly jarring when you see other shits trying to be as accesible as possible for the most retarded type of user. Yet, one of the most annoying and infuriating creations like captcha, is still tolerated. Clearly, it has a hidden purpose.
>Why admins still use this toxic shit?
because it's free and it works. install Jow Forums-x and enable "force disable javascript captchas", you damned pleb.
that's the old captcha, only accessible with scripts you fucking retard
>noscript captcha only works with scripts
the irony
>that's the old captcha
>only accessible with scripts
wrong again. you can use it if you disable javascript
buy a pass, goy
>that's the old captcha
Holy newfag Batman
>Laughs with noscript captcha
If you're a mobilefag get off this board
moot is gay
but I miss him
>js captcha
the point of Jow Forums is to sell it to political services companies to use as a sandbox in their disinfo and other schemes. Jow Forums passes are one way to help monotize that footprint. More importantly, turn on noscript captcha. One of these days Jow Forums needs to figure out a script way to not need to use a captcha. I wouldnt be surprised if theres a toggle baked into Jow Forums for the top contributors.
nojs doesn't have this problem.
Already did a while ago, you used to be able to use Buster, not sure if it still works.
>blocks your internet
u might think ur fine now but just wait till google decides youre a robot and you cant login to your accounts.
i literally lost money cuz i couldnt login to my crypto gambling/trading site in time
Never change captcha. Only morons still complete though without cheating.
>disable js
can't even comment
What do I have to enable in umatrix to get captcha to work now. It used to work but now 4chanx just says i didn't submit a valid one.
moot is fucking with the captcha from google because you faggots couldn't leave the poor celebs and vidya journalists alone
>use ccd0 Jow Forums x
>tick "force noscript captcha"
>never deal with those fading picture captchas that take 5+ seconds for one image selected to disappear/reappear
wow so hard guys
had this on for about a year already with no issues
or just buy a fucking pass if you care so much
>using ponyshit
No thanks!
I hope all you noscripters are using the numpad to solve like a good boy...
I use the touchscreen on my phone
It's only like this on Jow Forums, too
use Jow Forums-x and it makes it easier
Get out.
>haven't used pixiv since they started using captcha to login
>can't login because I block the javascript captcha
what a shame
>Jow Forums will never have captcha
>captcha is a temporary measure
I still remember moot you fucking luggage-handling cuck.
Yeah good luck with trying to make me! roflmao!
What about Jow Forums gold? Or archiving? A lot of things are that people thought would never be. Jow Forums lost its soul a long time ago. People only come here now because of habit.
What's hidden about its purpose? It's for training Google self-driving cars.
it was:
>wwaaaa i don't like ads even tho I can get this adblock right here
now its:
>waaaaa i don't like captchas even tho I can also solve that issue easily
Theres this little thing called "Buster: Captcha solver for humans"
An extension that uses an AI to recognize audio on the speech to text version, it enters the text, and boom it works. Not had any false readings with it so far.
Many things in life are difficult, browser extensions aren't one of them.
>not using Jow Forums-x
I tried using noscript captcha in Jow Forums X but I just always get the "You mistyped the CAPTCHA, or the CAPTCHA malfunctioned." error whenever I try to post using it
Have you tried on a clean profile with just 4chanx?
lol just log into google bro
>having to click images to solve captchas
I'm on chrome and 9 times out of 10 I either don't need to solve a captcha at all, or the captcha is solved just by clicking the "I'm not a robot" checkbox.
>paying to shitpost on a persian bricklaying forum
>being so poor you can't afford 1,50$ per month for something you spend your whole days on