BTFO Stallman
RIP. He'll kill himself soon.
He didn't deserve this.
He's extremely leftwing, so I have no sympathy. This is the progressive world he wanted.
Sayonara GNU man.
uck that guy, no pedos allowed in MY gnu
What's sad is that the people who went after him are likely the same types who decry cyberbullying.
Wow. Never thought something like this would have happened. Gonna keep a close eye on this.
reminder that like 90% of MIT was involved with Epstein, everyone that is selling him out were probably personally on the lolita express
Fucking RIP
The students who are the ones Richard targeted with his defense of Minsky have nothing to do with this.
I am saddened at first, then start reading through his political far left rants on his website and now i feel like he deserves it, and that won't even be enough for him to realize how much his ideology sucks.
Good. Absolutely sell the man out you pedo fucks.
Tu quoque is a fallacy for a reason.
I hope he becomes homeless now.
He will end up like king terry
So this is the power of Richard's mailing list etiquette.
Stallman did nothing wrong.
They stopped letting him sleep there decades ago, it was just an advisory position.
My suspicion is that he was molested himself by all the pervy jews infesting the MIT AI lab and its offshoots and the campus in general.
I don't think he gets paid from them and he hasn't slept in the office there for years.
Very expensive boston, no other university or company hire him.
If he don't own house, maybe move to other country with saves.
Will we get Van livestreams this time?
Just to clarify for everybody. Stallman didn't resign from the FSF. Just from some honorary position at MIT.
The left used to support freedom of expression only a decade ago.
the message is clear: shut up. I think I learned it long ago.
Wrong message.
Never ever use real name in the internet.
this will be stallman in 3 months
If you shut up, they win, user.
>Stallman didn't resign from the FSF.
Yet. And I doubt they'll stop even if he does. They'll cite the "toxic history" as a reason to cancel the FSF. They'll fork the GPL and make it more permissive.
Don't confuse leftism with American mental illness. Trannies would have no place in Stalin's USSR.
I for one still do. Stallman seems like he does too. I miss the old left he represents, now if you believe the things I do then it's automatically assumed you also support political correctness culture and frankly it's quite disgusting, we need a second democratic party.
>we need to fracture the lesser evil party so that the most evil party will win everything
>They'll cite the "toxic history" as a reason to cancel the FSF. They'll fork the GPL and make it more permissive.
Was this Microsoft's plan all along?
The kiddults.
This is what kids do.
This is really sad.
Why do you think this "cancel culture" movement is centered on the West Coast and primarily involves well-to-do white tech workers and politicians?
>free software is for pajeets
>white people actually understand wanting to have jobs and earn money
Funny that.
fuck pedo
Exactly, and then once the nation can no longer even pretend to be bipartisan and it's blatantly clear that the corporate shadow government and their billionaire lobbyists run the show and have a monopoly on the federal government, then we can finally justify a coup to the average citizen.
He wanted none of this, and it's frankly disgraceful on mit's part. You take Epstein's money and then throw a guy under the bus over something this petty?
Well.... I thought wrong, I thought he was safe I guess not.
He's always been tonedeaf, and transparently autistic; the real quote is him being tone deaf and autistic and the journalists who report "defending Epstein" clearly can't read.
Why is it not nothing, why is the world this way?
No. These people are basically liberals at best, fascists at worst. They're not leftists. I'm a leftist and these identity-obsessed morons are simply reasserting all the shit they profess to stand against.
Is Stallman leftism or American mental illness? I can't tell
What are leftists then?
It's truly over.
>those are not REAL leftists
>put Satania in sticky
>Stallman is dead the next day
>kill your ally to lead your enemy to victory
>the victory is a trap so you can make new allies and convince them to kill your enemy on the grounds that he won
Isnt this a little like cutting off your nose to spite your face
Bullying an actual autistic man into submission. Bravo.
inb4 FSF is absorbed into a subsidiary of a Silicon Valley megacorp and raped into oblivion. Stallman is fragile. He actually might an hero from all the pressure being put on him.
>we need to support gay poz shit, but only 90s poz
>there is nothing wrong with our fundamental ideology!
The Democrat Party was only good when they explicitly stood for farm and labor. They only stood for these things because they represented rural white people. The singular core of everything wrong with modern politics stems from this demographic having no real representation. Democracy itself is half of the problem. Universal suffrage is an enormous mistake and no one with any sincerity or scruples could claim otherwise.
Good. Fuck him.
You're delusional or just deflecting, you faggot. The hard left are just as obsessed with this shit as neoliberals, if not moreso.
>We are currently witnessing the downfall of RMS
Feels strange. It's like we're in the end of the world.
For a moment, I thought they'd really removed him from the sticky.
t. Jow Forums
I miss it too. """Progressives""" were a mistake.
He is autistic. But an actual leftist. This is why he shits on big corps and points out American involvement in the Chilean coup every 9/11.
There is no real left right now. It's dead. I and others want to bring it back to have a real, immanent critique of capitalism in the hope of bringing about socialism, but I've no idea if we'll succeed. Marx read Hegel and developed a materialist critique of capitalism that was dialectical and showed that capitalism is a contradiction inherent to bourgeois society holding back human emancipation. It's wrong to think of it in an antinomian way, for instance: we've seen great things come as a result of capitalism and it would be retarded to want to return to, say, feudalism, but also at huge cost. It's internally contradictory.
hey Jow Forums frien how's going
1,000,000 TIMES THIS!!!!!!!!
The 'hard left' you refer to are just corporate whores virtue signalling for the sake of jobs. They're fucking idiots. They wouldn't understand a dialectical analysis if it dyed their hair purple.
Never touched Jow Forums
Jow Forums had a thread about this yesterday. They were mostly just glad that a "communist" got BTFO.
you know I'm unusually ok with poltards at the moment
Anyone want to explain how this could be prevented if only I accepted racial iq?
Damn, I can't believe Stallman was cancelled, just because he tried to say the infamous billionaire pedophile who snuck girls away to a remote island to rape them with impunity with his other rich sicko friends was doing it consensually. Fucking leftoids will ruin your life for anything nowadays.
They're literally not. They have nothing at all in common with Marx, Lenin, Luxemburg, Trotsky, Lukács, Adorno, Žižek, etc.
No, you don't understand them. These people aren't just going with the flow and virtue signaling for social credit and brownie points. They drink the koolaid and ask for seconds. They just subscribe to a new brand of faggotry. A Foucault brand of Marxian Socialism. These people are the Bourgeoisie by all objective measure, and yet they claim to fight for the oppressed. They aren't rallying behind workers. They hate workers. They hate the rural lower and middle class of America. Instead their oppressed class they claim to want to liberate and uplift is homosexuals and transgenders. Homosexuals are now basically social elite nearing sainthood, so trannies are now taking the spotlight.
Don't for a second think that these people aren't genuine dogmatic Marxists just because they have a different brand of faggotry than you. You're absolutely bedfellows all the same.
OK here's the plan from here on out.
>keep gnu going
>make a point of saying we're taking the founder's ideals farther than his narrow pedophile mind would let him dream of
>no one can cancel us over stallman because we're blatantly anti stallman
>the whole point of cancelling stallman was to cancel gnu
>but gnu itself didn't even do anything """wrong"""
>their shill plan fails spectacularly because they can't find flaw with our devout far-leftism yet we're still doing the thing they don't like that they have no grounds to condemn directly
Everyone saw the horrors of Marxism in practice via the Soviet Union and China. Instead of admit that it doesn't work in practice due to human nature, most ideologues on the left chose a new route to the same outcome and that route is identity politics, which replaces bourgeois (rich people) against the proletariat (powerless workers) with whites (new bourgeois) against minorities (new proletariat). The outcome will be the same -a total meat grinder.
Quit with your pretentious way of writing and learn to speak normally. Absolutely no one believes you are more enlightened or better educated.
to be fair, part of the problem with communist ideologies in the 20th century was the constant circlejerking between academics and intellectuals. All it did was fracture the base and give space for hijacking by people with other agendas. I think that there needs to be a healthy balance between theory/critique and actual actionable political strategy. I think that this is possible by owning "popular" issues like healthcare, 0 hour contracts/gig economy, or the Israeli apartheid state to both introduce and eventually rally people to the cause.
In the meanwhile we can jerk each other off here my dear fellow.
>those aren't REAL leftists
i hope they realize by their own standards theyre being ableist for bullying this autistic man whos special interest is free software
shame on them
I do understand them. I don't think they're necessarily Foucauldian, though they are postmodern. Yes, they're the bourgeoisie, and they hate workers, but they are still virtue signalling, in the sense of marketing themselves. The fact they really believe it doesn't undermine that.
If you'd read Marx, you'd think twice before calling them 'dogmatic Marxists'. They are entirely in thrall to capitalism.
>it was not real communism
>lol those aren't real lefties
next you will say that true communism hasn't been tried before?
Stop bullying this autist, he did nothing wrong.
What's wrong with these bloodthirsty vultures?
Still Jow Forums's patron saint, and shall remain.
I won't F Stallman, but I will
I reject the USSR and China, though I recognise we have a responsibility to critique them and understand why those horrors happened.
What in the fuck was pretentious about what I said? It's pretty fucking simplistic. Are you retarded? You're parroting Peterson, so probably: Marxism is not simply the dogma of oppression.
Lol, they aren't. Neo"libs" are ultracapitalist, ultracorporatist, anti-worker, racial revanchists. They oogle over corporations and cheer when corporations secure iron-fist control over free speech, they import scabs and support outsourcing by large companies to and from every corner of the earth to suppress wages for said corporations, and they hate people of European descent.
>If you'd read Marx, you'd think twice before calling them 'dogmatic Marxists'. They are entirely in thrall to capitalism.
Who do you think financed the communist movement in the Soviet Union?
"Marxism" is just a shorthand for "self righteous" on Jow Forums because they don't actually read books.
>There is no real left right now. It's dead. I and others want to bring it back to have a real, immanent critique of capitalism in the hope of bringing about socialism,
That's because socialism and Communism were tested and found to be total failures. Try another meme ideology, hippie.
It has been tried, and it failed. But it is not a fixed idea. There is value in Marx.
No, dear user. The problem with Communism is that Bolsheviks saw it for exactly what it was, and they set out to use it in earnest. Empty rhetoric used to exploit gullible pawns while they establish themselves as the new ruling class. Thats what Communism is. Which is exactly what happened. Its what happens every time.
It is a never ending cycle.
I have read Marx. Every one of these Silicon Valley CEOs has read Marx. We don't live in a purely Capitalistic driven society, we have a mixed market economy with an extreme level of intervention by the state, we even have a great degree of centralized planning at state and federal levels.
This is all perfectly kosher with Marxism as it is a progressing Socialism. None of these people however are low IQ enough to ever try to establish full blown autism Communism.
These people are pragmatic about what power is. They have it, they aren't giving it up. They are the new ruling elite, and they will never consider themselves your equal.
This is literally the only sort of person who will ever claim to support Communism, and it is literally always done to exploit the gullible retards like you.
RMS really got the short end of the stick. As if being denied while being right about most of the stuff he said throughout the years wasn't enough. Truly a hero of our times.
Indeed. To them, 'revolution' is corporate representation. Black trans CEOs while the poor get shit on.
seethe harder marxist
he's no more under MIT now he can be GPL'd.
what is the unfailable "idea" for society, if you say so?
Total failures for whom? It worked for most people, but the people in power realized they'd be better off looting state enterprises and calling it "transitioning to capitalism" and "shock therapy".
There were mistakes admittedly, I don't want people to be blind to the USSR's flaws, but stuff like the abolition of property weren't among them imo.
Reminder that MIT is throwing him under the bus just so they can claim they made amends for the Epstein money without actually having to do anything
Holy fuck, you definitely have not read Marxism. Where did you get that fucking nonsense? Go read the Manuscripts or the Grundrisse.
Stallman would be a veritable hero if he only kept 90% of his sperg opinions to himself and wrote only about software, freedom, and respecting users.
Actually based.
>plz stop raping my low IQ fag brain
>what is China.
>I have read Marx.
>Society's elties are Marxists.