Richard Stallman resign of MIT CSAIL
He also resigned from the board of the FSF:
First for Jow Forums
fucking what
Damn Richard, what the fuck are you doing.
Please suggest quick and painless ways for me to suicide.
RIP in free software movimient.
don't feed political parties
For of all sad words of tongue or pen,
The saddest are these: Stallman was right again.
fuck sjws
taste the foot get the boot
I cannot take this. This is too much. How can social terrorist be so cruel to make him do this. The FSF was his child.
What happened
Does Stallman know mechanical engineering or EE?
I would hire him, because he is autistic enough to develop thing I need
i can see it now,
they will get a women to be the new president and within a year the fsf will be gone.
Posting on a sad thread.
This is the shittiest timeline. A bunch of stupid techfaggots who will never amount to anything are eager to destroy rms's entire life, one of the most important people in the history of software, all in the name of politics and virtue signaling.
Tech is absolutely rotten. The people who get the most visibility and influence are the trendy, progressive, latte-sipping, JS-enthusiast, queer types. Your technical skill no longer means anything, because that would be too unfair, of course.
idiot said Epstein's victims consented
Social terrorist attack. Stallman injured.
worse, it'll be an SJW tranny
We must take back the power over the degenerate trannies.
should have kept his mouf shut
Yep. The SJW concern trolls continue to take down the weak targets since they can't affect real change.
Stallman argued about semantics in a private mail
The mail was about MITs relationship with a pedo
Some histronic twitter retard leaked the mails, misquoted Stallman and posted a story on her blog about how terrible Stallman is, he even slept in his MIT room OMG!!!
Onionsboys think Stallman is a sick pedo and that he needs to be hanged real quick OR ELSE THEY STOP MAKING FREE SOFTWARE OMG!!!
Stallman resigns
Fucking retard that's not he he said.
Pic related.
No retard, he said jewish lawyers could say epstein's victims consented to the jew pedo.
wow holy, i thought this whole was just kind of not that serious
I mean the subject matter is serious but I didn't realize people were taking this so seriously
Sad. I don't even.want dubs.
rms is dead
Long life to RMS!
women were a mistake
sjws in tech are dangerous. At first a joke, now a real threat.
At last, a worthwhile get.
oy vey checked
this, but stallman was also a mistake
Now we are all faggots now owo
Shit hexes. Cringe and Jow Forumspilled
Femoids BTFO
1. Richard Stallman
2. Eric S. Raymond
3. Theo de Raadt
4. Linus Torvalds
it says so in the bible
Based and checkedpilled.
>Expecting a Bernie supporter not to be a cuck
Anyone who goes to Jow Forums saw this from a mile away.
we tried to warn you about the SJWs...why didn't you listen?
face it, Jow Forums
you have no choice now but to embrace fascism
include me in the screencap
R.I.P. Open Source software.
I hope the fucking cuck faggot onions femifascists are happy about this shit.
Women are niggers and Jews.
Literally who
>calling it open source
Stallman rolling in his grave
I mean, the comment was one of the most insanely retarded things I've heard from him, but dang, he didn't deserve this. Even if many disagree with his views on this and other matters, there is no denying he's done great things for free software, and I don't think he himself is pedophile or anything like that. Very scary times for free software.
Stallman never campaigned for open source, retard.
Roastie hags BTFO
>A bunch of stupid techfaggots who will never amount to anything are eager to destroy rms's entire life, one of the most important people in the history of software, all in the name of politics and virtue signaling.
No, RMS ruined RMS. He can have his shitty opinions, and everyone else has the right to agree that they are shitty. He's not facing legal consequences for saying insensitive, stupid, and disgusting things - he's facing social consequences. This is exactly what free speech is about.
>Tech is absolutely rotten. The people who get the most visibility and influence are the trendy, progressive, latte-sipping, JS-enthusiast, queer types. Your technical skill no longer means anything, because that would be too unfair, of course.
And there we go. Right into the trash it goes... "Your technical skill no longer means anything" You mean you expect to get away with saying anything to anyone about anything just because muh big brayne? This isn't anything new - You don't get to say fucked up shit publicly and expect no one to disagree. I will never understand why you fags can't get this through your thick fucking Neanderthal skulls.
Have sex incel, you were a mistake..........checked.
inb4 deletion.
FUCK. does he have enough money to support himself? Can he move into Temple OS Terry's van with him? LOL
Woman 2.0 when?
I wasn't here and I didn't witness this. Claims that I witnessed it are grossly exaggerated.
Yes, very sad. I'm sure having this fat smelly creep fuck your 11 year old daughter would have been well and truly worth having to use shit broken software. At least you would be exercising your freedom to waste your time and energy getting things to work.
Don't feed them.
Holy fuck uncanny valley
once rms spoke at microsoft i knew they replaced him with a robot richard lookalike
>Terry is dead
>Linus cucked himself
>RMS is kill
>CoCs are all over the place
it's over. the trannies won. Nothing more to do.
>muh "its not censorship if its not the government censoring"
very wrong. Free speech is very much an attitude that believes people can express their opinions. It has nothing to do with government and attidudes like yours are eroding free speech.
you're probably confused and thinking of the 1st amendment, which is part of free speech but not the entirety of it.
Based and Redpilled
he faced social consequences because he took on woke scum like you. If he'd consciously avoided that, his own organization would've shrugged and not bothered him so much about it. RMS is washing his hands of the organization he created, that was already in decline. Do you think they're going to be at all relevant now? Who would give money to "the organization that betrayed RMS" instead of to RMS itself? The onyl reason people were giving money in the first place was in support of RMS.
Funny enough, CoC won't allow this to happen, lol
Fucking based.
Anyone who disagrees with simply disagreeing and calling for social consequences is most likely a closeted pedo or a bigot.
THANKFULLY everyone is coming out to support him in the comments. This can be undone.
include me in the scrolling screencap
Can someone please explain who Stallman was and what he did?
No everybody NiggerMail FSF about head rsm
>blessed trips in a sticky
including your mom?
You are acting the same as the retarded girl who published that.
Now that the foot shit eater has fallen, this board needs a new sticky, the WEAPON OF JAVA
What a total fucking shitshow. FSF, EFF, and the FS Conservatory have all proven to be unreliable. I can't believe I was here to witness the end of the FSF. Are there any groups that care anymore?