Why does she hate iOS?
Why does she hate iOS?
ios is literally malware
She hates iOS so much that she bought an iPhone and uses iOS on it.
She was a retard. Stallman was a retard. Terry was a literal retard.
All Jow Forums icons are retards, the sticky is 3 unironic retards.
she is cute tho
>hates itoddlers
>but is also one
Is she simply a masochist? Does she get off to being laughed at by an entire mongolian basket weaving forum with the main subject being technology?
Because she is my wife
And those retards are still smarter than every itoddler combined. You people are literally not even on the level of retards but on the level of mold growing in a bathtub.
No she doesn't. iOS is her favorite operating system.
Have you seen how Raphi treats her?
She hates itoddlers because, being the dummy that she is, experienced Apple products, and knows better now.
iToddlers are the only people dumb enough for Satania to btfo.
Is the anime even worth watching?
Not if your a mactoddler
no anime is worth watching
Does she also hate itoddlers?
why does she use a iphone