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spoken like a true Salesforce™ developer

Boy I sure am glad my boring "pajeet" job as a sysadmin doesn't attract these people. But hey, enjoying being that rockstar programmer you keep talking about being Jow Forums. Maybe "she" won't break out the fake rape accusations until after you've been there for a few months

>if you can't teach a retard calculus you're a retard yourself

Wow, thanks for sharing that valuable insight with us.

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the point of abstraction is that you don't need to understand the details; this is the foundation of modern software design. if you need to know everything about what the engineer does to interface with him or his code, you're doing it wrong.

programing with words was s mistake, woman thinks code is like a romantic novel.

>claims to be engineer
>thinks you can go over 100% in agreement

Thank goodness this never took off

ackshually, you can easily go over 100% in something. This is commonly used in cases like 200%, 300%, and so on. Increasing by 100% means double. By 200% means triple, and so on, and of course 200% of something means double just as 100% means a whole.
It could also mean multiple, with the percentages after 100 starting the beginning of a new unit. In that context, this creature is agreeing ten thousand times.

Expert elocutionist here. Can confirm that her central message is completely fucking backwards and wrong. I can explain anything to anyone, and it feels like a supernatural power at times. Not every is able to just explain to you all the things you thought that were wrong when it was first explained in a manner intuitive to the speaker.

don't worry, it will infest administration soon enough. your talk is the similar talk STEM in general said will never happen.

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>responds to my post, implying there was reading involved
>reads "something" instead of the word "agreement"

An agreement is something. A conceptual something perhaps, and not exactly tangible, but certainly something.

level of understanding
level of doing
level of fixing
level of teaching

is that entire thing her vulva??

Can we just give up and accept China wins already. I’ll learn their moonrunes if they make this stop

the guy who coined the term meritocracy considered it to be a bad kind of society.
nothing turns people into greedy arseholes faster than telling them that they're meritorious, that everything they have they got because they're merited, and that people who have problems or suffer are suffering because they lack merit. a feudal lord has a sense of noblesse oblige, but a meritocrat has no such constraints and will take everything they can grab.

communist detected

nrx but whatever helps you sleep at night

you need to go back

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>I am a human being and was born with hands
>how dare you use hands that's meritocracy pls stahp think of all the dogs who have to feed themselves without hands
Spare me

> yes, knuckledraggers make the world great
> we need to seize the means of production

a helicopter ride awaits you.

baffling post
you can have a kingdom that selects individuals based on merit within their class groups (kings, lords, peasants, etc). that is distinct from meritocracy, a meritocracy is a society run by meritocrats, a distinct class in their own right.

There's more of us than you, and we know how to actually do the work
Never forget, there's less and less of you every day

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I'm truly frightened by your superiority.

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>Jow Forums - Technology

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You're contradicting yourself. In an actual meritocracy, anyone having the merit to become a meritocrat can do so.

the great thing about being a meritocrat is that you get to be on the committee that defines merit.

That's what the other countries are supposed to do, pressure you to do your fucking job unless you fancy a little anschluss.

fortunately for meritocrats, the global superpower is by and large a meritocracy

China is a meritocracy?

Ah, i see we've got a poster from the 2050s on our hand.
Mind giving me the lottery numbers for the week starting 22/09/19?

The chinese week or the old one?

>people who know how to cook shouldn't be allowed to cook
This is your brain on post-meritocracy

Every professor in uni was telling me that
>If you can't define it then you don't understand it
And as far as science goes definition pretty much explains the formula and the formula is little more than a definition written in math operators.

So yeah the bitch is legit.
If you understand X you can explain X to a chlid.

To anyone trying get a job as a programmer, don't get into Salesforce development unless you're very desperate. Salesforce has a bad rap of being bug-ridden platform and a dumbed-down version of Java.

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Depends on where you work. I use to work for a video game publisher working on the games engine. Literally surrounded by minorities like poo's all day as well as women. The shitskins smelled terrible, microwaved weird shit in the break room that made everyone evacuate during lunch and constantly harassed the women; but were atleast almost competent at what they did. Even if a white Jr. Dev could run circles around them. The women were the worst. Spaghetti code all around. They could not get anything done on time. If you tried to get them to work instead of be on their phones or looking at fucking Pintrest or something, it was straight to HR with you. Ever wonder why some games are massively bugged, behind schedule and constantly requiring patches to such a degree? Women. The only good ones worked for the graphic design department.

I got out and now my job is pajeet and woman free. Do the same lads.

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There's two possibilities.
Either they don't understand as well as they think they do.
Or you are so retarded they are better off trying to explain it to an infant.

If the world is a true meritocracy, kikes should be the slaves, the poor, and the homeless.

I don't believe your story
I've never seen a woman working on a game engine in my life

That’s not how it works you seething goy.

Thanks for reminding me why I never want to work for a corporation again. Fuck it is all politics all the way down now.

>There's more of us than you
Considering 70% of the world evicted Communism from its premises after experiencing it, your entire reply becomes a joke.

Your anecdotal experience is not indicative of the industry as a whole. And I'm not saying mine is either, but there are women who work in all fields from front end, web dev, to embedded systems and video game engines.

Makes sense

>Your anecdotal experience is not indicative of the industry as a whole.
It is, it's a pretty small industry, and women work in all the art related fields and VERY rarely programming, especially engine programming
You just made that story up for some retarded reason

this bitch should be burned to the ground

what if i did teach a retard calculus? well she wasn't really retarded but close enough.

Dumbed down education laws like "No Child Left Behind" and "Common Core" created these abominations.

>Never forget, there's less and less of you every day
The trannies are on your side though

She's right. If you can't explain it, you probably don't understand it. When I learn things, I imagine explaining it to someone and what kinds of questions they might ask me. Sometimes you ask yourself a question that you can't understand, but you can often answer those yourself by thinking "How COULD you implement this" and often find out yourself. Of course, you need to Google if you're right.

That doesn't mean that that the teacher is always at fault, thought. Some people just can't understand highly complex things, no matter how well you explain it.

There's only so much information that you can losslessly compress before you start dumbing shit down for everyone. Just look at the entirety of pop-sci, that's the worst example of "if you can't dumb shit down, you're probably dumb yourself"

>infest administration
Sorry, you either have the caliber to be a sysadmin, or you dont. Sysadmin is not a "creative" job, unlike programming where you can "fake your shit". We're mostly almost-braindead people working our hours making sure things dont fall apart. If you cant tape everything together, you're out. Also, braindead != dumb. We're quite the intelligent creatures, just braindead.

t. sysadmin

how can someone be this stupid

No, it's her belly flab.


>She's right.
>Some people just can't understand highly complex things, no matter how well you explain it.
You just contradicted yourself. Her statement was not about general ability to explain something _to someone of an appropriate background to understand it._ She specifically said engineers should be able to explain things:
>in a way that you understand
>even if you are a lot less experienced
IOW, however much the things you are trying to understand are simply beyond you, it's always the explainer's failure, never yours.

>The struggle is real
It's as if that shirt became self-aware.

>She's right. If you can't explain it, you probably don't understand it.

Like all devious lies, it's only half true. Sure, clearly explaining something shows that you have a solid understanding of it, but here she's obviously trying to make excuses for people who are simply fucking retarded.

A complex thing is just many simple things.

Simple things are something a child would understand, complex things are a couple of orders of simple things.

Look at this pathetic baby, still caught up in the culture war. So young and naive he has yet to even consider looking behind the curtain that feeds him his ideals. He uses words like "redpilled" and yet he is still inside the matrix.

I guess at a very basic level you should be able to explain the aims of most everything to most everyone, but if you're saying that you need to be able to explain a subject exhaustively to any person regardless of their capacity before you can really understand it then you're fucking retarded.

I learned quite a lot about calculus/algebra from needing to teach it to college kids of various states of capability, but there is a limit to which most people can reasonably understand, (even within STEM). Try explaining some complex numerical methods to the average Biology major. Outside of the rare cases where they focus on biophysics or physical chemistry, you're not going to get much reception beyond the absolute basics of the field, and even within fields that need it like EE and Comp Sci there is a very selective group of students that go that far into it.

Yes, because those values you bought off Amazon are certainly much better. At least you can take comfort in the fact that the entire techno-capitalist machine agrees with you about your progressive egalitarian silliness.

You are in so deep that you assume I am on the other side, only proving my point. The elites fund this culture war on both sides, and they do so because it keeps them in power. They do so because it keeps you distracted, it keeps you from making any change that would unseat them.

An effort must come from both sides - from the side of the teacher and from the side of the student. These feminists want to be 100% faultless in all cases. But once you're at work, you're mostly on your own - engineers are not there to teach you. There's so much material free on the web that basically anyone who wants can learn anything. You just must be autistic enough.

how does this translate to, it's the engineers fault for me not having experience?

>blue checkmark
>literally who

But this is true of anything. If you can't explain a complex thing to a 5 year old, then you don't really understand the subject in depth yourself. At the other end of the spectrum is, if you need someone to explain to you in 5 year old's language, then you are dumb as a rock.

Ideally, the explainer and the explainee would meet somewhere in the middle. Lets say a high school level talk instead of an elementary school.

checks out

i'm sure there are but i haven't seen one myself.

>But this is true of anything
Not totally anything.
It's all about intuition. But at certain level your natural intuition fails and only those with developed mathematical intuition (which takes years of studying higher mathematics) can go on - e.g. quantum mechanics.

Do you actually think you're being deep or insightful right now? Yes, the "elites" fund many things, though I'm not so silly as to do the tactical nihilism dance you seem to be so content with. What changes do you think would unseat them? What opportunities do you think they are hiding from you?

Every woman dies today, I'm gong to start splattering fe's as soon as I finish posting this, females have declared war on all life in the universe. They literally are too weak to fight back and every man who has ever lived supports you, pull the fucking trigger already, or else life, beauty, morality and everything else women despise will be destroyed in the next few days.

Educational institutions are a mistake.

I do teach calculus at a university. That person is correct in general.

>even if you are a lot less experienced
what does she think this means?
the less experience someone has, the harder and more time-consuming it will be to explain something to them
there is always a point between the student being too underexperienced, and the topic being too advanced, where something becomes too much to boil down to a simple explanation

that, and being an expert at something doesn't magically grant you the ability to be good at explaining it to someone else, teaching is itself a real skill

I don't think I could teach an actual retard, but I've taught some "dumb" people calculus. There are some really seemingly stupid people out there where nothing seems to stick with them, but they're the exception not the rule. They happen to be really memorable exceptions that tend to override your perceptions of just how uncommon they are, but they're definitely not the norm.

In some cases, I suspect many weren't even dumb so much as they just didn't have good diets, sleeping habits, attitudes, or lifestyles in general which could be a result of a multitude of factors. Truly unteachable dumb people seem to be rare. Most people can pick up most concepts if you explain them correctly. The attitude of "everyone is dumb but me!" is highly destructive. Give people a chance.

All the checkmark means is that you were dumb enough to give your info like your driver's license and/or birth certificate to Twitter so they can collect more of your data. It means jack shit.