So. Stallman was an actual pedo?
I'm sure we can post proof of that here!
I'll wait
So. Stallman was an actual pedo?
I'm sure we can post proof of that here!
I'll wait
well shit
I said proof that he was a pedo. This was a set of opinions.
I approve of the death penalty and I don't wish to kill anyone.
he supports pedophilia user
Again. Is he a pedophile? Does he seek to have sex with minors or at least stores child porn?
are you retarded??
are you?
dude you're actually fucked
So. No proof he is a pedophile? Beyond written opinions? I am disappointed.
Come on, he knew Epstein right? . There must be something there
is this guy just an rms fan trying to defend him even if he's wrong or is he actually dumb
>talking about epstein in a conversation about rms
yeah, you're actually mentally damaged.
He supports informed consent. You didn't listen to the whole video.
>Uses linux
There it is
yes i did. hes talking about how he supports grown adults fucking children and its really nasty
I actually want proof of him being a pedophile. If that happens he would go to jail, right?
Well, let's see it
He actually changed that opinion recently, which is pretty telling that he actually did believe pedophilia wasn't wrong.
Come on now, where is the fucking proof! Let's Jow Forums on the news.
Jesus christ guys can't you take anything seriously and stop falseflagging for one day?
well he's a jew soooooo.....
The part at the very end is most important. He literally says that if the child doesn't really understand the situation and is just going along with whatever the adults want, then that's not willing. You're acting like he's talking about his own sexual interests, and he's obviously not. If you disagree, then post a pic of him literally fucking a corpse.
he said pedophilia should be legal. why are you defending him you virgin?
He said pedophilia (with explicit consent from both parties) should be legal if it can't be shown that there are negative psychological impacts or negative impacts on their life at all. He believes he has now seen sufficient evidence that it does indeed harm the minor. Don't bother replying to me.
no he said there wasnt any evidence to support pedophilia was harmful to children (which is false)
you're actually retarded.
Proof please!
>bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb-but I read he's something it must be true
>can't be assed to listen to an opinion that isn't just black and white
That crap he said about Epstein is basically prima facie evidence that he’s a pedo himself
Reminder that you're all pedophiles
pedos spotted
>no he said there wasnt any evidence to support pedophilia was harmful to children (which is false)
Of course, I agree, and he agrees too now that he's reviewed that evidence.
Wow, so the argument that "He is a pedo" is based on controversial opinions, not actual actions performed by the subject that implies he wanted intimacy with one or more minors, not even child pornography?
Wow, really makes you think :tm:
he was dumb enough to believe that before. the only reason why he said he didnt believe in it is because of the backlash. hes fat
Thanks for proving my point that you're an unenlightened troglodyte who can't even imagine an opinion that isn't black and white.
I think this is what he was referring to - in some countries some ethnic groups usually marry at 16-18 willingly and if you in fact have relatives that have for example Gypsy roots, this can very well be true for them and their ancestors as well.
shut up pedo nobody wants to hear your bs
There wasn't any. SJWs work themselves into a tizzy all on their own. Their entire concept of controversy is how loud they feel they've been in the past week. It's fabricated, echo chamber, bullshit, scaled to fit the globe by social media corps that literally profit off of the attention waves.
Why do so many people seem to think that discussing something is the same as practicing it? Even you half-wits ought to see that that doesn't follow.
Reddit doesn't even try...
Most normalfags only know about and talk about things they practice, they assume it must be true for everyone.
Most normalfags legitimately don't understand people who don't behave like they do. See Jow Forums.
>tries to claim there wasnt any backlash against rms to desperately try to prove his statement correct
yeah you're a virgin. eat shit normie LMFAO
He may be a pedo but being attracted to little girls isnt illegal, only having their nude pics and vids and fucking them is
>he was dumb enough to believe that before.
So? Your response to ignorance should be reasonable discussion, not casting to the flames.
>shut up pedo nobody wants to hear your bs
You just learned that word and how cool is to say it online. I mean, alright, but you know - if you have it in you try and think for a while? Learn a little something.
>people who call you out on just badly trolling or being an unenlightened dimwit don't even try
>huahuahoouhuuoooh pedo pedo pedo pedo
Just a fascinating mind you have there.
did you have a stroke typing that pedo?
stay mad pedo
You're calling someone else that and you're the most simple simpleton there is in this thread who actually believes Twitter rants of random attention whores.
Frenzied trolling isn't backlash, no. I don't think it's hard to explain what backlash actually is.
Any proof yet?
attempting to defend a pedo
"SAD!" -trump
>and its really nasty
Nobody with a triple digit IQ would utter such a childish phrase.
Minsky was a child molester. Stallman defended his acts of molestation. QED.
so you dont think pedophilia is nasty? you're fucking sick dude. pedo spotted btfo
No, I'm not. You're just a dimwitted simpleton or a 12 year old who just spams one word instead of even entertaining a thought of learning something.
Accused of being a child molester.
Accusation isn't proof. The world has gone mad.
I think the idea of anyone having sex with you is a lot more gross 2bh
#BelieveAllWomen. Don't be problematic, friend.
That post had nothing to do with defending Stallman. I've posted my stance already. This is me explaining why the implication that he caved under pressure is wrong. There was no backlash to speak of. He wasn't making a public comment and getting a windfall of criticism. Someone unrelated to anything he works with made a blog post about him, and the social media frenzy ensued. Nobody contacted him. He wasn't counter-debated en masse. He was left alone and people formed a bunch of snappy in-the-moment opinions with no context other than the lies that got blogged to the world by people other than himself. It's a blogwar, except not even that, because nobody is responding to the things he posts on his own blog. Without any kind of back-and-forth, there's no way to call what happened a "backlash." It's two different groups of bloggers posting to their audience, and those audiences reacting. Separately. He didn't make a public comment and get a backlash from his followers or anything of the sort. Someone else made a blogpost to their followers and those followers blindly believed it. Your sense of cross-site interaction is shit.
So, let me get this straight: He supported it with informed consent, until he was presented with sufficient evidence to the contrary? And now he's against it after talking to a number of people who experienced it and told him how and why there can't be real informed consent in such a relationship? That doesn't sound like a pedo or a zealot. That sounds like a reasonable person who held a belief and changed it in the face of evidence to the contrary.
This is disgusting, lol.
how are people this new
>That sounds like a reasonable person who held a belief and changed it in the face of evidence to the contrary.
But this can't happen in people's minds. No one can possibly have the strength of character to admit they were wrong at one point.
>who held a belief and changed it
Yes, the central human problem. There's nothing you can do or say that will force someone to accept that you've really changed your views. Humility is a false flag; people will never accept that someone who makes it to the news can change their mind. People are too trained to expect politicians to have everything figured out that they can't see people as people as soon as it appears on something vaguely news-like, even if it's literally just a blog site.
Yes. People just have to judge you by how you behave from then on.
This is obviously about character assassination, the only question is if it's glowniggers or microsoft kikes behind it.
Whoever you think is behind SJW frenzies. I don't think I've ever seen any of them not-in-a-tizzy.
Those retards are just attack dogs for the rich. Their owner is anyone with money.
Oh god this thread shows how shitty Jow Forums and Jow Forums in general has been since i started paying attention to discussions, all you assblasted faggots trying to explain that being a pedo apologist is being a pedo and all you hebephiles in disguise trying to explain that being a pedo apologist is not being a pedo, this discussion went fine until you niggers went full bazinga and adhominem'd each other into oblivion, how is it that literally any other imageboard(not infinity) is decent enough about this but you spergs cant go out of your way to say (and listing them all for attention since you are all assholes thatll call me a faggot/pedo/glowie):
Have sex
Jow Forumstard
Soi boy
Paid shill
And other variations and combinations that add up to.nonsensical posts that add nothing to the thread besides of a bump
The state of this board disgusts me
Also for the record i dont accept pedophilia of any kind but accept pedo apologists since freedom of thought is still a thing, also i dont visit any other cancerous sites so dont call me out on bullshit
Oh and forgot, when i said "decent enough about this" i just meant any type of discussion and also i forgot of other stuff like
dial 8
Oh yeah also forgot any variant of tranny, but thanks for proving my point
Money can't buy true hackers. You have no idea how this world actually works.
We need a country where tech and internet can go and be left the fuck alone by political entities. Fuck California. Fuck the US. Fuck the west. Why hasn't one sprung up yet? Surely it would be a major source of trade much like swiss banking.
Gtfo newfag
>seething this hard over words on a digraph
>if I say newfag people will believe it
It's embarrassing...
what is implied by "rent free"?
Muh collapse failsons need to start their own version of Switzerland, but with SaaS instead of nazi gold.
How the fuck do you not instantly and intuitively understand that kids can't consent to sex and would be fucked up by it? I'm not even doubting him, since I know how spergy people who work with low-level comper shit can be, but holy shit what an autist.
>implying anyone cares about the kids
Imagine choosing pedoshit as the hill to die on.
your brain
Living rent free in your head.
Please make it clearer that you've answered your own question to avoid further triggering the autists on this board.
Cancel culture does not care if you have changed your mind. They only care about 'winning' by destroying you through past quotes made in the public space.
Hate crimes are committed by these same people everyday and they use the term as their banner of virtue.
These 'people' are pure evil. Their ideology is based on censorship of free thought and authoritarianism.
If you defend that then you are part of the problem. Not the solution.
lmao, fair enough then
cringe and everybody clapped pilled.
user, are you ok?
>defend a pedo
just a simple question, is he?
Go to bed user, it's too late for this