So are all the open source foundations from America going to be talentless circuses like the DSA from now on?
Should I start learning chinese?
So are all the open source foundations from America going to be talentless circuses like the DSA from now on?
Should I start learning chinese?
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What's the problem with DSA?
Asking as an European Christian socialist.
Open source retardation has always been anti-capitalist garbage. Why are you surprised?
They may be anti-capitalist but they were still workers who knew what they were doing, now these "organizations" are just gonna be people like this.
Might as well just move to full botnet shit now. There is literally nothing we can do to salvage FOSS ever again. The only other escape is an hero.
You could start your own FOSS project? But I know this is asking too much of Jow Forums users who are the mirror image of the SJW agitators.
The national is obscenely shit, like "actual fucking cop on the board". There's also a ton of other shit like putting a ton of resources into the Sanders campaign that could have been used for local races and other dumb lib shit. That being said, the more hardcore ML coalition (not surprisingly the only group to translate their manifesto into Spanish) and local chapters are still pretty good and worth joining.
You can bait better than this.
Anyways RMS is both one of the most important people in the history of computing, but is at the very, very least totally OK with fucking kids.
To add, one guy being a kid diddler doesn't ruin the concept of open source projects, you should be wary of anyone trying to promote Microsoft/Apple products as somehow better right now, just as much as you should the people who are trying to play off "what if the child consents tho" as somehow acceptable
>You could start your own FOSS project?
Literally nobody will pay attention to it. All efforts to save FOSS now are futile.
I mean, to an extent you're not wrong, and if your project actually posed any threat to closed source/Windows hegemony, you bet in a fucking heartbeat it'd be attacked. There can't be any meaningful change in computing unless you remove the economic incentives to keep things closed source and dismantle the companies that benefit from the current state of things.
The development will go on, just not in America if they continue to drop cooperation for a common goal in exchange of witch hunts every few weeks.
>There can't be any meaningful change in computing unless you remove the economic incentives to keep things closed source and dismantle the companies that benefit from the current state of things.
Except what you're describing is literally impossible. All opposition to the botnet Gods are old, overweight, dying boomers who will never achieve anything in life, ever. The death of FOSS wil be celebrated by billions...
Except America's influence will eventually reach the rest of the world.
>hurrr you're exactly the same even though you have nothing in common
ok retard
Or just do wholesale replacement of commercial software and let turnkey solutions disrupt the economy. The whole reason I didn't do this myself four years ago was because I had moral misgiving about displacing thousands of workers. There's no reason for a threatened hacker to pretend to be impotent.
>What's the problem with DSA?
Firstly my pronouns are he/him.
You can watch their conference in YouTube it's absolutely hilarious.
Open source was never "anti capitalist" as open source is being pushed by corporations.
I literally can not wait for everything being infested by far left politics and the entire political debate being about braindead leftists tearing each other apart.
>Except what you're describing is literally impossible. All opposition to the botnet Gods are old, overweight, dying boomers who will never achieve anything in life, ever.
If you're talking about the few apolitical fatfucks that somehow want to uphold capitalism and except a free, easy to understand open source project to supplant the largest marketing and legal teams on the planet, then I guess you're right.
Microsoft isn't the left's friend, nor is google, or whatever other dumbshit Jow Forums says is """communist""", nor is a private company shitcanning a pedo because he made their organization look bad. The only way FOSS has any future is if you're using a combination of
- using electoral politics to severely limit the growth of these companies and breaking them up
- organizing the labor that works for these companies (many of which used to lurk Jow Forums) so the people who actually do the work get paid what the deserve and they have less cash for predatory legal battles and hostile marketing
- If they refuse to comply or just move to another country, organize people and physically go to the perpetrators and kindly suggest they stop. The people who are holding FOSS back have names and houses.
This both implies that the major existing companies (Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc) would do nothing at all to uphold their monopoly. Those turnkey solutions already exist, but somehow it gets really hard to implement them or keep them up when your opposition has enough cash to buy you out, establish an exclusive contract with companies or just sue you out of existence.
Yeah it was a funny conference
>Open source software is being pushed by private corprations and is not anti capitalist, also a private corporation getting rid of a pedo to save face is also far left and all I know about the DSA was a shitty national
Stay in your quarantine board.
RMS is a FREE SOFTWARE advocate. He severely dislikes "open source".
>and all I know about the DSA was a shitty national
What more would I need? These people are delusional.
Time for mediocre coders like me to swoop in and steal all the jobs the moralfag twitter users gave up.
>Microsoft isn't the left's friend, nor is google, or whatever other dumbshit Jow Forums says is """communist"""
You are missing the point.
These corporations are working in tandem with the "far left", the corporations enforce their social policies transgender memes and such and in return the leftists open the borders, floating the market with the low skill labour the corporations can exploit to reduce the influence of local workers.
The "communists" are literally the tool of the capitalists and every open borders or pro immigration activists is doing exactly what corporations so desperately want. Cheap labour that is easy to replace and a workforce with less power as a whole.
And with their powers combined, they are literally unstoppable. That's why I have been suggesting everyone to retreat and accept that the botnet is forever.
>These corporations are working in tandem with the "far left", the corporations enforce their social policies transgender memes and such and in return the leftists open the borders, floating the market with the low skill labour the corporations can exploit to reduce the influence of local workers.
This. And they are unstoppable Gods who will never be disagreed with or toppled. Our time is up for all eternity. Long live to globalism.
Bumping this thread because of how true these posts are.
you both have a lot in common
you annoy the fuck out of normal people and like to meet up in the streets to LARP and beat eachother up
you are made for eachother
They fucking won. I's time for us to surrender and kill ourselves. Give them their eternal victory and let us pass on into the afterlife. It's over for us down here.
A third of the people in leadership positions are genuine psychopaths, one third are fine with the current system they just want to be the ones on top (or at least grift a few crumbs from the elite) abd a thirds are feds/informants.