/pcbg/ - PC Building General

ATTENTION: Graphics card prices are excessive by historical standards; therefore, consumers should delay or completely forgo any midrange to high end graphics card purchases. The gouging has two root causes: lack of market competition and shortage/"new normal" pricing during the mining hayday.

>Assemble a part list
>Example gaming build skeletons and monitor suggestions; click on titles above parts lists to see notes
>How to non-technically assemble a PC

Want help?
>State budget & CURRENCY
>Post at least some attempt at a parts list
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

CPUs based on current pricing:
>Athlon 200GE - HTPC, web browsing
>R3 2200G - Recommended minimum gaming
>R5 2600/X - Good gaming CPU with great value
>R5 3600 - Great gaming CPU
>R7 2700 - Budget video editing
>R9 3900X - Professional tasks

>Always choose at least a two stick kit; 2x 8GB is recommended
>CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3200CL16 is ideal
>AMD B and X chipsets and Intel Z chipsets support XMP

Graphics cards based on current pricing:
>AAA or multiplatform games: Radeon card appropriate for your montior
>PC centric games or ray tracing: Nvidia card appropriate for your display
>Used RX 570s can be had for a steal; inquire about warranty
1080p 16:9
>RX 570 8GB - budget performance with great value
>GTX 1660 - standard

>Don't bother buying a new monitor for gaming unless it's high refresh with adaptive sync
>A 250GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor
>Bottleneck checkers are worthless


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Other urls found in this thread:


Do not buy AMD GPUs!

Do not buy Intel CPUs!

I was thinking of getting a sabrent rocket as my os drive and a 660p for storage. Would this be best? I would mostly be gayming.

Do not buy MSI mobos!

Do not buy Nvidia GPUs!

Buy AMD GPUs. They are the only ones that respect your freedoms.

Do not buy Cherry MX keyboards!

fucking based

Do not buy VA panels!

Do not buy Seasonic PSUs!

Does anyone know where I can get an HD Audio header to Microphone/Headphone port without added USB slots?
I don't think I can cut the USB ports off of pic related and have the headphone/microphone jacks keep working.

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Do not buy RGB LED RAM!

Is it worth going 1440p yet?

>currently using a laptop but planning a desktop build, starting with monitor
>kinda want it to be 27"
>mostly play WoW Classic and CSGO
>do some audio and video editing
>will have to be 144hz
>desk space isn't huge but I can make it work
>monitor will sit kinda more back than a usual desk setup

I'm prepared to spend about 400€ if it's worth it. I understand for those games it will do absolutely nothing, but just want to know if going from 1080p to 1440p is nice and if the strain on my future desktop is worth it.

Samsung B-die ram is a meme

Please help me out guys. I'm an /a/fag and I feel like I'm making a horrible mistake just for some cute aesthetics.

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>Is it worth going 1440p yet?
yes, it isn't 2013 anymore


Why is 3700x not on the list?
What cooler and case would you recommend for this build? Bare in mind temperature in my room is at 25-30 Celsius in the Summer.

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Do not buy saint quartz!

P-please help me user-san.

If you're gonna go for an aesthetic build then why not get an AIO instesad of a big bulky air cooler?


3600 or 3700x for gayming?

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Not touching that weeb shit. Also you can cut some fans



I heard a big noctua is better for CPU cooling than an AIO. Also someone told me scare stories about pumps failing and other stuff which you don't have to worry about with air coolers. The chromax heatstinks looks pretty aesthetic too. But I may not be able to mount the GPU vertically with the noctua cooler so I'm not sure what to do.
How many should I cut out?

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It's $130 more for a little more performance hmm...

Are you planning on having it for 5+ years?
If yes go with the 3700x

What is the 2500k of this generation ?

Ok so should I pair it with a rx590 or an 1660ti?


what the fuck is wrong with this card?

>bought gtx 1070 used
>plug it in, everything works fine
>crank pubg & 5 mins later the game freezes + event viewer says
>Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered.

no other game seems to have this issue from what i can tell,
>ran ddu for amd & nvidia (i had amd and nvidia in the past on this OS)
>downgrading drivers, tested: 436.30, 436.15 & 431.60
>changed gpu cables to different rails on mobo (old gpu worked fine though)

is there something fucked with this card or is it just pubg + ultra\high settings?

I would maybe grab one or two

Thanks user. Is having 2 NVME okay? I know one of the slots has a heatsink. The other one isn't going to melt without it right?

Ok so here's the build: vocaroo.com/i/s1k5N2N3GV4o
I already have the mobo, ram, case, and the 120gb ssd so far.

>30 year old boomer
>grew up fucking around with Commodore 64, MS DOS, actual floppy disks
>wanted computer but parents were cheap Jew bastards and never encouraged my interest
>never even owned a fucking PC with dedicated graphics card

This is why I’m buypigging the fuck out of a 3700x and 5700 xt red devil. If the next line of gpus are better I’ll just upgrade in 2-3 years again. This time IM THE BOOMER AND I CALL THE SHOTS.

>inb4 nice story faggot

As long as you have good airflow it should be fine

>tfw you've been through the same
Good, spoil yourself and fuck those cheap niggers.

Thanks again user. Should I put the storage NVME under the heatsink and the operating system NVME in the unshrouded spot do you think? Sorry I don't know much.

I don’t condone a lot of RGB, but your cooler is going to block your RGB ram anyway so I changed some stuff.
The fans the case comes with are perfectly fine, if anything those fans are louder and you can’t put five fans in a case with four fan support.
I also switched it to a b450 board, am4 socket life will end 2020 so unless you get PCIe 4.0 ssd’s(you didn’t) or plan on buying two video cards for sli(you didn’t), B450 is perfectly fine.
I did keep that anime figure though.

Life is to short to not spoil yourself user. Ganbatte.

Thanks lads

Can I get some advice on what to upgrade for my ageing PC (for gayming)

I want to upgrade the RAM and probably the GPU.

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>Want to upgrade my gpu from a 980ti to a 2080ti
>mostly just for emulation
>GPU prices are insanely high still from crypto

God how long must I wait. Normally I dont give a shit about price, but the prices have inflated so much now.


Considering you can run WoW and CSGO in a $700 build at 1440p, why not?
>400 euro
uhhh half that would go to monitor alone...

>replacing the good thermal paste with inferior cheap shit paste
>970 evo plus
>gigabyte super 2070
>5 25euro noctua fans
this looks like bait to me
Air coolers look better, dummy.

3600 and keep your GPU until 5700 go on sale or next gen GPUs.
> I want to upgrade the GPU
But your current CPU already stutters and bottlenecks it ???

why the fuck do you have a 850W PSU for a build that uses like 300W max?
and idk Versa H18 if you go mATX.

Thanks very much user. You gave me lots of good ideas. And with the savings I could get an even better anime figure!
Your tips about the motherboard were really eye opening. Is it okay if I went for an Asus X470 board instead? I really like the white finish with the case, though I guess you won't be able to see much of it.
Should I be worrying about RAM speed at all? I heard that for overclocking the new Ryzen chips RAM speed and timings are really important.
Also on the older boards I remember reading that with the two NVME slots one is slower than the other. Is that true?
Sorry for all the questions.

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My current mobo is 240-pin so not DDR4 compatible :(
>But your current CPU already stutters and bottlenecks it ???
Hmm maybe I should upgrade mobo and CPU instead first? That way I can get 3600 memory too

Yep, bad time to upgrade. Wait until next gen.

What are you emulating, btw?

Asus x470 doesn’t have bios flashback like MSU boards do

>My current mobo is 240-pin so not DDR4 compatible :(
No shit. What else are you going to do, get a beaten to shit over 4930k and $200 board for it? That's worse value than getting new RAM.

Maybe wait a bit for B550 boards and for the 3600 to go on sale. Your GPU is the best part of your current system so it's strange that that's what you think you should upgrade first.

Pc pleb, built this: uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/6vzNn7

My budget is around £900. Use is general and the odd game, Cyberpunk, Doom Eternal, etc.

Might get the Red Devil 5700 (not xt) instead since on some sites it's only £20 more. Any improvements?

Also, are the gpus prices still high? Is £400 for a Red Devil 5700 a good price or inflated?

Which 2070s should I get?

Considering same price.
Asus Rog Strix or Msi Gaming X Trio?

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Yeah fair enough. Thanks for the info

I'd get the Red Dragon 5700 instead (better cooler, and the pulse is giving coil whine for some), but otherwise that's a pretty ideal build for the budget and a really good build in general.
Or yeah, get the red devil 5700 instead if you plan on flashing it with the XT BIOS, but otherwise the red dragon is good and may as well save the money.

I'm not going to get the XT bios as I would rather have the warranty.

I'll take a look at the Red Dragon, thanks.

>ATTENTION: Graphics card prices are excessive by historical standards; therefore, consumers should delay or completely forgo any midrange to high end graphics card purchases. The gouging has two root causes: lack of market competition and shortage/"new normal" pricing during the mining hayday.

breath of the wild, and then red dead (I know rpcs3 is pretty unstable right now, but I still want to upgrade for that later on when the builds are more stable). At least I can run Akuma's wrath for now.

>nvidia card failing

I need a cheap low profile CPU cooler for a 80w TDP xeon 1240v3. Needs to be as quieter than intel stock cooler, it has a weird high pitch whine that I can't stand. I don't trust dB measurements so not sure what to go for. I guess a top down blower with a 120-140mm fan would be ideal.

look at thermalright or noctua, you pick one. beware though the power rating intel provides is wildly inaccurate and you need to assume it's much higher

How is the RTX2080Ti funders edition ? I can have an used one for 650 euros

I don't even know what tdp rating my cooler has, I had a bunch of stock coolers in a drawer. This one keeps it at ~75C under full load so pretty much anything will be better I think. Only thing I'm worried about is ending up with a cooler that makes a similar high pitched whirring sound.

>Only thing I'm worried about is ending up with a cooler that makes a similar high pitched whirring sound.
that's just from the incredibly cheap fans intel uses, if you get anything with a decent fan it will be nowhere near as bad. you could even just replace the fan on your cooler and it'd be fine. but it's better if you get a new one.

I've heard the asus rog cards are the most powerful.

it's fine, that's a ridiculously low price for a very overpriced card. if you don't know who is selling it I would be suspicious, otherwise good buy.

gaming x trio obviously
ASUS is going down hill almost as fast as Gigabyte did.

If you're not going to flash it to XT BIOS, it's a waste of money. The 5700 is low power enough that you don't need that absurd cooler

it's fine

lol no

Thanks breh, I'm looking at a the Gelid Siberian Pro. FDB bearing, 10-23db, 100w tdp for £15. Doesn't require motherboard removal either which for me would be an absolute PITA.

Is the XT BIOS just a clock/power preset or is there any difference?
Would actual XTs give better underclock/undervolt results than non-XT on average?

so i just snagged the acer nitro 5 for 700 bucks


how bad did i get ripped off?

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I'll skip the Red Devil and get the Dragon then, thanks.

Um wow. You could have gotten a laptop with a beter cpu CPU, twice as fast GPU (1660Ti), with a better screen, keyboard, build quality, and everything, for like $100 more.

>30 year old boomer
is this a meme? you are a millenial shitwipe. 77 here, and im not even a boomer (my faggot parents are tho)

I've gone with this. uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/G4qp9G
I've gotten an MSI card instead and given up on vertical mounting the GPU.
I changed the RAM to 3600 patriot vipers for cheaper than the 3400 RGB ones I was using before saving a hundred squid.
I decided to go the x470 Asus board for aesthetics too even though it's probably not optimal.
Now I've got some money to try and get a custom decal made of pic related for putting on the front to weeb it out.
Thanks user!

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hello Jow Forums I need a new case, requirements:

* enough clearence for a dark rock pro 4, currently it barely fits into my case and is in constant contact with the side panel

* enough clearence in the back of the motherboard plate for cable management and/or ssd

* enough clearence between the mobo and PSU

* easy side panel access, I saw once a case with a glass side panel that could be opened by just pushing the door in, something like that would be nice

* i have a server so no need for tons of hdd space, i have 2 ssd and 1 hdd (which I barely use desu)

* at least one 3.5 inch bay slot

* at least 2x120mm front intakes and 2x120mm top exhaust


>5700xt Red Dragon doesnt have RGB

come on now nigger

kill yourself

I open dozens of tabs at a time, while playing videos and playing games, safe to say I should buy another 8gb stick of ram to go with the 8 I already have?

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point to it, i get free returns

based /o/ poster

Why would someone draw Momohime as being older than she's supposed to be?
Very ageist and regressive. Young girls can be strong warriors, too.

Cooler is overkill and you can get arctic fans for 1/4th the price.
Get a better main drive.
Keyboard is a fucking meme. Get redragon shrapnel as it's better for half the price. God you Nvidia buypigs always paying so much for so little. Insufferable.

look for 3750H and 1660ti laptops. ASUS has a nice one, I think zephyrus. I've seen it on sale for $800 iirc.

Should I get 2x8 of Corsair vengeance lpx 3200 or Crucial ballistix sport 3200?

>tfw I forgot my last build had a DOA seasonic, and the build before that
scamsonic got me again

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Suggestions on what to do about GPU?
I want to build a new rig before Brexit fucks my shithouse country's economy. Currently rocking FX8350 & R9 280, was looking at a 3600 and RX 5xx. Have a 1080p monitor.
Current system has done me well, the 280 gets a solid 60fps in most games on okay settings, but it'd be nice to crank the eyecandy.

i did, all the ones i found were in the >$1000 range

>Get a better main drive.
The samsung or the intel user?
I also agree that Momohime is a very strong girl but I also don't want people to think I'm a pedo or cunny poster.
I want to like Redragon but I don't like the aesthetics.
You're right about the noctua, but I'm hoping to OC it a little bit and with the ram speed and high cooling power I can squeeze a little more out of the CPU.
Also chromax is aesthetic.

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bros why is RAM cheaper now
feeling tempted to get another 16gb just for the heck of it, already got 16gb

RX 5xx is bit weak for a 3600

a regular 1660 is better than the rx 590 for roughly the same price but i'd get at least a 1660 ti

>bros why is RAM cheaper now
complicated supply and manufacturing reasons, also the business price fixing collusion got broken up

So are there any other recommended coolers for the 3700X than the Mugen 5 Rev. B. around $52 that lets you access the RAM slots without having to remove the cooler?

How many dB's is the stock cooler?

obviously 660p isn't a main drive.
970 evo plus is overpriced and mediocre.
>dont' like the aesthetics
It's nearly an identical looking keyboard except it's mid-height profile. wtf

>should i get worse RAM or better RAM

You can try the stock one. But Mugen 5 is what's recommend for around $50.
You can go cheaper with the arctic 34 duo. It's not quite as good, but it's enough for the 3700X.

>970 evo plus is overpriced and mediocre.
In what way? Seems like everywhere I look it's being recommended.

How do I know which one is better? They are both 3200 mHz and a CAS of 16

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It’s too expensive for what you get

Next go fuck some niggers without a condom and get aids, that will show your parents that you are the boss and in charge.

Seriously you have issues and if you think you are some kind of rebel by buying shit then you are very wrong.

Kind of want to build a PC for fun is taking a route like this a good way to start? youtu.be/Fy5A1pqnWNQ

Attached: Screenshot_20190917-083124_YouTube.jpg (1080x1256, 494K)


please watch this
he even politely calls reddit retarded

What are some good performance/silence focused cases, that have the PSU moved elsewhere, and have the bottom of the case meant for 2 or 3 fans that almost directly feed the GPU with fresh air?