The other part is your low IQ.
The other part is your low IQ
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Notice how all these fucking parasites want to be a part of the "community".
I always wonder what motivates someone to go on twitter and screenshot a literally whos opinion
I didn't know you had to be on the good-boy list of stallman to do any sort of coding
Autism. The answer is literally and undeniably autism.
I'm sure it was because of Stallman and not because he's too stupid for anything not humanities.
it's literally
>i'm too stupid to code so i'm gonna blame stallman
If I've ever felt close to murdering somebody it would be now.
I'm reminded of the recent joke Dave Chapelle made about how a female would never be successful anyway if she didn't have the tenacity to ignore "sexism." If you have a dream to do something you'll have to deal with a lot worse than "bigots"
>doesnt know that open source is not free software
>knows that rms is evil though
The road to hell is paved with "good intentions".
>literally whos opinion
Yeah unfortunately these are the people who are in control of the FOSS community.
do it faggot
The quotes are essential because these people are very resentful and hateful. Genocidal even.
They cry out in pain as the hit you.
Hell, have you seen the gleeful gleam in their eye when they notice something they can construct as "bigoted" in order to destroy someone?
das rite
you can't be a code monkey without being a nazi
Stop giving these people attention.
Do these people realize it takes about a decade of experience in "coding" (and preferably a CS degree) to even contribute anything worthwhile to projects like gcc or linux kernel?
They talk like all it would take is some month-long online course.
That's why we admire people like RMS, Torvalds or Terry Davis. They managed to harness their inner autism and transform it into something amazing. And I couldn't care less about their personal opinions.
Based faggot. Don't learn to code.
RMS was defending his friend who, at the age of 74, is accused of having sex with a 17 year old girl on a billionaire's private island.
There is not a defense for what RMS was writing or how he was trying to defend Minsky.
The prevalence of comments trying to turn this against "SJW"s or whatever "other" they can because they're a fan of RMS is disturbing.
This isn't us vs. them.
This is a man who said something wildly inappropriate in an MIT forum and got fired. He deserved it. Defending him by pointing towards people who overreact to things is a bit terrible.
The firing was appropriate and reasonable, not a response to extremists, zealots, or some other kind of witch.
I welcome anyone to provide a counter-argument.
what a load of shit
stop giving these moronic cunts attention
delete this shit thread
Without the SJW outrage everyone in the field would take it just like any other Stallman's autistic rant.
get raped lmao
And yet everything stallman said is correct and inarguable. He didn't get fired either he resigned to avoid "pressure on MIT".
17 is above the age of consent in the civilised world
a 17-year-old slut knew exactly what she was doing around a bunch of billionaire kike lechers
no sex took place
fuck off and stop bullying an autistic and vulnerable man
you're wrong at best, or malicious at last: it IS us vs them. Fuck you.
this is getting ridiculous at this point
will this bubble ever burst?
>The man said something wildly inappropriate in an MIT forum
Asking that we please use proper definitions to describe actions and intent is "Wildly inappropriate"?
My dude you are literally the dumb-fuck neighbor from 1984 advocating for newspeak
You are the problem, you and people like you.
"One man isn't worth keeping".
Says it all. They want you dead or broke, and they think it's funny. It's all bloodsports to them.
fuck you SJW shill
>open source community
error: brain not found
>17 is above the age of consent in the civilised world
>a 17-year-old slut knew exactly what she was doing around a bunch of billionaire kike lechers
>"One man isn't worth keeping".
One man in software can unironically make all the difference. Look at Linus Torvalds.
One Linus Torvalds is more valuable than a million of mediocre coders. But according to post-meritocrats, we're all equal and replaceable.
So you can't tell the truth if it's offensive? "inappropriate" is just your way of shutting down people who say things you dont like
this is the most tranny name i have ever seen
What is his worth really, when he is a cuck who resigns this easily?
>any computery thing created by a man bad
Live without these products, twittertard. That's right, you can't.
> open source
stopped reading
Literally start your own, you stupid fucks. Why the fuck would you want to be associated with these projects if they were created and led by people you despise? I swear, these people make no fucking sense. Fork a god-damned OS and create the tranny utopia you've always dreamed about instead of imposing your will on others.
he was tired anyway. I don't think he wanted to go on as the head of fsf
>Why the fuck would you want to be associated with these projects if they were created and led by people you despise?
They cant create, they can only coopt.
They know this, so they infiltrate organizations to come into power.
>coraline ada ehmke
i don't even need to say anything else
And then one day, for no reason at all...
I meant linux.
>Literally start your own, you stupid fucks.
How can they start anything if Stallman personally made them not learn to code?
These feminazi bitches are controlled by the CIA
How the fuck are you an SRE if you don't write code???? What the fuck
You're digging your own grave my man. Twisting logic to achieve victories against those you dislike, will surely backfire on you eventually. Stop supporting this mob mentality bullshit. Respect that we are all individuals and are entitled to our own ideas. It can't be a one sided deal.
(Dont) do it faggot
kill yourself, there is nothing wrong with fucking 17 years olds or defending friends who are under attack from feminazi scum.
>I welcome anyone to provide a counter-argument.
You didn't make an argument, brainlet
Unironically this
But Stallman loves SJWs
This. We don't need any more bad press in these parts.
None of that matters to these Twitter schizoids. They claim to oppose oppression, yet it's all they know how to do. There's never any mention of doing things for the good of all, their whole philosophy revolves around hatred and obsession over their genitals.
>what is constructive dismissal
Women cannot be pleased, they can only be subdued.
>tfw richard stallman has objectively contributed more to GNU and FOSS than all of the SJW would-be coders alive
He actually is worth keeping, even not coding anymore, since you get the same result from sjw """coders"""
>There is not a defense for what RMS was writing or how he was trying to defend Minsky.
There is, RMS was merely pointing out flawed accusations which retarded SJWs cannot comprehend because they drag down any discussion to an illiterate level.
imagine willingly not learning/improving yourself just to prove a point to a guy that will never know that you exist.
is this what peak retardness looks like?
historical (and current, see papua new guinea) witchhunts only killed unpopular people and easy targets
and justice consisted of beating the shit out of them until they confessed, then killing them
based ycombinator industry disrupter