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>tfw Jow Forums sided with LITERAL SJWS becuz muh ebul free software
well yeah, stallman is a retarded foot fungus eating communist
die communist
Jow Forumstards are nothing but NPCs that react based on primitive emotions like anger, just like SJW cunts. That's why they're so easy to trigger and clown.
Most of them really didn't, though, stop granting free rent in your head to your boogeyman.
Same coin different side
Head back to discord and dilate.
He deserved it for having opinions on something so stupid.
Stick to technology....
>anyone who disagrees with me is a communist
Actually Jow Forums seems more bothered by this than Jow Forums. It's here I see people talking about Communism and foot fungus.
More because he accepts pedophilia than is a commie. Stallman is not a commie, he's a far-left libertarian. One who has done a lot for free software, but still has too much hubris about the extent of what he's done. This dude acts like Linux would be nothing without him and it's simply not true, his retarded political opinions aside.
>Jow Forumstards are nothing but NPCs that react based on primitive emotions like anger
So like all humans?
>accepts pedophilia
No, he's just against newspeak which says "pedophilia means liking 13-17 year olds as well as actual children"
>discordtards and redditors fight
>both side blame Jow Forums
they dindu nutthin
Steve Ballmer is the new king. Long live Microsoft sirs
Jow Forumsacks are just nazi sjws
>there's nothing wrong with a 70 year old grandpa fucking 13 year olds on a plane called lolita express
You pedophile neckbeard are pathetic
>there's nothing wrong with a 70 year old grandpa fucking 13 year olds on a plane called lolita express
I didn't say I'm not disgusted, but I don't care what 2 consenting people do in their private lives. If you ever opened your eyes you'd see that there's a lot of genuinely wrong *legal*shit happening in the world every day much worse than a 70 year old fucking a 13 year old.
>on a plane called lolita express
It's not the actual plane name, but a joke made by journalists you fucking retard
Jow Forumsniggers are mostly r*ddit migrants
based, fuck cancel culture supporting autists
Except the fact, that poltards don't destroy IT industry, while SJW does.
not what he said. stop reading vice
Every single young girl fucking an old dude means one more young incel male
Fuck you
internet nazis don't have the clout to destroy industries
Who are you quoting retard
they would if they could
Thank you for proving my point, that SJW worse than Jow Forums.
Oh fuck i guess he forgot to refer to it by its tail number. Stallman is a commie shit head that was eaten alive by other social justice warriors. Kind of funny that somebody that ate his own toenail fungus was defeated by a group of people whose symbol is a giant foot. The GNOME Project was looking for any reason at all to disassociate from the free software foundation and GNU project. What we are seeing is useful idiots being manipulated to give more control behind the scenes to groups such as Red Hat and IBM.
>mad because he doesn't get pussy
cry me a river, faggot
not sure what to think now, huh?
Based WEAPON OF C# poster
Jow Forums are faggots who do nothing political at all in real life while Jow Forums uses and praises Discord.
Fuck you zoomers and enjoy my reddit
all i heard was
> i'm a huge ageist bigot
This both unironically and ironically
A rare combo
>a cuck denied his foot cheese
Stallmans freetard defence force in full throttle today.
Keep crying faggots, pedophilia won't be legalised
lol on Jow Forums people are mostly lamenting the death of the FSF.
On here you'll find redditards defending this shit without a hint of irony.
> while Jow Forumsuses and praises Discord
O RLY, mentally challenged nigger?
I see you have prejudice against people under 21, you bigot
ESR was right
Just resigned from my monthly FSF membership payments because of this drama.
Free software is dead, long live GNU GPL.
Rms is the hero we need, but not the one we deserve.
Huge thanks to that nigger-pajeet feminazi that ruined FSF with a single medium post. I hope she enjoys the 5 minutes of attention she has right now, before someone backstabs her for something she said 10 years ago.
>Jow Forums
It's not pol, it's discord trannies and they're raiding currently
Why do you leftypol trannies want an anti white safespace?
>ResetEra has a secret discord full of pedo
>nothing happen
>Some (((celeb))) get caught for pedophilia
>nothing happen
>An MIT dude who refused tranny's Coc suddently get #metoo'd for an out of context mail
>get fired of MIT and FSF
What will happen to Linux now?
>pol hating free software
Since when? I've talked with many based Linux users on Jow Forums. Granted its been a while since I've regularly browsed Jow Forums, but I was never under the impression they hated free software, even if they hated Stallman. Many Jow Forums posters seem to be big fans of Terry Davis.
False equivalency. Just because those people didn't get penalised doesn't mean Stallman got what he deserved
GNU software is shit anyway.
Also has nothing to do with Linux
Jow Forums tard here. I can confirm. The community effort that is free software is pretty inspiring and it must be a threat to current power structures. Which is why it is being infiltrated and destroyed by degenerates.
Seeing the writing on the wall isn't siding with SJWs.
>Also has nothing to do with Linux
At least not directly.
Most didn't hate Stallman, they didn't think much of him is all. There is a lot more defence of the SJW retardation on here than on Jow Forums.
As for Davis he's a based schizo and gave us the greatest descriptor for spooks ever.
Fuck right off with this "F" shit right back to plebbit.
Free software is an inherently retarded and subhuman idea. The idea, like most lolbertarian-tier ideas, have actually done more harm for the greater interests of the lolbertarians and European men because they foolishly supported it.
The Free Software movement accomplished nothing, and it feels like poetic justice that some communist is being purged and having his life work dismantled thanks to far left progressive culture. Far left progressivism, with its zealous powerful cult, is way more powerful then some dumb free software movement.
How many of your movements have they destroyed? You just a little bitch crying about Jow Forums and Stallman but your entire IT industry has bended to the whims of far leftists. And even more hilarious, you even accept leftist axioms, so you are doomed to lose. The only intelligent people are the ones who reject leftists axioms and see the value in Pinochet and Nat Soc Germany. And it's not hard to notice its all a westerner phenomena, so its your decadent culture that's too blame.
>The community effort that is free software is pretty inspiring
I agree. My hatred for Windows 10 grew and grew until I couldn't take it anymore and I switched to Linux. I loved 98 and XP, tolerated Vista and 7, skipped 8, and despised 10. Ever since I switched, I've learned more and more about it and it has totally changed the way I see and appreciate software. It's even got me interesting in programming as a hobby. I'm not good at it, mind you, but free software has broadened my interests immensely.
>Which is why it is being infiltrated and destroyed by degenerates.
I don't check the Jow Forums catalog often enough to keep up with it anymore, but is the Stallman situation being actively discussed there? I haven't really seen much.
>I haven't really seen much.
I haven't been there in a while. I got deep into my studies right around the time that full Jow Forums was shut down. I don't mind Windows 10 that much myself and I see Microsoft embracing of Linux not as EEE but as being realistic about which way the wind is blowing. I think after Windows 10 dies the NT kernel will go with it.
>Stallman is not a commie, he's a far-left libertarian.
You're wrong about that. He wants private property abolished.
>Ever since I switched, I've learned more and more about it and it has totally changed the way I see and appreciate software. It's even got me interesting in programming as a hobby
This. Linux teaches you a lot about how computer works just by using it - unlike Windows. Corporations want gullible users, not knowledgeable ones.
>This. Linux teaches you a lot about how computer works just by using it - unlike Windows. Corporations want gullible users, not knowledgeable ones
True. But the pay for developers in Microsoft's ecosystem is quite good.
Stallman is a pedo forgiving jew who defended a pedo jew now people are defending the pedo forgiving jew for defending the pedo jew
if this was anyone else you'd have their throats
Based. I cheer for commies stabbing each other in the back and slightly different offshoots of marxism cannibalising each other until all of them are gone.
>This dude acts like Linux would be nothing without him and it's simply not true
Not him but the GNU project, and it's a technical truism above anyone's opinions.
Also, fuck off back to pol indeed, or quit being a wiseacre.
>He wants private property abolished.
So do anarcho-individualists, luddites, religious sectarians and various non-left radicals. They all have nothing to do with communism, or directly oppose it.
I don't understand why you want national socialism though, that's just another form of censorship
You want monarchical control with a monarchical structure that promotes individual rights, not socialistic conservatism which is what fucking retards like Anton Drexler were advocating for
>doesn't realize everything is life is attached to politics, including economics and tech
>they never fucked 15 year old
wtf where do you retards live if you think it's pedophilia, cucknada?
Fucking any women is considered pedophilla in 2012 + 7
Why the fuck are you quoting me
>biggest porn business, sluts everywhere
>also usa
>13 if penetration is not involved
wtf I love Gypsyland
also child beauty contests full of creeps
shitty bait
Human laws are a mistake, puberty is the age of consent in the animal kingdom.
So this means feeetardum is basically dead, right?
You could just say you're a virgin bro
Free software is a response to copyright. Copyright is a dumber idea.
Based and Europe pilled.
Like how apparently pol is at fault for everything. Meanwhile these are the exact same people stallman SUPPORTED doing this to him
This is the grave he chose.
Jow Forums call stallman joo
>This dude acts like Linux would be nothing without him and it's simply not true
He is a jew. You can't even say the fucking word.
By the way stallman didnt even call circumcision mutilation. He said he was "unsure" where he stood on it. Yet people are talking about his musings on ages of consent instead.
This world is sick and stupid
In most countries it just means it's legal for people under 18 to sleep with 13-14 year olds
Back in 2016 Ash lost the league because we wished for meme energy to grant Trump a victory against Hillary.
Now that Ash won, Trump is doomed for a shameful defeat.
Then the US will crash and burn when Trump makes his brainwashed slaves to start a civil war and our free software overlord will rise and create FreeTopia where everyone gets to fuck sexy teen girls.
>He is a jew
and that's why Jow Forums hated him, because jue
>doesnt even say it
gee I wonder who posted this. Yes people that are sane tend to dislike people who mutilate kids, which nearly every single jew does. This shouldnt be a surprise.
>being this mad that I don't call his religion correctly
>t. jyu
>his religion
If after what I said you think I'm jewish you should get your head checked.
He's a pedo
Wrong, actually I'm eating my shoes right now and siding with the fat fuck. Fuck SJWs.
Weak falseflag.
>R (capitalized)
glownigger gtfo