Why aren't you writing Haskell right now?
Why aren't you writing Haskell right now?
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dude 1gb hello world lmao
Because I masturbate with my hand
Because I choose to spend my time Ballmerposting instead.
I'm reading a book on Linear Algebraic Groups, in particular, I'm interested in groups over finite transcendental extensions of Q and thier Lie algebras.
I'm compiling it
I'm using Purescript, user. Why should I use Haskell over it?
because there's Pascal
I did, but I couldn’t find a use case where it beat C or Python, so I stopped using it.
mantainance? It compiles, it runs? T.T
Having used Python for years before trying out Haskell, having nearly all errors be compile time instead of run time is a fucking blessing, it's so much easier to debug than Python where the only true way to test if a bug occurs is to run the program and wait for the interpreter to complain.
If you want speed then few things are gonna beat C anyway.
Because Idris extracts to C which eliminates all of Haskell's shortcomings.
Mypy adds type checking where needed. The purpose of python is functioning as glue anyway, and dynamic typing is more useful for this role.
I'm not smart enough ;____;
whats the point of haskell in 2019
name one thing made in haskell that people use, something on par with something like "grep"
>garbage collected trash language
reasonable backend frameworks
No you don't understand!
The more garbage it makes the more efficiently it can handle garbage collection.
I'm interested.. I guess.
How does a language like haskell interface with an operating system? Like if I wanted to implement some memory-mapped IO?
Does it compile down to native assembly or is it some byte-code interpreted trash?
I use what QT creator comes with. It was easier to pick the platform I wanted to program for rather than pick the language based on personal preference.
I doubt that's haskell being great and more python being hot garbage.
Really it's the fault of most scripting languages being hot garbage, but the amount of error checking that can be done via types is still quite nice, even compared to other statically typed languages like C or Java.
Otherwise. Yeah purescript has way less cruft
Pandoc, and apparently matterhorn
This is fake, stop setting unrealistic expectations. Anyone who has spent more than a few minutes in haskell knows this isnt a true statement. Parroting noob shit like this makes us haskell programmers look like idiots.
"if it compiles, it works" is definitely not always true, but it occurs far more often in Haskell and other strongly, statically typed languages like Idris and Elm etc.
Haskell's debugging is pretty annoying actually, and this is coming from someone who loves haskell. That said, most of your errors get caught before you need to debug.
Is it worth learning?
what should i program with it
a language interpreter
meme language
I was writing Haskell this afternoon
I'm not writing it now because it's 4am and my neighbour's house caught fire and the firemen won't let me go back to my house tonight
Because lisp is superior
I write most of my stuff in it, been checking out Yesod, it's probably one of the most sane web frameworks out there
Yesod means Element or Base in hebrew, I wonder if a jew made it.
foldr :: Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
i am 12 and what is this.
because .NET is now officially Jow Forums approved and anything else is trannytier
idk about you fellow current cs students but i had a mandatory programming class where the prof made us do all of the assignments in haskell. it was actually a lot of fun and a breath of fresh air after the introductory series which consisted of 3 java courses
The type signature for a function that takes as parameters: a function, a value the same type as the return type, a container with value/s that the function can convert to the return type. And returns one value
enjoy encoding your GADTs and not having type applications user :^)
self respect mostly
it calls C bindings, just like literally every other language
it has both a native codegen (to assembly) and a LLVM backend
Why should I?
for what purpose?
Too lazy.
There, I did it. You happy now?
You typed that when you were asked to write it. You are unemployed right now, correct?
>You are unemployed right now, correct?
That's actually true :( I'll go die now
No, don't go.
Thing is, I'd love to learn Haskell (current favorite is Scheme). But it won't get me a job. So I'm currently brushing up my C++.
Because Rust is faster.
Look into it nonetheless. It'll improve your C++. I just found that it improved my programming in general.
what about lisp
Also educational, but different. Haskell has more modern concepts already built in and is stricter in terms of purity (side effects). You don't need to learn it to mastery, the advanced and rather esoteric things are nice but often not necessary and they're usually more on the experimental side anyway (good for writing a paper, but not for production systems). After all, Haskell is a research-heavy language. Being exposed to fundamental ideas and experienced how they feel makes it both easier to understand when new (functional) concepts are introduced to C++ (and other languages) and to think about how you organize your code. And you'll find a lot of examples and help in Haskell, which makes it a sane choice.
To add, while a lot of theoretical talk in Haskell is about category theory, the more useful side is the type theoretic one. More practical and probably more easy and more relevant for languages outside the functional spectrum. Haskell's type system is very nice and once you get a good grasp, I claim that it'll improve one's programming in general.
is this real lmao
At work our entire frontend is written in Purescript. I feel sorry for the poor motherfuckers who have to write vanilla JS or even typescript. Shit sux.
This is such a brainlet mindset.
1. If the company is worth your time, they won't care what language you use: only what concepts you're familiar with. If you know FP, you can be trained up on some retard OO lang in a few weeks. The opposite isn't necessarily true.
2. There is a glut of C++ programmers. There aren't nearly as many functional programmers. Why would you want to compete with literally all of India?
I have no CS degree and I got a job because I mentioned SICP in my interview and was able to properly describe algebraic data types. When you're talking to other programmers (and not resume-obsessed HR morons), those are the kinds of things they respect.
I couldn't get Euterpea working.
There are more C++ than functional programmers, but there are also more companies looking for C++ than for functional programmers. Most companies aren't run by programmers and often enough they're not making or influencing hiring decisions.
And to call user's concerns a brainlet mindset is arrogant, we don't know his situation and the job market around him.
I just don't understand why anybody would compromise right out of the gate. Look around for jobs first, wait for people to tell you to fuck off, and then learn C++. Just don't assume it because that's the way things were 10 years ago.
>Look around for jobs first
Perhaps he did? On a more general level your point is valid though.
As I wrote, I'm fairly familiar with Scheme and FP (I did in fact read all of SICP, doing most exercises). It's just that I don't want to move and there are no (read: none) FP jobs in my city. Anyway, the really tricky part is finding a company without a questionable business domain.
Also, employers here generally don't outsource to India so that's not what I'm competing with.
Chances are there are jobs that you just don't know about. Go to a meetup and talk to people there.
It can't hurt to get better at C++; I just think it's sad to sell yourself short. You won't get paid to write Scheme, but there are definitely Scala and Haskell opportunities out there.
This is the friendliest thread I've seen in a while. Maybe I should learn Haskell just to hang out with you guys.
What's the fastest FP language nowadays?
Rust, if you count it.
I mean yeah, that works, but are there any pure FP languages that have a similar level of optimisation? Or should I just stick with Rust as a compromise?
>has currying
>next to no indians use it
¡ can't breath
Purescript is the worst thing you could use for DOM manipulation
But user, I write Haskell for work. When I'm home, I can write more interesting languages, like Idris!
How does Idris compare to Haskell in terms of performance? Does it generate as much garbage?
Because I'm not a lesbian.
Because I'm at work
>[...] so it's not uncommon to produce 1gb of data per second (most part of which will be garbage collected immediately)
>(most part of which will be garbage collected immediately)
so it's stack allocation and you're just retarded
Don’t care for the syntax.
>the larger percent of your values are garbage - the faster it works.
Why am I retarded? Also, stacks aren't garbage collected, it's just writing a fucking pointer retard.
What's wrong with Haskell syntax?
Im already invested in Scheme as my functional lang of choice.
Stack is a very primitive form of automatically managed memory. Just because the garbage collector is dumb doesn't mean it doesn't collect garbage.
That's literally true though. The cost of a garbage collection cycle in any language (not just Haskell) is a function of the size of the live heap.
Haskell and Scheme are two ends of the static/dynamic spectrum. They occupy different and complementary roles.
Nothing probably, just looks ugly to me lol.
I think I’m going to give Haskell a shot though anyway, at some point in the future.
GC nursery isn't the same thing as stack allocation.
>Stack is a very primitive form of automatically managed memory
Stacks aren't garbage collected. Managed memory isn't garbage collection.
>Just because the garbage collector is dumb doesn't mean it doesn't collect garbage.
It uses a lazy RCU-like algorithm, which, while is fairly efficient, obviously has a runtime overhead compared to simply increasing/decreasing/adding/subtracting on a stack pointer.
How much more IQ do I need to program in Idris compared to Haskell?
Because I don't want to work as a programmer anymore and this thread makes me to learn a scheme
>dynamic typing is more useful for this role
Why? I am seriously curious and kinda want to be convinced that dynamic typing is better in some applications but I lack reasons.
dynamic typing is good when you don't care about performance or robustness and just want to get some code written quickly
So the reason is coming from a programmer experience perspective, not a purely technical perspective, right?
I don't want to downplay it, just trying to understand.
Dynamic typing is useful when your role is glue because your purpose in life is already to convert types awkwardly.
Because it's too slow and Stack is breaking all the time.
For being such proponents of static typing and code quality, I have never seen a more unstable piece of shit.