Fucking LOL at you cucks

>there are people on this board actually getting emotional over the stallman debacle

Who gives a shit, you fucking retard incels?
Life goes on.
Instead of this culture war bullshit, focus on your own life.
Maybe if you do that, you'll actually get laid for once.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Is sex all you trannies think about?

You just KNOW

I don't care about getting laid, is there anything else that you so called BAYYSED AND REODPILLED anons do than just flex your I GOT PUSSY badge? And I am focusing on my own life, I've been reading programming manuals and shit in-between the whole situation but I'm still majorly upset about the situation in general, all in all, you're a faggot OP.

someone post the sextape

12 year old detected

>Haha yeah just put your head down. Women don't like it when you stand up for things!
>Are you worried about us chopping off heads, LOL pathetic!
>Remember, two for flinching!
Fuck yourself.

So was he really a sexual pervert? I feel like people are defaming him on Twitter.

How much money do you think he has saved? I doubt he'll be able to find any work again.

big if true

>why are people discussing technology on a technology board?

lol if you think women like it when you stick up for pedophiles

That something like this happened

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>focus on your own life

Your whole post falls apart at that point. SJWs won't let you focus on your own life. They'll focus on your life.

Stallman had about zero political influence and enormous technical-cultural influence. Consider that they destroyed all of the latter for sake of punishing him for the former.

oh wah wah the old fat man hurt your fee fees I guess you gotta make a new post on twitter "exposing" him to make things better.
twitter faggots need to be removed from the internet

Pic related; Stallman being served Chinese on Epstein's island.

>lmao bro just like be selfish and ignorant, chicks totally dig that, i should know i fucked this obese chick a month ago so i'm a winner bro

>Who gives a shit
apparently you give since you bothered making this shitty thread

>Maybe if you do that, you'll actually get laid for once.
Implying somone would ever fuck your disgusting surgically carved pelvvic hole. Go dilate, tranny, I don't forget to take your antibiotics so the infection goes away, I can smell it from here.

I know it might be hard for someone as close-minded as you are to understand, but it is possible to focus on more than one thing at a time. I've had a few girlfriends, and while sex is great, it's definitely not the most important thing in the world. Only people who are completely subject to their bodily desires, who lack the ability to find satisfaction in the pursuit of the intellectual, would put it on a pedestal.

dude, that woman is a granny by Epstein's island standards.

It was Stallman's own indiscretions that caused this shitstorm
As someone in a position of power (President of FSF) he should have known when to speak and when to keep his trap shut
It doesn't matter whether or not he deserved it, it's politics
If you don't understand this you don't know how to play the game
And if you don't know how to play the game, you are NEVER going to make it - women will literally smell it on you

The irony of you making a response based on your emotions, about people being overly emotional.

why did you quote me nigger?
fuck off

It's not for him anymore that it's against the damage done by social networks.
I can blame people all the time they are a flock of sheep
And they are exploited

I'm all ears if you have better proof.

It's not like Stallman could afford the younger ones; just like free software, you get what you pay for.

>hurr durr muh wimmin muh game
I play the rape game, it's much quicker and more fun

Based rape ape

grannies were probably not allowed in lolita island.

>White knighting for dangerhairs

>focus on your own life
So that we can get taken out one by one like they have been doing with far more powerful men?

But was she free as in freedom?

nice cope virgin

Wilful BDSM is still wilful.



Distributions include the pedo kernel and supporting system software and libraries, many of which are provided by the pedo Project. Many pedo distributions use the word "Linux" in their name, but the pedo Software Foundation uses the name pedo/Linux to emphasize the importance of pedo software, causing richard stallman's demission from the MIT.

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Seeth harder roastie. Pic related is me, how does it feel to know I've raped over 100 women? I've even been caught but they keep letting me out on probation LMAO

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Not only that, but the girls keep coming back for more.

ur retarded

The liberal faggot got nothing but sex to fill their void in their head.


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>If you don't understand this you don't know how to play the game

20-30 years ago he was surrounded by smart people, that's changed


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Jow Forums is the equivalent of middle aged women sitting in a crappy caffe and gossiping now. All they talk about is other people. Youtubers, Twitter personalities and so on.

I wonder (((who))) is behind this post...

>Stallman has made many posts sympathizing with efforts to legalize some forms of child pornography. Among other things, they stated that he was "skeptical of the claim that voluntarily [sic] pedophilia harms children". These comments were defended by his supporters on Slashdot. As of 2016, there are reports of Stallman changing his views on the matter within the previous few years.[2]

>haha we didn't like stallman anyway he was just a meme bro
>i will stop making great open source software[sic] like nodejs dependencies if this OLD WHYTE MAN IS NOT REMOVED ASAP
>REEEEEEE how DARE this MAN have an Opinion that is different from the one we were taught in cartoons when we were 5!!!! LYNCH HIM
>His existence has given every female and trans* people at MIT a shock. I'm glad he's gone.
>haha he was a commie he deserves what he got, just liek Stalin and Gorbachew. Fuckin libruls amirite?

>Rather than handing out business cards, Richard has "pleasure cards" which describe his personal interests, including "tender embraces". He hands these out to people of any gender, but what may appear whimsical to men who receive them may seem creepy to women. A scan of one of these cards appears in the epilogue to Free as in Freedom.

no he was a virgin

why aren't you happy that one of your pizzagate pedo jews got caught?

>some forms of child pornography
What does that even mean? That could mean anything from allowing pedos to have cp of prepubescent children to a 16 year old sharing nudes to a 16 year old.
>oh no the old fat socially awkward man made me feel uncomfortable... time to cancel him!
grow up

Stop ignoring the red flags. The dude is a perv.

grow up. people do shit that makes people feel uncomfortable all the time. if they break the law, prosecute them for it. internet vigilantism is not the way to solve problems, it only creates them.

Who isn't?

>Defends pedophiles
>Acts like a perv
>Treats women like shit
>Red flag after red flag
>"Oohhh nononono he's just being goofy, it's just daddy jokes, hahaha you're so funny, Richard! You're so Avant Garde!!"
Your time is up, boomers.

I'm not.

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>"he had the wrong opinions, he HAD to be cancelled"

>being so petty and worthless that the only way you gain meaning in your basement life is to ruin other people's lives over the internet
drown retard

Why do pedo enablers hate freedom of association?


because groups of people are easily manipulated into going against a person even if they didn't do anything wrong. look into the projared and james charles drama for example. twitter is just a bunch of crackheads trying to gain dopamine by ruining lives. go back

This boomer deserved it. He inflicted a lot of pain. He saw it coming. The asteroids are coming and the dinosaurs can see it. Your time is up, boomers. Make way for the next generation.

Anyone in a position of power or running an organization should be extra careful with what they say. It's just common sense. If they can't be reasonable they need to step down.

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You have not a single reasonable brain cell in your head. The only thing that would save you from your current slavery to your own emotions is suicide. I suggest you do it and maybe you won't care about overexaggerated discomfort so much.

>Anyone in a position of power or running an organization should be extra careful with what they say. It's just common sense. If they can't be reasonable they need to step down.
You are the problem. You don't understand meritocracy in the slightest.

>Ad hominem
Opinion dismissed. You're time is up, boomer.

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How is a mountain retarded, it's just rocks?

Nice copypasta, complete with a picture too, think i'll screenshot this for shitposting later lol

So nothing changed since it's inception then?

> make sentence diagram about what assault implies
> get career ruined for doing something intellectuals and lawyers do every day

really makes u think

You didn't even provide an argument. Don't try to dismiss the truth and pretend you are arguing when you are just following the twitter mob. Repeating the same shit over and over again doesn't get anywhere. "Inflicting a lot of pain" doesn't mean anything. It's completely subjective bullshit exaggerated by people trying to gain clout about being a "survivor." I'm not even a boomer, I'm literally a zoomer, yet you're still the retard following the herd. baka desu

If you want to be board director/president of an organization, you need to possess certain leadership skills. Handing 'pleasure cards,' treating women (who are a sizeable portion of the organization) like shit, and defending pedophiles are NOT leadership qualities. If you understand how meritocracies work youll agree it was about time for him to step down simply because he lacked important skills that people in his position should have.

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I don't care about Stallman, at all, but this incel shit was stale before it even hit the mainstream.

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So much this. I'm 35, I use Linux. I've always found Stallman creepy.
>You're just a troll!
Some things are ethically wrong like talking about harming children. Sorry. You're angry because my opinion on the subject is different?
I'm against pedos. RMS was a disgusting person. He would eat his rotting foot skin in public talks.
Feel? Not really feeling. If you did as you say, do note the FBI regulars this and many other boards. Your admission of guilt on felonious acts are noted. I'm not FBI but how can you be this stupid? I hope you get v&.

>if something is not like it usually is then it's wrong and has to be made normal

Face remembered. Found you on the sor list. Hope I never meet you in public.

>treating women like shit
that's quite subjective but even if that's true "leadership skills" are not that important when it comes to running an organization. being able manage the numbers of your business is a lot more important than showing a powerpoint to the board of directors every thursday


Victimizing children is wrong. Defending harmful acts against children... Either a troll or a seriously messed up individual that really shouldn't be allowed to walk around freely.

He wasn't even good at that. He made a popular license. That's all he did. Everything else about him was repulsive.

Having odd political opinions about age of consent doesn't immediately mean you're a pedo, stop projecting. Stallman just wanted to ensure the spread of free software and that's really the most important thing to him. The fact that everyone took that away from him is probably gonna break down the autist and might cause something worse. You're not helping the public by ruining someone's life, you're only giving yourself dopamine to make yourself feel like you did something good.

But that's not what happened.
And he was talking about a 17 year old, not a child.

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t. histrionic twitter """"""open source"""""" """coder"""

You don't have to shove him into the ground just because he eats his own foot fungus. It's probably mental illness and he can't help himself. Would you yell at a veteran saying he should just not have PTSD?

There's been several other times. This was just the final straw.

Then he should have kept his sexual mistreatment of women and pro pedo tenancies to himself

>hes totally not autistic, hes very evil and KNEW that he shouldn't discuss anything on a private mailing list!!!!!!!

>final straw
>t. angry twitter lynch mob

>sexual mistreatment of women
bullshit. he just made them feel uncomfortable because of his autism.
>pro pedo tenancies
very subjective, he has changed his opinion in recent years

>do nothing goy
>stop resisting
>just live your life until we hunt you down individually
um kay.

>it's ok as long as I don't have to see it and it's a taboo
t. cuckservative

When you're leading groups of people you're supposed avoid divisiveness, be reasonable, take different points of view, be fair, be cautious with the shit you say, etc. These are expectations that people have of leaders in any culture. If the president of an organization fails to possess them, he might as well give way to someone who is better prepared to take the leadership role. If he likes to be edgy and wants others to understand his controversial views on child porn, maybe he should step down indeed and fuck off, go back to writing code.

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>not reading or understand history and the situation

Why are there still so many reddit trannies here ?

It's just all indicative of a much deeper issue. Mental illness tends to group. Pedophilia is a lack of humanity. The attraction is purely physical, lacking the ability to connect on a deeper level with another person. Lacks empathy. Lacks the ability to love in a lot of cases. Stems from childhood trauma. You'll see it in people with bipolar and borderline personality disorders. They tend to care about mundane things really deeply for no apparent outward reason but inside they're trying to detract from the ugliness they feel. RMS is a poster child for this. Only thing he didn't do was lie. I applaud the man's integrity and his contributions to the world but I will never consider condoning harmful acts to minors as somehow "different thinking as acceptable" and "everyone who hits puberty should have sex" no. A 12 year old should not be getting pregnant. Anybody with any ounce of humanity will look at a 12 year old and understand this very bold fact. Teenagers are retarded. They need to be protected from themselves. There's scientific evidence proving the brain isn't finished developing until 25 but puberty ends around 18, hence the legal age limit.

But hey this is Jow Forums, fuck facts!

Is that what they taught you in cartoons when you were a child? That's not how reality works, and especially not a true hippie organisation.
The real issue is that Stallman is too open and progressive for his pretend followers. He doesn't know topics that are forbidden to be discussed, and that's what made him special. That he actually follows his beliefs and isn't just pretending to like the average sojaboj hipster.

>When you're leading groups of people you're supposed avoid divisiveness
Except causing division is exactly how these people gain power. Most people in positions of power are lying sacks of shit who manipulated society as a whole to slander their opponent so they are the only other option. This is what people are doing to Stallman right now. Taking things of of context, overexaggerating, and straight out lying. Don't let people lie to the top.

>But hey this is Jow Forums, fuck facts!
Because that's what you're doing. You're basically implying that RMS is a full blown pedo because of some opinions he posted on his website years ago. Do you know how much bullshit that is? You really need to stop spreading lies.

T. Autismos.

t. normalfag pretender