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journalistic integrity is dead. yellow journalism lives once again. thanks twitter

The next time retarded newfags say "they want to push pedophilia!" Remember this.

Marrying LGs as historically has been the case is the solution to femcunts. Never ever forget that feminists HATE IT

>Marrying LGs

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little girls

legally gay

>Marrying LGs as historically has been the case is the solution to femcunts. Never ever forget that feminists HATE IT
Oh, you're THAT kind of person. What age were you molested?

>defending sex with children
Why do libertarians always do this

so this is literally just them committing character assassination so they can do their whole "ethics and inclusivity in code" thing right? the shit they tried to pull two years ago too
end your life

Theres nothing wrong with fucking 17 yrs old while being 60.

Most societies were like this even to this day, americans just think they are the enlightened ones.

If I were a billonarie in my 60s, would be fucking girls in their prime every day, and you would too.

If you don't read any of this shit, it doesn't exist. If you just get to work and make your own software, it doesn't matter. They can inherit all of that shit, and everyone who wants to, can rebuild.

Kill yourself roastoid

>someone gets arrested
>court finds the man innocent
>defend him that he probably didn't do it

>10 years later it was revealed he indeed did it
>you're now as much culprit as the guy

why is this allowed?

Because muh freedoms.

>journalistic integrity is dead.

in most countries its legal... as long as its consensual i dont get what the issue is if you're 16yo+ and wanna fuck

Rules for thee but not for me.
Progressives love pedophilia, they just use everything they can get as a bludgeon to beat the competition, even if they are proven to be ridiculously hypocritical in doing so.

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>is dead
I don't think it was ever alive at this point.

you first freaknerd

>love pedophilia

No they dont. And femcunts were the first ones to raise aoc in the us, and gay rights fags threw pedos under the bus when they were pushing for more rights too. Even gay pedos.

They love pedo hysteria. Just another way for cat ladies and femcunts to exert more control.

>No they dont.
fucking lmao nigger they literally love it when desmond is amazing strips and throw money at him

>yes, i am a boomer who hasn't kept up with the news since 1955, how could you tell?

Because hes a fag. They aren't actively pushing for pedo acceptance or for men to have wholesome marriages with young girls. They are just pushing the fag envelop.

Like I said gays gladly pushed pedos under the bus multiple times already.

I'm not a boomer retard and you posting a few select anecdotal incidents doesnt change the overarching theme and truth.

If you think women want to give up control over men youre out of it. that is precisely what pedo hysteria does. And not only women. The government as well.

The take over started really early, first they intimidated everyone to maintain low profile and never to expressed a contrarian view.
Then they started to move, they tried to push their pet projects by merit but no one adopted them and it failed, the old guard never forced shit but rather outperformed closed source projects, big mistake from their part.
Did they try to correct it? nope, they went the lazy route, moob rule. Coercing people into the adoption of their life style and all their paraphernalia, corporations fell under their control, google, Facebook filled to the roof of them, but where they successful in pushing their shit into free software? nope, still merit based to hard to compete vs people that code because their door is blocked by a wall of trash.
So they intensified their operations more doxxings more threads more more! and more... our boys started to go down one by one... at the moment they are inside our buildings at the lobby screaming none stop. You can smell them and feel their rage creeping through the walls, did they took over? no, its still merit based.

but for how long?

>Did they try to correct it? nope, they went the lazy route, moob rule. Coercing people into the adoption of their life style and all their paraphernalia, corporations fell under their control
That sounds familiar. I wonder if this has ever happened in history before.

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>moob rule
Sounds about right for a freetard

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ban smartphones and ban social media, else our society will never recover

>nazi incel gets ousted
>Jow Forums thinks this is bad
Stay classy.

Journalism has never had integrity.

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>Coercing people into the adoption of their life style and all their paraphernalia
>really makes you think

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It's based when we do it though.

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You're an actual pedophile.
The other dude who is just shrieking about "femcunts" is memeing, you're the real deal, an actual danger to children.

Only muricans think 17 is pedophilia.

>someone gets arrested
>don't defend or attack him, but point out no one knows if he's guilty from public information so we shouldn't start a witch hunt
>you're now considered a pedophile

Why can't social conservatives just keep their beliefs to themselves?
He'd still be "in" if he didn't sperg out. Is this really the hill he wanted to die on?

I don't think I'll ever understand anti-progressive mindset.

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it's fake news nigger

How about pick "our boys" in such a way that this designation doesn't include those with far-right beliefs?
Or is being a pedo or apologist a requirement for being "based"?

>why would people not want to be the target of a witch hunt because they said something controversial once?

Politics isn't a spectrum.

This is really sad and shows how evil "journalists" really are. This guy dedicated his life to freedom. These hack journalists are modern pulp fiction writers and single handedly ruined his reputation.

>he may have advocated child rape, but he did some good stuff too! fucking SJW leftards!

journalism has always been the province of the lowest kind of dirtbags.

Because it's irrational.
Sure children need protection, that's all right. But the age of consent is purely arbitrary. The irrational part is that people believe that having sex week before and after 18 birthday somehow makes a person either a monster or well adjusted civilian. In my country you can have sex since 15, and you can go over the boarder to Germany to have sex with 14 and nothing bad happens. This makes the whole idea of age of consent fishy as fuck.

it's 15 here in France

It should be 13 or something. Kids have sex starting in middle school

don't go ahead of yourself, it's 15 here but if you're a grown ass man banging a teen you'll be ostracized, and rightfully so.