How do we cancel the cancelers? A lot of them are probably pedophiles with huge CP folders

How do we cancel the cancelers? A lot of them are probably pedophiles with huge CP folders.

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Ignore them. They're 0.0001% of the population and Twitter is the only platform they have any sway on. Cancelling doesn't even work. Everyone that gets "cancelled" comes back with more support.

Yeah, that sure is working out great for Stallman.

where the fuck have you been for the past 2 days that you haven't heard about stallman

Calm down he'll be fine.

You think having to step down from the FSF, which he considered to be his child and purpose in life, the thing he founded and spent most of his life taking care of, is being fine?
Not only that, he's being accused of being a pedophile and a rape apologist, all because answered an email dissecting the situation in a logical way (none of what he said was wrong, at all). It's fucked up to be lumped with literal rapists and child abusers, all because you're one of the few people left who appears to be capable of critical thought.
His life is ruined. It's disgraceful to see an insanely smart man, who could be insanely rich but instead created a great free system and fought for a good cause his entire life, go down in such a shameful way because some faggot SJWs decided that he was the perfect target to go all-out on.

where can I reach him to manifest my support ?

>accused of being a pedophile and a rape apologist
No, he's not even being mobbed with that shit. It's literally Twitter being a twit. Nobody is even addressing him directly, they're just talking about him. "About" as in "around." Half the things that are said are literally reactionary bullshit that mean nothing.

They have a very real effect. Stallman just literally lost his job and is probably homeless now. MIT probably isn't giving him money anymore. He'll have to find a real job and won't be able to push free software as much as he has been. People like him are probably very responsible for the attitudes towards free software and freedom in general in places like Latin America, where they still love him. Those are the same types of people that openly welcomed Snowden too. Stallman was actually doing something and cancel culture absolutely ruined it for no good reason.

For some reason I'm not posting an email of anyone's on Jow Forums even if it's public knowledge

>Half the things that are said are literally reactionary bullshit that mean nothing.
Yeah thats why hes currently unemployed.

Yeah ignoring problems sure works well.

>It's literally Twitter
And the Software Freedom Conservancy, and GNOME, and developers and journalists all over the world. It's not just a bunch of trannies on Twitter. Social media has a tremendous destructive power nowadays, for better or for worse.

Rms at gnu dot org
He responds to literally every emall

Attached: eeq6han_d.jpg (592x1836, 121K)

Thanks user

You are a pedo.

The worst of it is already over. These are small amount of outsiders, and RMS has maintained support from his followers. Every time shit like this happens the victim ends up the same as they went or even stronger. Ignore Twitter, support RMS.

Stallman has always been homeless but he just lived in his office. He'll still bum people's couches for the foreseeable future.

Attached: homeless man computing in trash can.jpg (675x900, 214K)

James Watson, who founded the double helix and DNA itself, had to step down from his life long organisation he built and served. Not only that he had all honours and awards stripped from him.

Why? Because he said his research and all the science shows there is a genetic difference in IQ between white people and black people. His career and history destroyed by the very own establishment he founded and built on his name.

It happens on both sides. What comes around goes around for SJWs.

>How do we cancel the cancelers?
mass doxxing always works. get their private information, spread it as far as you can and to the most craziest of anons, and they go into absolute panic mode.

The question needs to be asked though. We need to figure out how to handle this in the future so that these uneducated retards don't cancel more important, good people. Why couldn't we fight back on this? Did no one on stallman's side take it seriously enough until it was too late and he had been forced out of the FSF? Even if we took it seriously, what should we have done? Try to get media outlets to publish articles about our side? Write emotionally charged medium posts calling people to action? Would these work for us too? Can we fight Twitter without being on Twitter?

Pedo website.

James Watson is not a SJW though?
I don't get your point, except if your point is that if you say something controversial (no matter how logical or scientific it is), SJWs will make sure your life gets ruined.

>not just a bunch of trannies on Twitter
No, that's literally all it is. The entire phenomenon is strictly a result of Twitter. None of those blog sites that you're trying to pass off as journalism would mean anything without Twitter there to fan the flames they created.

>Can we fight Twitter without being on Twitter?
Yes. Not being on Twitter is fighting Twitter. Do not visit Twitter. Do not share anything from Twitter. Do not reply to Twitter screenshots. Always remind cancel culture retards how hated they are and how ineffective their petulance is.

when you have opinions on the outside of the Overton Window you must be prepared for a backlash.