MacOS is so shit, it's not even content with shitting the bed itself anymore...

>macOS is so shit, it's not even content with shitting the bed itself anymore, it needs to fuck up the entire network its on

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Post the full article OP.

shitty misconfigured Cisco crap
but pajeets blame it on client devices

Found your problem.

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b a s e d

fucking how

>fucking how

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Cisco business/enterprise class routers are known to do this.

t. iJeet

>beaten out by the pajeetposters



At my workplace we had a bunch of iBooks running Tiger shit the bed after installing new AirPorts. Networking is something Apple objectively sucks at. Just look at the cancer that is mDNS.

>>Ceased production 13 years ago

I worked in a public school. This was around 2012 though.

The client shouldn't be responding to ARP requests for the fucking default gateway, total shit on Apple QA.

The idiots who setup the network should have enabled dynamic ARP inspection on top of their DHCP snooping though as well, not 100% their fault but a significant portion of the blame in this case goes to them as well. I could see home users getting "kicked offline" due to the Apple garbage but not any network of this size.....must have outsourced the setup to pajeets.

So do I understand it right that apples where ARP spoofing the network?

> be admins
> be this dangerously incompetent
> know about the issue, still allow iTODDLERS to connect
> do nothing about swapping hardware out for something that isn't fucking cancer

>issue only started happening a week ago
>finally identify issue
>lets tear out thousands of dollars of infrastructure and waste weeks of labor instead of just investigating the issue and seeing if it can be fixed with a software patch first

found your problem


This article just explained an arp poison attack
Why is an apple device going to advertise its hw address is listening on the gate way ip address unless it is trying to poison arp tables

uh from what I understand the machads were basically controlling the network, meanwile wincucks and linuxtrannies couldn't access the internet unless the mac users were also using it

And now, mactoddlers have been banned from the network permanently.
Mactoddlers BTFO

Attached: 1541269952736.gif (2032x2032, 2.09M)

But it doesn't say macs are banned

Attached: shoot satania.gif (480x286, 1.71M)

>we've gotten to the point where brainlets built a machine that will request ARP root
>we've gone even further beyond madness where people design a network to acknowledge this
>any sysadmin, engineer or even regular user of the system *couldn't* have noticed this until a technical inquiry to why EVERYONE'S net didn't work due to the way this is all obfuscated
Savages and Women are a mistake and inherently not compatible civilized society.

Cisco is the problem, not Apple.

I fucking hate cisco so much, something as stupid as this is exactly the type of bug that would only affect their garbage

t. iJeet

>chad mac computer makes the network its bitch and takes a nap
lol how can winjeets and lincux even compete?

t. consumer retard



man imagine being this shit of a network admin

t. winjeet

man imagine shitting in the street

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mactoddlers btfo lool

why is there poo in the loo when they doo it in the hood

they think it be like it do, but it don't

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How is this not a failure on the CIO's part to have ARP poisoning mitigation in place?

Fucked up network, should have hired a proper network tech instead of a student. Not the fault of apple even though I hate it.


based and redpilled


t. retard

>Apple Mac
as opposed to a Cantaloupe Mac?


>any machine connected to the network can indefinitely disable the network with a single request
I'm not an engineer or nothing, but isn't this a bit of a vulnerability?

>shitty misconfigured Cisco crap
>but pajeets blame it on client devices

Found your problem.



really made me think

The problem here is Cisco's pajeet ass firmware. You think they'd test this shit or something. Why are devices on the network allowed to have any control at all like that?

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t. iPajeet