why didnt he just leak the bad stuff? what was the point of leaking the other 90% of shit that destroyed geopolitical ties?
Why didnt he just leak the bad stuff...
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>why isn't he playing for MY team? We're the good guys!
>noooo think of the undercover glowies
Get FUCKED retard. (((Greenwald))) shouldnt have even vetted anything. All of it shouldve been released.
>everyone on earth needs to know exactly when and where we plan to spend and deploy resources in syria and in ISIS
Obama, is that you?
quints of falsity
Singles of glowery
who decides what's "the bad stuff"?
I feel bad for him because normies didn't give a fuck about being spied on
glowniggers could put a gps transmitter in their assholes and they wouldn't give a fuck
As long as the gps allows them to get likes on their favorite social media platform they'd gladly shove it up their rectum theirselves
>the other 90% of shit that destroyed geopolitical ties?
What was destroyed?
Most of the american founding fathers
Mark 12:17
Social Contract Theory
the list goes on
literally contradict each other, dummy
>believing philosophical writings are formal languages and not meant to spur ideas and inspirations
>he still thinks philosophy is about coming to a singular truth
I bet you think Marx is "an okay philosopher" or something other than a manchild
Dont forget John 1:17, "the covenant comes through Moses, but truth and grace comes through Jesus Christ"
why didn't he just leak everything?
everyone who work for those alphabet agencies are traitors to the constitution anyway, the countries they were operating in would have made for the perfect punishment
>quoting rabbi yeshua son of Yahweh's jewish book
Go back to /x/. You people just cannot resist posting your larp everywhere can you?
If it destroyed political ties then someone must had thought it was bad.
The point was that he wanted to release the information specific to the unconstitutional spying on American citizens in order to get the public to put pressure on the government to end those illegal surveillance programs. Unfortunately he didn't realize that Amerimutts are basically no different from chinks in that they're too lazy, stupid, afraid, etc. to force their government to stop this authoritarian bullshit.
r*ghtoids continuing to deflect. wasn't it just two weeks ago when trump leaked that spy satellite photo? and how many informants has he outed??
No. Don't send these people anywhere. Full-on oblivion is the only sane answer to a time travel infection virus.
Normies just want full bellies, a roof over their heads, sex and a warm bed/warm shower.
Nebulous shit alphabet soup agencies do seems to be so far removed from the everyday needs of wagies as to be abstract nonsense.
There's a hidden road beyond good and evil.
I would love for every abrahamic mind virus to disappear from this earth.
The winner.
He's an undercover glownigger.
throw a camera om and they'll pay to do it.
There isnt exactly a leaking rulebook, he just leaks what he wants my guy
>trump leaked
The president can't leak information.
>what was the point of leaking the other 90% of shit that destroyed geopolitical ties?
Hey America get back within your borders and stop fucking up the middle East. Yes that includes arming Israel and Saudi arabia. Also stop trying to start a war with Iran. No one believes your lies. Snowden did the world a favour while Obama bombed civilians
t. yuropoor jealous that America has the military might to get in on that sweet oil
I'm Irish and I work in two of your all American companies in Dublin that avoid paying tax in your country and get paid very well for it ;)
Enjoy your tax suckling military industrial complex, killer cops and PTSD riddled veterans, expensive health care and lower life expectancy
>I am a little helpless baby who needs big strong Americans to support me and am completely at America's mercy and I enjoy it
kek, eurocucks
If by support you mean a few billion in taxes then yeah sure we'll take your money.
>implying this isn't a political move to keep calm this hysterical, unpredictable daughter of EU
Soon, you won't be able to defend from yourself with increasing tranny infection.
>killer cops
Most of those people had it coming.
>expensive health care and lower life expectancy
If you're a brainlet.
Enjoy your cirrhosis potatonigger.
Enjoy your type 2 diabetes bootlicker. Don't forget to leave a tip after you salute the flag
It's funny how you work for successful people and then complain when they have to make important decisions.
Literally everyone can be a philosopher and if you have proper arguments you can also pretty much everything declare as "bad" or as "good".
So again, who decides what's the bad stuff?
>thinks i'm fat
>thinks i tip
>thinks saluting the flag is an insult instead of a tribute to your family members who've served and died
Typical yuropoor who can't appreciate anything. Remember to let Mohammed have his cummies.
But it wasn't leaked, nor was it classified. That was just CNN headlines.
Seriously, go reread it from about 3 different sources and come back.
because dumping is part of the ethics of leaking. a leaker who doesn't dump is just a manipulator with an agenda outside of freedom of information. dumping shows you can be trusted on that level.
Good and evil is subject to who's judging. Once you become the judge, then you get to see what it's like to be blind to what people say is good and evil.
You're retarded if you think no information at all should be kept secret.
he was a faggot that got passed up for a promotion and pay raise and got mega pissed about it.
The best part is that the citizens other countries haven't asked how capable their own governments are of doing the same to them just because they haven't found out or been out right told yet or because they'd be erased by the governments that go beyond the spying on their own people part. :^)
Have you ever looked at history? There's not a population in the world that can beat the elite unless the elite beat themselves. What do you think the elites are? They are by definition better than the population. Don't give me that revolutionary war bullshit either.
I'm sure your faggot ass would still say that if china or russia was the dominant superpower.
trannys and feminists contradict each other.
America isn't the dominant superpower, it's a roided up gorilla being mind controlled by globalists.
Okay, Alex Jones.
You want to explain how an ostensible "democracy" that happens to be the strongest economic and military force in the world just happens to be killing itself for no reason then?
The (((imf))) and our economy. We have all of the big tech companies here, makes sense. Also, the (((media))) glories these retards by broadcasting them and their manifestos.
>quints of falsity
cia nigger lacks divine intellect. the numbers have only one interpretation, the numbers cannot be misconstrued. more digits = more metaphysical truth and power. glow somewhere else
I don't get how americucks can defend this
>b-but they da elites we cant do nuthin!!
Name one successful civilian uprising ever in the modern era.
i thought there were a lot of those in the arab world
>name one successful civilian uprising ever in the modern era
>names actual CIA ops
more foreign funded bullshit
proof from a non-russian source?
proof from a non-Western source?
go suck some more kgb dick, you fucking useful idiot
Because he was either an agent of another country that was recruited before or during
Or he’s ours and disinfo
He stinks tho and I don’t believe all of what he says
Nor do I disbelieve
Either way if he got people killed, he should expect hanging
Lemme guess Trump is a russian stooge but maidan gud
If he’s a jew then we know what the truth is
I forgot
Is he a jew?
no, he's a shabbos goy
Make it vibrate for 3s ever like or favourite you get.
Dead people can't decide anything
give him a break. dude had mononucleosis and fractured both legs in army training.
no one, as long as no one finds out, so shhhh.
>Because he was either an agent of another country that was recruited before or during
That's a big cope
quints of questionable veracity.
yeah he ruined his life for nothing, feelsbad