Why does Jow Forums hate Reddit?

Why does Jow Forums hate Reddit?

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I'm not a retard, so it's a useful tool.

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Because Jow Forums is still mad that Reddit is better than them at spreading memes. There's unironically no other reason.

But user, Jow Forums IS r*ddit.

It really isn't outside of a couple dickass subs like T_D and even that's quarantined at this point.


We literally know your username now

there's a few good forums if you have very specific needs.

Ive been on pol since its inception and I hate redditors. The redditors on pol are ridiculed newfag miga pedes and christcucks.

oh ok lol

>Ive been on pol since its inception
Then go back.

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says another redditor

Factually wrong

what is it?

seething reddit nigger

>posts always about shit on the front page or a simple google search
>actual information pretaining to actual productivity is "lol why would you want to do that?" or "dunno works for me even though doing completely different shit"
>upboat system almost as shit ans stackexchange
>can't call people out on their misinfo or retarded shit, only downvote which helps no one

whatev, now back to your containment board

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You clearly don't spend enough time on reddit, because that isn't the case if you take a minute to customize your shit and tweak some settings.

The irony. Go look at your post dumb fuck

I don't bother because of all the shit I've seen there is little to no value in investnig the time with it. Fuck even spiceworks is better for common weird issues faced

I'm sorry you're too dumb to figure it out.

I'm not creating an account on reddit, nor am I going to use reddit as a replacement to google or what not for weird errors I get day to day


Again, sorry you're too dumb to figure out a solid tool.

>he actually believes this
Commit neck rope

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>random political image that has no bearing on the discussion
Cope reddit faggot
Go back



You sound salty.

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I often end up there through Google and it's helped me a few times. Typical Reddit shit is 9gag tier cancer. 4chinz has its own cancer, Reddit just has a much larger userbase.

its social media for people too pathetic for facebook
just a bunch of people posting shit for upvotes and others commenting mindless trash pretending to care to get more upvotes
all the while being brainwashed to just follow the herd and adopt the opinions which get upvoted to the top by paid shills or artificially by reddit admins when paid to

>Misinformed fact checkers.
>Semi-literate grammar nazis.
>Karma whores.
>Obnoxious shitheads who seem to think that once something has been on reddit, it becomes reddit's exclusive property, and feel compelled to point it out all over the internet.

I don't hate reddit. I hate reddit refugees that hate reddit and tell off any poster that resembles reddit.

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Because its a leftist echo chamber, back you go into the denial.

I see redditors making change through positive action every day and not just crying like the little bitches they are