/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Don't dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>Which web browser performs best on GNU/Linux?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy


Attached: richard-stallman-young.png (480x332, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread:

cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/cd-including-firmware/10.1.0-live nonfree/amd64/iso-hybrid/

Why doesn't he groom himself anymore?

To save free software, you must purge your system of all GNOMEs, systemd, dbus, GTK, and anything complying with freedesktop standards.

So in other words, install Gentoo?

Mods seemed real nervous over that last thread

Fuck it, just going back to Linux Mint, tired of all this bullshit

link to last thread?

are you the guy who was installing gentoo from previous thread?

For anyone wondering this is how you mount a kdeconnect device automatically in the shell. Took a while to figure out since all guides online are outdated and the documentation is crap.

kdepid="$(pgrep -nf /usr/lib/kdeconnectd)"
phoneip="$(netstat -pnt 2>/dev/null | grep "${kdepid}/kdeconnectd" | awk -F'[ :]+' '{printf $6}')"
phoneport="$(netcat -zvn "${phoneip}" 1714-1764 2>&1 | awk '/succeeded/{port=$4}END{printf port}')"
sshfs kdeconnect@"${phoneip}":/ /run/user/"${UID}"/"${phoneid}" -p"${phoneport}" -s -F/dev/null -oIdentityFile=/home/"${USER}"/.config/kdeconnect/privateKey.pem -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss -ouid="${UID}" -ogid="${UID}" -oreconnect -oBatchMode=yes -oConnectionAttempts=2 -oConnectTimeout=5

Woops I'm rarted, that should be
netstat -pnt 2>/dev/null | awk -F'[ :]+' "/${kdepid}\/kdeconnectd/{printf \$6}"

Here's also how you'd automate getting the phoneid's
if kdeconnect-cli -l | grep -q reachable; then
declare -A devices=()
while read -r dev; do
phoneid="$(echo "${dev}" | cut -d' ' -f1)"
phonename="$(echo "${dev}" | cut -d' ' -f2-)"
[[ -z "${phoneid}" || -z "${phonename}" ]] && break

if [[ ! -d "${phonedir}" ]]; then
kdepid="$(pgrep -nf /usr/lib/kdeconnectd)"
phoneip="$(netstat -pnt 2>/dev/null | awk -F'[ :]+' "/${kdepid}\/kdeconnectd/{printf \$6}")"
phoneport="$(netcat -zvn "${phoneip}" 1714-1764 2>&1 | awk '/succeeded/{port=$4}END{printf port}')"
sshfs kdeconnect@"${phoneip}":/ /run/user/"${UID}"/"${phoneid}" -p"${phoneport}" -s -F/dev/null -oIdentityFile=/home/"${USER}"/.config/kdeconnect/privateKey.pem -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss -ouid="${UID}" -ogid="${UID}" -oreconnect -oBatchMode=yes -oConnectionAttempts=2 -oConnectTimeout=5
[[ -d "${phonedir}" ]] || break

done < 0)) && bkphone=true

am just don't want to deal with this anymore, have the problem 3-5 times per day

Haven't browsed Jow Forums much lately, is there a prediction market anywhere on when/how Stallman is going to meltdown after resigning from MIT?

Would guix run well on my x200?

He's not going to meltdown. MIT PR seems to be restraining him

How do I know if manjaro will work with my wifi adapter?

Attached: 70976434_729060160869564_7242859034942898176_n.jpg (600x851, 66K)

Yeah but wifi may not, WiFi doesn't work on my t430. I might need to replace my card or something.

Make sure you get a chip from this list. You can likely replace the internal card with a FOSS-friendly one

What printing software do anons use? Simple scan takes forever for me

Official RMS remembrance tripcodes:

Okay gayboy

>terminal installers
>manually partitioning and setting up lvm/luks/grub
>calamares installer
>check box for full disk/boot encryption
lads I think it's manjaro for me

A skim on RebeccaBlackTech yielded nothing. Are there other archives I'm not aware of?

what the heck do portage use flags even do?

they break compatibility

What’s the best way to prevent installed DEs from weirdly interacting with each other? Like certain programs or window styles will sort of cross environments and it’s really annoying

Anyone here ever (or currently) go terminal-only with Linux? As in, not even bothering with a DE or WM or anything - just text on a screen. Not really considering it, just curious about what it would be like.

If you mean using only the TTY, then yes, it is doable with programs like tmux




How do I find this fucking image pablo is talking about in the last post in this thread?

Not full time, but if I know that the tasks I want to do only involve CLI or TUI tools then I often don't bother to leave tty.


It should be in any of the mirrors.
I think this is it:

Using KDE+Manjaro+Falkon browser on my laptop. For some reason red boards like /h/ would not load on Jow Forums. I can access any other degenerate pornsite and the block on red boards is universal (no matter what the connection is).

What the hell

Attached: d9og3i5-0cba8cec-65d7-4f5f-83ce-c3471ca57f22.jpg (600x426, 41K)

Is it normal that there is literally no change log for updated packages on Pamac or Octopi? How the fuck am I supposed to know what has been changed and if I should update or not?
On Mint every update had a detailed change log and it was delicious.

Still waiting for Microsoft to make a new windows version and open source it.

If it's not broadcom it will work out of box. Intel adapters work with linux-firmware package which is installed by default in most distributions.

From my experience, you don't. You'll probably have to install the driver manually, especially if it's a Realtek. I have never seen a distro that worked out of the box with my dongle, (RTL8812AU). From my experience the drivers from the aircrack-ng repos are the best ones.

that would be saving open source software. free software puts politics first. not that i think it's not a noble goal - just kind of unrealistic.

you should've used mint from the start. use it for a while - learn bash, write some scripts, get used to apt and then try other stuff.

What is the right way to install Debian stable (non-free)? I heard some methods are not recommended.

Attached: 1561035992691.png (775x1024, 93K)

using installer?

any distros out there use the same installer as antergos did?

It's called cnchi and RobornOS does, i don't know any others off the top of my head.

already done

I recommend using the ones on this page

cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/cd-including-firmware/10.1.0-live nonfree/amd64/iso-hybrid/

You really have to dig on their website to find these, but they are ISOs with pretty much everything loaded on (stable release), and it feels pretty much like installing Ubuntu. I haven’t really had great like with the net installer, there’s some confusing, unintuitive options and it takes a long time even with good internet. So I would just pick the ISO with the DE you want and if you want to go Testing/stable you can edit the sources list

Various types of Kafkatraps, arguments based on broad non-falsifiable, non-analysable panchreston logical fallacies:

Model A: “Your refusal to acknowledge that you are guilty of {sin,racism,sexism, homophobia,oppression…} confirms that you are guilty of {sin,racism,sexism, homophobia,oppression…}.”

Model C: “Even if you do not feel yourself to be guilty of {sin,racism,sexism, homophobia,oppression…}, you are guilty because you have benefited from the {sinful,racist,sexist,homophobic,oppressive,…} behavior of others in the system.”

Model D: “The act of demanding a definition of {sin,racism,sexism,homophobia,oppression} that can be consequentially checked and falsified proves you are {sinful,racist,sexist, homophobic, oppressive}.”

Model M: “The act of arguing against the theory of anti-{sin,racism,sexism,homophobia,oppression} demonstrates that you are either {sinful,racist,sexist, homophobic, oppressive} or do not understand the theory of anti-{sin,racism,sexism,homophobia,oppression}, and your argument can therefore be dismissed as either corrupt or incompetent.”

Model T: Designated victims of {sin,racism,sexism,homophobia,oppression} who question any part of the theory of {sin,racism,sexism,homophobia,oppression} demonstrate by doing so that they are not authentic members of the victim class, so their experience can be discounted and their thoughts dismissed as internalized {sin,racism,sexism,homophobia,oppression}.

Model S: “Skepticism about any particular anecdotal account of {sin,racism,sexism,homophobia,oppression,…}, or any attempt to deny that the particular anecdote implies a systemic problem in which you are one of the guilty parties, is itself sufficient to establish your guilt.”

Model P: “Even if you do not feel yourself to be guilty of {sin,racism,sexism, homophobia,oppression…}, you are guilty because you have a privileged position in the {sinful,racist,sexist,homophobic,oppressive,…} system.”



I'm posting this here too, from I am playing for a while with creating a swap space that can be shared between Windows and Linux.
Suddenly I noticed that SSDs make a very complex setup moot.
On Linux, there are command that allow the TRIM operations to be performed manually, for files and partitions. So, to free the space used by the swap files on Windows the only thing that is needed is to mount the Windows partition, and perform a TRIM cleanup on the virtual memory files.
Then do the same for the swap partition on Linux, and "reformat" it with mkswap.
For the SSD it makes no difference which sectors were written or not; they are just made available, and the cells are only erased when a rewrite is performed on the available cells pool.

Install Debian stable normally,
edit /etc/apt/sources.list,
add non-free and contrib options
update via apt and then install the non-free packages you want.

Don't use swap space,
It's stupid slow, a security risk and if the box is right next to you and you are swapping, simply install more ram as clearly your use case requires it.
Swap space is a server operating system thing and is still around in common desktop usage only because windows is fucktarded and the extra unused partition is slightly healthier for remap space on ssds and sshds.

Yes, it is slow. But I am of course using encryption, and this is for my laptop with 4 GB of RAM and a 120 GB SSD.
For my desktop, space on spinning rust is cheap, and I don't need to squeeze swap space.
Besides, swap will only be used if needed. On Windows, it is inconvenient to completely disable it.

I forgot to mention, issuing TRIM commands on the mounted Windows volume, after erasing its swap files, will allow me to use VeraCrypt on the Windows partition.

I'm sorry I didn't see you activly still booted windows,
really thats what you should stop doing to be honest.
Horrid operating system, way too much bloat and I'm a systemd guy.

Sometimes I freelance with Windows maintenance, so I need to keep the Woe in a corner.
The good part is that all will be handled from Linux, and Windows will be kept alone.

I know this is a kinda stupid request but does somebody have the wallpaper of debian with Satania?

I just use qemu, it's way better that I can crash and boot my guy's windows volume,
the only tricky part about migrating windows from metal to virt is getting the ntfs regions exact,
and that's eazy if you use qemu.

My old Intel B970 doesn't support VT-x, and even if it did, my memory is constrained and I don't trust virtual isolation--who really does?
In the future, I may but a larger SSD, expand the RAM to 8 GB and get an iCore CPU with VT-x; but this setup just works, right now.
Linux is wonderful, by the way. It would be impossible to make this sorcery on Windows; all problems arose from the latter not playing nice.

Swhy I said qemu,
tcg is easily the most powerful software accelerator I have come across.
KVM and VMware are nice, but if you're dual booting windows/linux on a laptop,
I didn't expect you to have virt hardware.
VirtualBox = it's don't

>be on Gentoo, using KDE
>have NVIDIA GTX 1070, but using nouveau
>making any change to my monitor setup (e.g. switching or unplugging inputs, or changing monitor layout/orientation) causes the entire DE to fucking crash with no capability of bringing up a shell, forcing me to hard restart

How do I fix this? It's particularly annoying because my dual monitor setup is vertical, not horizontal, so I naturally want them set up vertical, yet in KDE it's horizontal by default and trying to change it always just crashes everything. This also means I can never turn my monitor off on the system, not even have it go to sleep (I had to disable it), because turning it off causes a change to trigger again, which again crashes everything.

Should I just use the nvidia drivers instead of nouveau, or is there a "free" way to fix this?

Well, I will give qemu a try. As you said, VirtualBox is not an option (I tried it, by the way).

Install Ubuntu

Thanks guys.

Attached: 1561329976861.png (689x473, 97K)

It's not a point and click adventure, it's a real proffesional piece of software so make sure if you're having trouble to check man qemu or however your manpages are set out.
I just love how I can have a shitty one liner "qemu.sh" that reads a single command with 5 options,
the only "downside" is you have to manage your own virtual machine scripts,
the upside is you aren't therefore bound by "generating" a virtual machine and if you know the options just feed it to the qemu command.

>It's not a point and click adventure
This is an advantage. I'm looking for this level of interaction, to squeeze the most from my hardware.

Any lite e-book manager? Calibre has like 50 dependencies. And I don't need an actual e-reader, I already got one, I just need to order my books, that's all.

Fedora vs Ubuntu?

Attached: 13090631511.jpg (700x573, 40K)

Gentu is best *buntu

>try ssh
>immediately clears current console
>no error or message at all
haha, i LOVE bash :)

Bash is a shell.

A point and click adventure that should just be a command option does not an advantage make,

>Got windows10
>it just works and all my work and stuff I'm learning (at post-ba courses) works too
>But I really want to get into linux
>There's no real reason
>Even if I'd learn linux, I'd never have a chance to utilize at work as I don't work in IT (I work indirectly as I work on computers, tho, but people in my field use apple at best)

Help me to find reasons to use linux.

Suddenly this image crossed my mind.

Attached: Text adventure.gif (120x160, 826)

What's openSWOOCE like with auto-mounting USB flash drives and hard drives? Currently using Debian for uni, but my professor recommends openSOUP.

Attached: 1567738511536.png (500x500, 289K)

Werks on my machines

If something “just working” is a concern, then this absolutely applies to Ubuntu. In fact it feels even more stable than windows in my opinion due to not constantly being chugged down by antivirus stuff. Windows updates often have weird effects whereas in Linux this hardly ever seems to happen. Ubuntu is considered the casual mass market distro, but it just works.

I really like fedora and the COPR repo's for stuff, dnf is pretty great too. Using 30 w/ gnome on my t420, it's been rock solid thus far.

Will I be able to migrate adobe stuff, blender, autodesk 3D stuff, adobe, dropbox, office, hp scanner and printer and huion tablet drivers (very important) to ubuntu or lubunt/xubuntu?
Krita and libreoffice will work without problems I guess?

reminder that linus sent a duress signal, disappeared for a month

Defend Stallman from the botnet at all costs.
Get in the thread:

Attached: 1477439567768.jpg (344x400, 40K)


>Jow Forums jannies are unironically deleting RMS themed threads
I just wanted to have fun on the internet, why do you have to ruin everything.

How do I make people ask me what distro I use? I don't wanna be obnoxious about it. When I show people my setup I always have to explain that it's GNU/Linux but they never ask what distro. Some think ubuntu is the only one out there and other just don't care.

Why do you care so much to tell them? It's not as if your distro matters *that* much in the grand scheme of things, certainly not to the point that it makes someone more interested in GNU/Linux.

Embrace the Arch (by the)way.

"I use Linux by the way."


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What is the log in screen called so I can google a way to disable it debian? I'm running a rtorrent+rutorrent guide I found online but every once in a while the website doesnt work and when I check why, the laptop needs me to enter my password. I disabled sleeping in the UI settings on debian on whatever the default desktop environment is on debian.

>Install Debian stable normally
You mean like, with the network install? Or a full iso install?

>dual booting Windows and Linux
>whenever I shut down from Windows and cold boot to Arch my shared NTFS drive is mounted as read-only
>when I restart from Windows and load Arch it's read and write
How do I fix this minor issue?

Stallman did nothing wrong.

I want to unironically install Gentoo on my (now) Arch machine. Because I would like to see how it runs on my machine first, I was thinking about dual booting it.

I have one 1TB disk that has a root partition, an EFI partition and a swap partition. How do I partition my disk so that I can install Gentoo along side Arch? Can Gentoo use the same swap partition as Arch does? Can I easily remove the Arch partition and use the free disk space for Gentoo when I do decide to make the switch?

Attached: 1554223579331.jpg (645x650, 121K)

Display manager.

is /etc/hosts forcefully respected?
can a process connect to a given host despite its contents?
and by the way, what about dns servers set in resolv.conf and those set on a router?

"The installer is quite self explanatory,"

Where the fuck is it then? What is this shit

gnome removed tray icons, how can I quickly see which apps are still 'active' like discord/steam?

You need a panel that has a systray. Something like LXpanel or XFCE-panel should do the trick.
But to be honest, I think you shoud just switch to a different DE altogether.

Tried running this:
docker run --rm -it \
> --name wireguard \
> -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules \
> -v /usr/src:/usr/src:ro \
> r.j3ss.co/wireguard:install

This is what I get:
Building the wireguard kernel module...
arch/x86/Makefile:140: CONFIG_X86_X32 enabled but no binutils support
sh: can't open '/usr/src/linux-headers-4.9.0-8-common/scripts/gcc-goto.sh': No such file or directory
make[3]: gcc-6: Command not found
/usr/src/linux-headers-4.9.0-8-common/Makefile:830: scripts/Makefile.ubsan: No such file or directory
make[3]: *** No rule to make target 'scripts/Makefile.ubsan'. Stop.
make[2]: *** [Makefile:152: sub-make] Error 2
make[1]: *** [Makefile:8: all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:38: module] Error 2

I looked up the file and it's actually in that path. All I found online is something regarding spaces with the use of makefile but the path has no spaces, only dashes, or maybe I'm retarded. Ideas?

it might be just my retarded brain seeing a pattern where there's none but i'm convinced that from ~7-10 photos i've seen over the years alongside news articles/posts/etc. of people using linux for work, programming/data recovery/graphics design and others and each time it looked something like pic related, i can't recall ever a picture seeing somebody using any other/customized distro or de
every time i've seen a photo of somebody using linux in a professional, non server related, setting they have been using stock ubuntu unity without even changing the wallpaper
any idea why that might be?

Attached: main-qimg-941c7c2232bf5465c5948a36f7a9c210.png (485x324, 208K)

Attached: .jpg (1280x720, 141K)

If I install Mint and run a sudo apt update and sudo apt dist-upgrade, will that update the kernel to the newest version or keep it at the release kernel?

Attached: .jpg (1379x920, 336K)