Fucking traitor

Fucking traitor

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based traitor to glowies.

Fucking hero

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Based savior

Inside job.

Snowden was the best.

he's still on CIA payroll.
funny that..

Is he getting deported?

> leaking disinformation powerpoint slides is treason

lol ok

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stop it, you're hurting my eyes

He's a goddamn patriot you fucking bootlicker. He's literally the Turing of massive surveillance. The 130th Congress, on the year of our lord 2045, will issue an apology for persecuting this patriot.

He is defending the constitution while all the CIA niggers try to remove you'r god given rights.

I mean, if it wasn't for him you really think the paranoid anons on Jow Forums wouldn't have assumed that big bro was watching everything we did? He kinda threw his life away for no reason

>muh morals

He signed a contract saying he wouldn't tell.

go away glownigger

Attached: 1557075933374.webm (1080x1080, 2.13M)

He is one of the very few people I would call a proper Hero. I hope someday he will be recognized by all as such.

Is there a single picture of him without one nose pad on his glasses missing?

quality webm comrade, but please use a different watermark for future operations.

US is now more communist than Russia. And that video is 100% true, glownigger

He was literally caught lying on numerous occasions. At best, he is an embellisher. He's not a freedom fighter. That tranny manning is braver than this cuck.

>He was literally caught lying on numerous occasions.
Like when?


Furshit brony human waste imo.
Traitors to state get the death penalty.

Dude literally threw his life away to show you that the government was infringing on your basic human rights. You're either an idiot or a boot licker if you don't see that.

No he literally committed espionage and put hundreds of peoples lives at risk and wasted billions of taxpayer dollars.

Citation needed.

Maybe the government shouldn't spend billions of dollars doing illegal shit.

This guy seems to know what the hell he is talking about unlike Assange.

Gathering intelligence isn't illegal. We pay taxes and the Government is expected to maintain intelligence superiority to protect our sovereignty.

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How did you get your tripcode to say words?

Fucking boomers

Lol. Globalist cuck.

Snowden is a retard

That you, CIA, your opinion is very important.

Not on its own population for the purpose of curbing dissent towards government policy, you fucking asshole.

There’s a huge difference between keeping a population safe, and trying to dominate them.

The current economic structure of the US is geared towards extracting wealth from the majority of the population and redistributing it upwards. The NSA just wants to stop people from getting angry about it.


He was a traitor. He gave secrets of the american government to their enemies- The american people.

He didn't do enough.


the absolute state of ameriburgerclaps

Not of the government - of the agencies. It's a three way war between government, agencies and the people.


>That tranny manning is braver than this cuck.
Manning isn't brave, just wanted Assange's dick.